Yesterday, one of the research fellows at the psychology department in HUC said that I shouldn't think of what I want to specialise in at a young age. Get into the programme, then decide what I really want to specialise in. Who knows? Instead of doing child psychology, I might do forensic psychology(like what those guys at CSI do). Miera said that if I intend to do forensic psychology, I must help cover up the evidence she left behind. That is, if she intends to kill Jeevan. Hehe...Jeevan, if you're reading this, don't come here and slap me. She came up with the idea, not me!
NTV7 had an interview with a guy from the Malaysian Psychologists Association today. Was rather informational(slightly really). They had a talk on marriage couselling/reltionship therapy. Trust me, I have no intention of couselling married people. This is what I'll say now. Maybe, say in another 10 years, I'd be a marriage counsellor. You'd never know. Like they say: The unexpected always happen.
Anyway I have to run, catch up with you guys some other time. *Bluesy* out!
Met the lecturer today...and boy how guilty I feel at the moment...*cries loudly* SOMEONE JUST SHOOT ME!!! So now let me tell you what he said. He said it's either I do my whole Psychology degree in HUC itself. But I can't do the twinning programme since he said it's not recognised by JPA. Then I met with the other people working in the psychology department. So I will be starting classes there in till then I will try and learn the art of waking up early and playing Kingdom Hearts. Now I'm out of Monstro, then went to Halloween Town, now I'm in Neverland. Tomorrow I shall resume playing. In Halloween Town, you have to kill a certain ghost named Oogie Boogie, twice! I kept on dying while killing the first one. Then, I found out that in order to get to him to kill him, I had to step on a button-like thing and the floor will be caged and raised slightly to hit him so that he can die. I'm bored to the max. Learning new things...
I realised that my brother likes eggs and I don't. I like sardines and he doesn't. My mum is so frustrated with the fact that I'm fussy when it comes to breakfats and other things. Like keeping stock of my personal needs. She thinks I'm wasting money when I do that! I really have to stock up on my Nivea face care range that I usually use. There's nowhere near my area that sells Nivea products! The nearest would be the pharmacy near the market, but they only sell certain products! So the nearest one would Guardian Pharmacy which is in Bandar Baru Sentul. That's like a 20 minute drive from my house! And it's not like we go there that often. So that's why I stock up things. And she says I'm wasting money...sheesh! Bought a hairband and elastic bands as well.
Anyway...have to go now...see you all soon. Good night. *Bluesy* out!
Kingdom Hearts... some of you might already know, my computer was acting up again! Thank God it's working like normal now! FINALLY...
Was absolutely bored today after cleaning up my study rack downstairs. All that's left to be done now is my study room table. Soon...I say. After doing the so-called spring cleaning, played Kingdom Hearts. Before this, I stopped playing it for a long time because I couldn't get pass the Coliseum Gates. But today, I decided *Anything is possible...don't say you'll drown into the river before you cross the bridge above the river*. And it paid off...I actually made it. I got through the Coliseum Gates and now I'm in Monstro's mouth (in case you're blinking and asking what Monstro is...Monstro was the whale that swallowed Gepetto and his boat while he was searching for Pinocchio. In case you don't know your Disney history well, then sorry I can't help you there!). Navee called me today...I felt really bad for not calling her yesterday. I knew she was free yesterday since her school sports was on Saturday and she said Monday was a holiday for them. I was going to call her, but somehow she read my mind and she called me but I wasn't at home...when I got back, I got so tired I completely forgot about calling her...and I woke up at 7 p.m. so I had no chance whatsoever to call her(considering the problem she has with her sister). And Amal was my wake up call. She's going to Johor...she finally said she's accepting the UiTM offer. So she said she wants to meet up before she leaves for Johor on Sunday. Supposed to meet up on Saturday...she has confirm with me soon. Ahh...
Anyway nothing much to blog about. Oh yeah, my neighbour gave me a box of chocolates from her trip to UK after visiting her daughter there about a month ago. And up to this date, there's still one left. Haha...My chocolates stock is slowly depleting at the moment. So is there anyone willing to buy me a box of chocolates? Muahaha...
Good night everyone...Auf wiedersehen and farewell! *Bluesy* out!
Firstly I'd like to say thank you to Miera and Jaski for helping out through the day.
My cousin and his wife might be dropping in either tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'm supposed to meet that lecturer on Wednesday...then supposed to meet someone from UKM who is an acquaintance of another cousin of mine(I have a rather large extended you can imagine I might be a grand-aunt by the time I hit 26...grand aunt sounds freakingly old!). So that's that...till then I will wait and see and have faith in Allah S.W.T.!
Good night...and au revoir! *Bluesy* out!
It's like almost everyday I say Jen's favourite word...*Aduh*. Don't really know why I like saying that, but it's becoming rather diabolical of me to say that. So I think I better stop saying that for now. Put up my first poem in the new blog...
I really love that new skin...I have this strong urge to change this site's layout all of a sudden...since everyone I know is changing their blog layouts...that includes my brother. *Sighs* the song 'Everybody's Changing' by Keane said: *Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same...*
I'm really at the crossroads now. Now HELP University College says their twinning programmes are not recognised by JPA or LAN! So I really don't know where I'm going now...oh well, wait till tomorrow, since I have to meet the senior lecturer who is a good friend of my dad(my dad seems to have some friends everywhere, doesn't he?). After tomorrow...then I'll decide where I'm going. My dad said if I can't do Psychology, he said I have to take up Accountancy! That's one thing I'd rather not do. Just like me not liking to do medicine, engineering, biotechnology, and pharmacy, and the likes. No offense to my friends who are taking up that courses. Yes, you should know by now, that I tend to be very blunt, not that sharp. Forgive me for my lack of sensitivity. =P...
Till then I am left to contemplate my own fate. So adios and auf wiedersehen for now! *Bluesy* out!
The plan of going to Sheraton Imperial KL was disrupted when we met my cousin at the restaurant where we had our dinner. And we went on and on talking bout almost everything. And then by the time we finished it was 11.15 p.m. and we had no chance of going to the lounge. And my dad said to me that we'll go there next week. I'm not hurt...I'm just glad I didn't go since I have my driving lesson tomorrow and I needed some sleep. My brother made a few remarks that were a little irritating, but hey! I'm getting used to it, so no big deal. But when my dad commented about the waiter in the restaurant looking like a cartoon, and my brother said *Why not laugh at Rowena instead?*, my dad said to him that why would he want to laugh at his own daughter and why would he belittle his own daughter and son in the first place? And at the end of it all he told my brother that when people are around, try not to say negative things (about me I think). No worries I can handle criticism now, not everything but slowly but surely I'll get there. Oh well, at least my dad understood how I felt at that I'm blessed. After that rather saddening comment my mum made about me...I feel a wee bit relieved.
Well, I have to go now. Time for bed. Good night and enjoy what Sunday will offer you!
Adios and au revoir...*Bluesy* out!
Lost and lonely...
Hey there guys...been busy planning what to do for dad said I have to go for another drving lesson with that uncle *groans* tomorrow. My dad stated that I should start cleaning up my study rack. Haven't I done that before...*sighs*?
Was having a conversation with my mum when they showed Maksim's *Kolibre* video on TV. So I just casually asked her why wasn't I sent for piano classes and jokingly I said that I might have been an accomplished pianist when she said they were supposed to send me for piano classes. And she shoots me down by saying *You will never accomplish anything*.
It's just felt like a kick in the teeth. For your own flesh and blood to say that, it's rather saddening to hear really. *Sighs*...maybe my parents realised I'm extremely stupid to accomplish something in life and they just don't dare to pin high hopes on me. Oh well, I'm getting used to all kinds of brickbats lately...just taking it all in my stride.
Anyway I have to go now. Going out for dinner and later, my dad said that he wants all of us to go to Pavillions Lounge in Sheraton Imperial KL for some performances by some artistes from Europe. Huh? I don't know what ignited my dad's brains for him to come up with that rather unusual idea. Don't ask me...but frankly speaking, I'm not going there with a happy mood. No joke! Catch you guys another time! *Bluesy* out!
Hypocrisy runs high...
Hello you guys already know, the new site name is *...Julian Speaks...* and the site add is (once again)
I just realised life, you will meet all kinds of people, it's just a matter of time and circumstances you'll meet them. Oh well, can't keep on dwelling on the past. I just hope that the people who have hurt me badly in life will get on with their lives and all I can say to them is: *All the best...and merci beaucoup for teaching me a thing or two on friendship and betrayal*. All I can say is...*I live here so I have to deal with whatever that happens here!* That's my new approach in life...
Had been clearing up the cupboard and spotted one of my essays I wrote during English lessons with Pn. Anna. Laughed my head off reading the rubbish that used to garner me an A for English. The sentences were jumbled up, the grammar was awful, and the whole storyline was nonsense! And I somehow get an A! Even my brother has been lamenting on how bad my English is. No joke. Sometimes, whenever I write an essay and get an A for it, some of my friends say they want to read the essay I wrote simply because they think I speak good English and write well. And when I say no, they say I'm being *kedekut ilmu*. So reluctantly, I give the essay to them. And they say, the essay was very good, it had a nice storyline, it deserved an A. I can't believe my friends liked the cheesy stories I wrote then! Just feel so disgusted with the amount of essays I wrote that got an A. I wonder how Pn. Anna can actually read that rubbish and end up giving me an A? Life is very twisted...
Anyway, have to run mood isn't too good at the moment. See you folks sometime soon alright? Cheers and much love, Julian/Rowena/Sherina/Kez! *Bluesy* out!
New blog!
Hey there...I have a new blog...the new site add is
The new site is named *...Julian Speaks...*
This site is actually for my poems and other creative works.
*Bluesy* out!
I haven't been blogging fully on what has been really happening here for the past 2 here goes. In chronological order.
Monday, 20th June 2005:
Mum had an appointment in HUKM for her eyes. Sitting in the canteen and the opthamology clinic was rather tiring and saddening respectively. It's tiring to sit somewhere and do nothing but eat. You don't expect me to eat, do you? It was saddening to sit in the clinic since you see so many people who were terribly ill. I saw one in particular, a boy not less than 3 years old. His eyes were bulging out and his head was slightly enlarged. It was sad to see children especially that young suffering like that. It makes me feel lucky to be born without defects(I don't mean I'm perfect in any way, what I'm saying is that I'm happy that I was born with with the right amount of limbs and bones in my body). I'm thankful to Allah S.W.T for it. Then at 10.30 p.m. my cousin and her 2 kids came over to talk about my aunt's upcoming eye operation on Thursday.
Tuesday, 21st June 2005:
Was supposed to go send in the rejection of offer letter that day, but since we had a visitor coming later on, so it was postponed to Wednesday. And at night again my cousin and her 2 kids came over to talk to us on what to say to my aunt when we go over to her house later on. Went to my aun't house at about 10 p.m.. And that old woman is such a pain. Everything we say, she argues. And she claims she'd rather stay in the hospital for a year rather than for a day. She even asked rather retarded questions. Let me tell you what she asked:
*I want to ask you a question. If, that's an IF in capital, Padhmini brings me food, what do I do?*
*I want to ask another question. If my sister wants to bring food for me, what do I do?*
*After the operation, can I bathe?*
*Should I brings socks and sweater?*
My dad was trying to explain something to my uncle who has hearing problems, and she is saying that she knows what to do and that my dad shouldn't tell her. Such a pain, that old woman. And when we left the house, I noticed that my uncle gave his grand-daughter (my niece) some money. As usual. I'm not jealous. I live here so I have to deal with things that happen here. I'm used to it.
Wednesday, 22nd June 2005:
Went to MCIIUM today. Before that, we went to photocopy some documents and I met my old ustaz. Ustaz Yahya. He asked me what I was doing. And my dad told him that I got an offer from MCIIUM. And he asked my dad whether it was opened to all races. See what I have to deal with? Gave the forms back and then went to UH to collect dad's medicines. Since I was feeling hungry, I went to the shop nearby and bought three packets of Milo and The Star newspaper(not to be eaten, by the way). And the lady at the counter call me -kakak-. Just because I was wearing a baju kurung, doesn't mean I look old! She looks older and a lot bigger than me, and the irony is that she called me -kakak-! So weird. Either she's blind or she was just plain stupid. Then met Auntie Amtul. And she asked me what I was doing currently. And my parents lamented that I should have taken that course I was offered. And he stated that the Bank Negara governor is an Economics graduate! Frankly speaking I'm tired of all this rubbish. I don't fancy the idea of working in a bank. And my dad hails accountants. It's like other jobs are nothing compared to accountants. Sheesh...and just now my other cousin(the sister of the cousin who came to my house for the past 2 days). And my dad again made the same comments about what I wanted to do. And then he says, *I think Rowena is on the the right track when she chose to do Psychology, because everyone in our family needs it!* when he spoke to my other cousin who is a lecturer in Sunway University College. And when he meant 'our family', it meant the extended relations were included. Oh well, nice to know my first patient would be someone from my family. Hardy-har-har. Still can't imagine me studying in 2 months time. After almost 6 months of bumming out at home. And my cousin who came earlier said that I have lost a lot of weight. Huh? I look so fat already and these people said I look thin? Weird...
Oh well, till tomorrow then, I suppose? Au revoir for now! *Bluesy* out!
Lunacy in the highest order...
The whole day started very morning's F1 race in Indianapolis was described as *lunacy in the highest order*. 14 drivers were disqualified at the start of the race. Only 6 drivers took part in that rather bizarre race...if you guessed the 3 teams that use Brigdestone tyres, then you score 100 points. Ferrari, Jordan, and Minardi. Karthikeyan scored his first and elusive points, by taking 4th place right behind his team-mate Tiago Monteiro...he became the first Portuguese to be on the podium and score points, and the first Jordan driver on the podium after Giancarlo Fisichella took the podium in the Brazilian GP 2 years ago where he finished first. It was indeed a black day in F1 history. It will go down the books of F1...Flavio Briatore expressed that the drivers that used the Michelin tyres had wanted to race but will not take the points. They felt bad for the fans who were there in the circuit. Sadly, FIA turned that suggestion down...Even Paul Stoddart from Minardi said that they hadn't want to join in the race but since Jordan said that they should go because they didn't want the fans to be disappointed, they decided to join. He also stated that this wasn't a race, this is a farce. I have to agree. Every sport in the world seems to be corrupted with money, power and politics. It will leave a bad taste in the mouth for quite a long time, so says David Coulthard. I agree...Ralf Schumacher crashed out during free practice due to a left tyre failure. and Michelin deemed the tyres were not safe. But ironically, his team-mate Jarno Trulli took pole position in the wee hours of Sunday morning...and seemed alright...had it been the tyre problems that led to the disqualification of 14 other drivers, they shouldn't have had the qualifying session in the first place! Politics and money talk, they say!
All's race is described as *lunacy of the higest ranking*...frankly speaking. My heart goes out to all the 14 drivers that were disqualified. Oh well, at least Indians all over the world have got something to shout about: Karthikeyan has done something that Alex Yoong has never done before: score points.
*Bluesy* out!
My fate has finally been sealed. I'm going to HELP University College to study. After much discussion with my cousin who is a senior lecturer there, we have finally come to a rather sensible decision. My mum finally gave in. You see, if I did go to UIAM and supposed they say I can change my will take either 1-3 months or even a semester! If I do get transferred to my preferred course after one semester, I have to sit for another one semester to complete the whole matrics system. And upon completing the matrics, they will not give me what I want to do...they will give me a course depending on my grades. So in short, I won't be able to do what I want in the end! Instead of doing psychology, I'd end up doing political science! So the decision is final people, I'm going to HELP and study psychology there.
Drove around town today. I've come to a conclusion: I can only drive on straight roads. Hardy-har-har. Raviena is incredibly sweet. She gave my dad a Father's Day gift. What did I give him? Nothing...been busy with my driving lessons so much so I forgot to get him a present. Maybe later I suppose. She has this amazing way of entertaining guests at home. So loquacious and friendly. I suppose it runs in the De Silva blood. She reminds me of me when I was her age...only less creative sparks in my brains I think. Watched Potret least it's not like the scream-fest we had to horrendously suffer while watching Mistik. Then watched a bit of The Grudge. Maybe for about 10 minutes.
Then went to Nadia's house. Since she was going to Pahang this coming Friday. Study-lah what else? All the best girl! And keep in touch ok?
My dad is weird. He said that when I go to HELP I must wear tudung and I don't need a mobile phone. Well, he did say I could get the prepaid so that they can keep track of my calls and the likes. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tudung or what, but whenever I wear it, my confidence and self-esteem sink to the bottom of the ocean completely. It always happened in school. I was very noisy in class since my friends were there. But in public places, I have no confidence at all. Even during my debating days, I remember Pn. Azizah asked me to wear my tudung and debate. And fortunately, Priya who was also a debater with me then, said that I completely stutter when I talk with my tudung on and I felt more comfortable whenever I speak without the tudung on. A lot of people understand what I had to go through in school. My parents don't know. *Sighs*...have to explain it to him. And the worst thing is I bought clothes thinking I can't mix and match my new clothes with my other old ones. Wasted RM 200 only. Now I have to go buy some long sleeve T-shirts. Short sleeves *haram* oii...
Anyway toodles for now...*Bluesy* out!
*Joyeux Julian*
Essien 2
*Sighs* is full of unexpected twists. Yesterday I had a small talk with my dad. And he said I should do Business Administration, Accountancy or Law. In my head at the moment, there's room for only three courses: Psychology, Law, and Mass Communication. In fact, preferably, I'd like to do all three at one go. But then my dad will say that I'm trying to be a jack of all trades, but master of none. And when I told my mum I wanted to do Law, she scolded me and said that why didn't I apply Law instead? I did, for two Law courses offered in UiTM. But they turned me down. I can't do anything, can I? I was trying to sleep and all I said was *I don't know what to do. God only knows...wait, even God doesn't know what I want to do!*. And she starts her *You want to go to HELP, you got the offer from UIAM, just take it! We're not rich, you know!* lectures. I couldn't sleep after that. Too dejected to talk to anyone or even sleep! Checked the mail. Spoke to Sree. How I miss her so...I told her that if I took up Law, I'd like her to be my partner-in-crime. Considering the fact she intends to do Law. Like her dad. Then I saw Kavenesh playing football from my balcony. So you guessed it. I went to play. After all, I might not be able to do all these crazy stunts anymore if I go to UIAM. Good news, I scored three goals! Bad news: I skinned my left knee. Don't worry, I can still walk. But there's a terrible scar there. My dad noticed it and he looked utterly horrified when he found out my knee was bleeding. He is the only person I know who gets totally jumpy when I hurt myself. Truth is, ever since I grazed both my knees in kindegarten when I was 5 (due to a tussle between two girls over me...didn't realise I was that hot when I was young! *winks*), to the time I sprained my ankle when I was 9 in an attempt to be a female real-life version of Superman by jumping off the edge of the double-decker bed in my cousin's house after successfully climbing it (I like doing stupid things in with it!), and now I grazed my left knee (again), I have never cried for every bruise that I've had in my life. Miera and my brother say that I'm very proud of my scars. I admit. They are right. Jay said something which no one else has ever said to me before: *You seem to enjoy physical pain inflicted upon yourself, but you can't handle emotional pain inflicted upon yourself at the same time*...he's absolutely right! I'm enjoying the new scar so much that I'm actually laughing at it! But when I thought about what my mother said when she scolded me earlier, I just broke down. In the bath tub. What a convenient place. Hardy-har-har. Honestly, this has been the worst week of my life. I've never felt so depressed, dejected, and any other word that you can find in the dictionary that means the same thing. So bummed out...once again. I think I'd rather be a housewife or ask my parents to marry me off. I want to study what I want, my mum gets pissed. I'm supposed to follow what she says. It's as though I'm studying for her, not for myself. Be patient, Ann.
Was watching Dark Water earlier on with my brother. Damn freaky that movie. There was this scene where the lady carried her *child* to the elevator. Then she presses the button to go up to the 7th floor in order to get away from the ghost. But then the elevator door won't close and then her house door opens mysteriously. And then out comes her real daughter. And she gets confused and then she realises that the *child* she carried out from her apartment wasn't her daughter. She turns around slowly and sees a ghost behind her. Do you know how the ghost looked like? Like a rotting corpse(of course, she's dead anyway!). Her face was black. And she didn't just choke the lady immediately, she took her time. My brother and I just screamed our heads off! Me...understandable, my brother? Weird. And at that time, we had a guest in the living room (where most of the TV-watching sessions take place) and he thought we were screaming because a rat came into the house. My parents were like *Why you two watching horror films now? Scared means don't see!*...both of us were embarassed! My brother had a newspaper to cover himself, since he embarassed himself in front of the guest. I just shouted for a while, turned away, and started laughing. And he asked me why was I laughing. I can't help it. I always do that. I have a tendency to laugh at things that are not exactly funny. This comes under the list of stupid things I do in life. Hardy-har-har. Trust me...I'm the craziest person you'll ever meet in your life.
Well then I think I better leave right Like I've heard this line before...oh yeah! Will *the ever so gay* Young...*runs away from Lilee's menacing stare*...sorry, Lilee! Just wanted you to know that George Michael rocks my socks more than Will Young rocks your socks! revoir, auf wiedersehen and adios everyone!
*Joyeux Julian*
Miera's testimonials
Part 1
My favourite name-changer! Sherina then, now Kez ada, Ann ada, Julian ada, Jamie ada. Mcm2 ada.
Let me say few things bout her then.
Believes in making the world a better place by sleeping more.
Thinks people shouldn't eat eggs, but claims it's okay to eat chicken.
Thinks smokers should be marooned on an island.
Thinks she doesn't have enuff earrings.
Thinks it's fun to spy on people from the balcony.
Thinks she's right always.
She's very different, odd she always says.
She's rather different, has her own ideas in life.
We hardly agree on anything now, except for Chelsea n JPM and other related/non-related matters.
Still my dear, Sherina @ Shi-na, love you for being u. Stay urself k? Don't ever change!!! Bye!
Part 2
When I said that we hardly agree on anything now, it doesn't mean that we hardly talk cos it may seem like that we always argue and end up not talking. But truth be told, it's nothing like that. We may disagree but that keeps the uniqueness of this friendship of 14 years. And Shi-na dear, I meant the *We hardly agree on anything now* thing in a good way. Trust me...luv you to bits! Keep on rocking, and remember, have faith!
Part 3
No problem my dear...don't worry. If anything u need let me know. I try n help u.
*You dun know how much u mean to me,
Whenever u r down, u know that u can lean on me,
No matter the situation,
Girl I'm gonna hold you down...
*Shi-na* darling, dedicated just for you...=)...Midjeex...out!
Part 4
*Believes in making the world a better place by sleeping more*
Let me rephrase that sentence...
*Believes in making the world a better place by sleeping more and eating less*
Whatever ideas your beautiful mind has and if ppl make fun of you for ur ideas, screw them la. U kan free-thinker. =P...
Luv u, ya idiot.
Those were Miera's testimonials sent in for the past three days. Really don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her. Might have been still rooted to the ground, unable to move. My friend that believes in my crazy theories/ suggestions/ ideas. Essien rock my socks! Hell yeah, you do!
My dad is somewhat the Malaysian Nostradamus or something. Whenever he says something bout the country, sports, artistes etc...2 weeks later, the thing he says is true and is reported in the newspaper! Today it was reported that diabetes is the number 1 killer disease in Malaysia and it recorded the highest number of patients in the world. And a few weeks back he thought me and my brother were suffering from diabetes and said that diabetes is the number one killer disease in Malaysia. This isn't the first time anyway. There have been a number of occasions where he said something and a few weeks later it happened. Don't call me or page me and ask me for my number and ask my dad what's the prize-winning 4D number on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday. I'd slap you all if you did. Anyway, have to turn in for now. See you all soon.
*Joyeux Julian*
Jamie *Bluesy* out!
Mum called MCIIUM today...and they said that it was possible for me to change my course. But I had to register first then ask for a change. I don't like the sound of that...seriously.
Had my driving lessons today...I'd make a rather lousy driver. *Pegang stereng dah gelabah*. I'm holding on to it for dear life. So scary and funny at the same time. Oh well, pray I drive carefully tomorrow. And to my brother if you're reading this, the driving instructor looks a LOT like Happosai in Ranma 1/2. And this guy, since he's my dad's acquaintance, he likes asking me bout my mum, my dad, and my brother. If you want to know bout them, ask them yourself! I'm not their hired spokesperson. Damn pissed.Round 4 of 5 begins tomorrow. Bless me.
Till then I will learn to love the steering wheel, clutch pedal and the gear, like what Miera would say. Muahaha...see you people around soon. Cheers and much love.
*Ann de sleeper/Kez de Spaz/Jamie *Bluesy*/Sherina Areyz signing out!*
*Joyeux Julian*
P/S: I think George Michael rocks! Love his voice. His voice and Michael Jackson's voice are really good. And you know what, no matter what sexual problems that are linked to them, they still produce great music for their fans (one of them would be me!). Go on you two, spread the great music you make around the world! Michael Jackson and George Michael rock my world!!!
*Joyeux Julian*
I'm shocked, sleepy, and confused all rolled into one. I'm sleepy because I slept at 3 a.m. today! Was tossing and turning all night. And I woke up at 6.30 a.m., thinking a bee actually stung my hand. It looked real. Then woke up at 7.30 a.m. since I had my driving lessons at 10 a.m.. Bummer! Came down after brushing my teeth and bathing at 8.45 a.m. when mum told me that the UPU results are out today. It seems my dad heard it on the radio. He was right actually. I confirmed the news when I read the NST. So I had my breakfast, then called the UPU-InfoLine. I did get UIAM (don't go congratulating me now), but the course they gave me was my fourth choice. MATRIKULASI EKONOMI & SAINS PENGURUSAN. I mean, if they had offered me either of my first three choices, I would have gone. If they offered me any of the remaining five, I'll say no. *Sighs* all of a sudden I feel so low. My parents are going to check whether if it would be possible for UIAM to change the course they offered me. Hopefully. If not, Rupi, looks like I'll join HELP with you.
Rather confused since I checked out the website and found out that only 2 girls (including me) from my class got IPTA. Me and Amalina. The other girls who got better results than me, didn't even get a place! Must be my luck I guess. This is how it looked like...
No. K.P.: 87****-**-****Keputusan: TAHNIAH... Anda berjaya ditawarkan ke IPTA:
I really don't know where I'm going to study now. Wait next week and we'll see. But I think chances of me getting MATRIKULASI SAINS KEMANUSIAAN is rather slim like the new Nikon COOLPIX S1. Since that course is only opened for Arts stream students. Whereas this one I was offered is opened for both the Science and Arts stream students. So, I believe I need to have faith before I can move on at the moment. After that enlightening conversation with Miera, I felt like I've opened up a bit. Thanks a bunch, my dear. I feel better since I talked to you that night. Bless you.
Anyway have to run now. See you around. *Joyeux Julian*!
P/S: Miera dear, thanks for reminding me about Sherina Areyz @ Shi-Na. Remember Farrah Miechu or not? Me! Muahaha...Miechu rocks my socks! Which name sounds better? Sherina Areyz or Farrah Miechu? Farrah Sherina...doesn't that sound nice? Constant name-changer. Me. Deal with it.
*Joyeux Julian*!
Don't cha...
Guess what? That new song from Pussycat Dolls rocks my socks! Yes, it does.
Went for my driving lessons today. Fun, and I didn't ram into any ducks or chickens or cats! *Whee* Oh well, round 2 is tomorrow. All in, there's 8 classes. 2 hours each class. 16 hours. I was okay today, but the engine died when I was about to turn right *covers face in shame*. At least the engine died only at that one miserable incident. Bless. Hopefully I improve tomorrow. Always look on the bright side of life. Problem is, the driving instructor(who is my dad's friend) uses a Saga for the lessons, not a Kancil. I don't know whether I should take pride on this fact, or even worry about it? =P...
Anyhow, Michael Jackson is acquitted of all 10 charges. Rock on, Michael! May you get on with life, and continue to create great music for us, your fans. I guess it's hard being a celebrity. Being surrounded by rumour-mongers and paparazzi. All in a day's work, I say. Bless Michael Jackson. Just hope he keeps his nonsense to himself from now on.
I have to go now, since my driving lessons are at 10 a.m. which means I won't be able to sleep like a log for 10 hours. *Sighs*, time to change. Cannot be lazy like Lilee. Lilee, you owe me a slap, by the way. What's this about giving Alex Yoong a drive, preferably Jordan ah? NO NO NO NO NO! Must give Pedro a drive first, then give Alex. Let Alex stay in KL and be a TV host. I still feel like knocking my head hard for not asking his autograph when I saw him and his wife at the airport. I brought a camera also! Oh well, there was a small incident which happened before that. My mistake I guess.
See you soon, much love...Ann de sleeper/Kez the spaz/Jamie Julian/Rowena *Bluesy*.
That's me, the ever-changing chameleon. Constant personality changes. That's with it.
Confused oxymoron...
I know...I was supposed to update on my F1 post-race...was distracted by something else by the way. How is it possible Montoya failed to see the red light? Why did the Renault team ask Fisichella to make way for Alonso since he (or so he thought) was driving a lot faster than Fisichella? Why did McLaren bring in Raikkonen first during the pit-stop instead of Montoya? All in, it all boils down to *team orders*. Salute Raikkonen for his third win (one more win then he'd be level with Alonso, provided he(Alonso) does not finish the race in Indianapolis). Nice to see Massa finishing fourth! Did hope Schumi to crash somewhere(I'm evil, so what?) least it would have given Massa the feel of being on the podium. Ah, but seriously, no one can beat Pedro de la Rosa. Respect that man.
I have been seriously confused. In a week's time the UPU results will be out, and I'm thinking hard whether should I go to UIA. My dad just asked me whether where I'd really like to go and study...UIA, HELP, or even Sunway? I was stumped and I was speechless and nearly cried. Oh well, I've waited long enough so I guess I have to just wait right? After all, what can one week do to me? The wait is killing me...I'm scared to the core of my bones. I can't give up.
Mum is still having her cough. It would have been better if the doctor told her that she shouldn't talk for few days. It would have saved me the trouble of listening to her constant lectures.
Anyway, I'll be starting my driving lessons tomorrow. Bless those chickens and ducks I might knock down. And people, please pray that I don't end up in a ditch. Have to go now. See you all soon. Bless. Much love...*Bluesy*. Ann out!
I should shoot myself for waking up so late. 10.30 a.m. today...I couldn't sleep the whole night...was either scratching myself or tossing and turning in bed. And the worst thing of all, I missed my Mr. Bean cartoon today! Call me retarded if you please, but he does make you think outside the box. CCTS. Jenny Jun Yang seems to agree with me, Miera. =P...
I am getting rather frustrated day by day. The amount of people who scored extremely well in last year's SPM examinations...those who scored straight A's who don't get the PSD scholarhips ought to just move on and get a life! It all boils down to luck in the end. If you didn't get it, too bad, just your luck! It's like saying *I did so well, they must give me a scholarship!* Get that damn idea out of your head! The PSD has allocated this amount of people to get the scholarships. They can't just give more scholarships since there are so many people who scored straight A's or something. And today they say, students who scored straight A's ought to be given scholarships otherwise, whatever recognition they've been given is meaningless. Get a life! I'm not grumbling since I didn't perform so well. But everyday you see it in the newspapers, it really bugs you! If you don't get it, there are other ways of obtaining scholarships. It's not like the PSD scholarship is the most prestigious scholarhip being offered. I don't see why our PM has to intervene anyway. I can't say much anyway. I live here. So I have to deal with it.
And I wonder how Paul Moss, Roslan Aziz, and Fauziah Latiff sleep at night? Considering the amount of untalented people that walk in to the audition room for Malaysian Idol. It must be hard being the jugdes of Idol. Bless them.
It's like what Reggie Lee's cartoon mentioned today something bout Karpal Singh. It said *I will belt up, but I won't shut up!* family thinks I really should be lawyer since I talk like Karpal Singh. Considering I talk like a politician/lawyer. An unconvincing one really.
I saw an article on Jimmy Constable! My 2nd favourite band member of the now-defunct 911! God I miss them so much. Bring them back! =P...
*Bluesy out*
Don't you think I'm weird?
Lyrics of a funny song...
Hassan suka jaga lembu,
Hari-hari curi jambu,
Kalau nampak Tok Penghulu,
Tentu engkau kena palu.
Hasnah juga budak jahat,
Suka curi ikan sepat,
Kalau emak engkau lihat,
Tentu engkau kena sebat.
Jangan suka kata orang,
Engkau juga apa kurang,
Aku beri ikan parang,
Engkau makan tinggal tulang.
Gadis tidak tahu malu,
Suka jalan hilir-hulu,
Masak nasi pun tak tahu,
Nanti siapa yang malu.
Hassan tidak suka mandi,
Badan dia banyak daki,
Kalau masuk ke perigi,
Ikan habislah mati,
Hassan tak suka mandi,
Badannya banyak daki,
Kawan-kawan semua habis lari.
Hasnah anak Tok Penghulu,
Rupa dia macam hantu,
Rambut dia menggerutu,
Tentu banyak simpan kutu.
Hassan simpan rambut panjang,
Pergi gunting dia segan,
Kalau orang lihat pandang,
Sangka dia rambutan,
Hassan berambut panjang,
Bergunting dia segan,
Seperti juga orang utan.
Engkau bodoh macam lembu,
Suruh belajar tak mahu,
Nanti baru engkau malu,
Alif sangka batang kayu.
Kita memang sama saja,
Tidak ada apa beza,
Tingkah orang tidak suka,
Kita ubah sampai jaya.
*Red= Hasnah *Blue=Hassan *Purple=Both
This is a very funny song. Read the lyrics and you'll get what I mean. Miera, I know you've been dying for this one. Just for you, love. Cheers! *Bluesy out*!
God is definitely testing everyone's faith.
Sree's PC was out of order for three days. And she was like a computer/Internet deprived child! Poor girl...well at least with the help of someone her PC is working fine. Make sure you get your homework done by the way, since you said you had no mood to do it since your PC ain't working right. And yes, we found our own *mangkuk* smiley/emoticon. Finally...*whee*!
Swarna is ill(like my mum). And she has exams coming up. Pity her. Stranded there sick. Bless you my dear. Get well soon and take good care of yourself ok? And yeah, my mum hopes you recover soon as well! And yes, good luck for your upcoming exams by the way!
My mum is still sick! *Cries*...I'm not supposed to irritate her. She's sick, so she should act like a sick person right? I will try my level best not to bug her. Will try, I said. Not will not. There's a big difference there.
You know something? I think we should not eat eggs. I mean, it's okay if we eat chicken considering chickens have lived a whole life already, then we slaughter them and eat them. But eggs, it's like killing an innocent life. I know it hasn't hatched yet so that it can start it's life. But the thing is, we killed it way before it can start to live it's life. So, it's bad to eat eggs. I shall stop eating eggs from now on. Sree thinks I should be a vegetarian. I can't anyway, since I hate veggies. I just think it's wrong to eat eggs. That's all there is to it. I am getting weirder by the moment right? I know it. I'm proud of it.
Eagerly awaiting for 21st June, 2005. In other news, I have obtained my L licence already. Might start my driving lessons soon. As long I don't ram a car into a *parit/big longkang*. Knowing me, I might just do that. *Sighs* I'm rather weird. *Bluesy* out!!!
Bleached hairs...
I like it this way...I'm rather confused. What would you do if someone you hate is friends with someone you truly love with all your heart? No...I don't have green eyes. My eyes are brown, thank you. Sree says I'm possessive. I know it and I'm darn proud of it too. It's a good thing anyway. I bruise easily. Remember that.
I had this funny thought by the way. You know Paris Hilton is going to get married to Paris Latsis right? So since she has to take up her husband's surname, so now her name would be Paris Latsis. Mr. and Mrs. Paris Latsis. How cute. It's amazing how watching Aishwarya Rai can influence you to think absolutely stupid things? Miera, don't give me that look. I'd slap you if I could do so. =D...
My dad scolded me for something that wasn't even my fault! There was this lawyer guy and Uncle Devan's family at home yesterday. And my dad told me to get the drinks. As I was about to do so, Uncle Devan's daughter, Nallena came in the kitchen and said that I didn't have to do the drinks. And I asked her whether I didn't have to do the drinks for her family or for the man? And she said for all. So I went back to the hall and sat there talking. And all of a sudden, my dad barks at me(I mean it) and asks me where the drinks were? I was so baffled that I stared at my mum. And all of a sudden, after the man leaves(but the Devendran family hasn't), he yells at me saying that the family doesn't want it, but did the man specifically tell me not to make him a drink? He wasn't advising, it was more of shouting to show off to his friends that his ego has landed and it's the size of a football. Mum wans't able to defend so much since she was ill. Nallena did try to defend me but my dad was adamant to scold me. I took it with some hard feelings. So I didn't wait downstairs long. Went upstairs since I had to talk to Miera. Thanks very much, dear. Was utterly comforting.
*In life you'll meet different kinds of people. It's just a matter of when and how you'll meet them* Miera, it's true. Thaks for teaching me that. Bless you always. Did cry later on. I had to let it out somehow. Anyway...have to go now...will blog later. See you people around. Much love, Ann.
Went to Maniraj Clinic yesterday. Had lunch in Semua House. 2 guys almost followed me out! I was leaving the food court. I saw these 2 Indian guys were looking at me rather strangely and they followed me. I ran up towards my dad. At least they had the decency to stop following me. Unlike what happened to what Miera says: *In life you'll meet different kinds of people. It's just a matter of time and circumstances you'll meet them!*
Bluesy out!
Crazy me...
I have finally made a conclusion. I am crazy, stubborn, and argumentative! Oh here's another thing, I don't possess any kitchen-maid/housewife qualities and traits. I can't cook, sow, and do other housework. If you need me to sweep and mop the floor, I can help. But if you need me to cook and sow clothes, forget it. You've got the wrong girl! I think the only job I can do is peeling the orange skin. And make orange juice(technically, I use the juicer). I told Miera already, that when I do get married, I'd hire a maid. If I have to cook, let it be known that the time is not now. Change will come to me...slowly but surely.
I had this incredibly weird dream yesterday. I dreamt that we were together and that it really happened. Then I got out of that dream, went into another dream, and dreamt the same thing again! And in that dream I was trying very hard to convince myself that it really did happened. I got out of that dream, and had it again. Recurring dreams, all in one night! It had to be the longest day of my life...since I did wake up at 10.15 a.m.! I had to pinch myself awake. Sincerely speaking, it was the longest day of my life!
Today I dreamt I met Jason Lo! I woke up immediately which was around 10.30 a.m.! I have thinking an awful lot about someone. And I just checked my mail and saw that someone sent me some mails. Deja vu, I believe? *Sighs*...if love is a matter of distance, you're not too far away. I don't believe in what Will Young says. Originally he sang this line: *If love is a matter of distance, you are too far away...* I am missing a lot of people lately. Seriously. Just waiting for the day I start studying though. Takes a lot of things off my mind.
Got the material sample today. Guess my brother only has to make 2 outfits. The so-called light blue they mentioned is that same colour as the one you wore for your friend's wedding( the one where you were the best man). That colour would look awfully gaudy on me! Sheesh...and I thought light blue was light blue! The maroon was nice anyway. Now, whether to make or not to make? That is (sadly) the question.
Larissa sent me a rather funny message, saying that I am smart and stubborn, argumentative and adorable. Eee...scary.
Well then, I'd really like to put up this *joget* song from this CD we bought from the AJ Laris Restaurant. Soon, hopefully! Auf wiedersehen!
Mum is feeling rather under the weather. All my fault. I know. Idiotic. Was watching Anastasia and seriously, I have no clue on where I resemble Anastasia! If anyone read the tags the darlings of devils I have for friends, all of them agreed that I'm argumentative. So pissed! Oh well, they're being sincere with me, nonetheless. It's what they're good at.
Till then, I will watch the movie again. Maybe twice or so. Until it's proven that there's something that reminds that someone of me with Anastasia. Should I ask again? Oh, I should just shut up already! But for now...good night and au revoir! I know this post is too short...will write longer tomorrow. See you lovely people around! BYE!!!
Fly by...
Miera, when you told me that your beloved Charlie Jermaine Adams was in KL, you didn't tell me he was going to KLCC! I SAW CHARLIE THERE! was rather funny to see that bloke here also. He saw me and he just damn flirty! But trust me, I don't think he was flirting with anyone though...such a good boy he was! Watched Madagascar today...funny but...weird. I will post my comments later since I have a splitting headache. Then went to VideoEzy and bought a few VCDs...was looking for LOTR: ROTK(the extended version). Wasn't there. Was about to buy some other cartoon VCDs (I was gunning for Lion King 3! I have Part 1 & 2 already!) when I saw the Anastacia VCD. I don't know why I was so keen on buying that. Maybe because a particular someone said I was exactly like Anastacia (What a redundant comparison? She's a princess and I'm just a commoner!). Nice to know that in someone's eyes I'm a princess. Maybe that someone is just blind. When she watched Madagascar recently with her sister, Miera told me that her sister Eliza said that I'm a hint of King Julien and Mort. Sarkie and cute. Hmmm...don't know whether it's true or not. Was really hopeful of getting my Keane CD by the way. But sadly, I have wait for a few weeks I guess. I did meet that actress/TV host, Shahirah. She was in KLCC also. Oh well, it just adds up to the amount of famous people I've met. Our current Deputy PM, our former PM, Nicol David, Sazali Samad, some other sports personalities, Shahronizam Non(not really sure what's his name, but I know he acts in Mahligai Gading and was in that Dashing perfume ad), and yes, Tan Sri S.M. Salim. Hehe, I know my brother is reading this and he's probably wondering why I brought up something rather embarassing up? *Diam je la*...that's all I have to say.
To any of my friends that are actually reading this, do you think I am Anastacia in any way? Either tag me, or you know where to find me. Miera, you're not exempted.
I thought it will be rather interesting to see someone/any of the Malaysian Idol finalists sing *Mr. Brightside* from The Killers. How about it? It sounds interesting anyway. Let's just hope if anyone does sing that song, they don't make a mockery out of it. Seriously.
Jermaine didn't talk to me because of some reason that I understand well. He told me just a minute ago. Idiot. He watched The Interpreter and he said he slept throughout the whole movie! RM10 wasted just like that. Miera, please teach that idiot on how to save money.
Anyhow, I have to get some sleep for now...will blog on tomorrow. And yes, I have updated the other blog. With just one poem. Will write the others soon...hopefully. Au Revoir.
I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. You like to...move it! Mort is darn adorable. But Jermaine(I'm not allowed to call him Charlie, since only Miera can call him that...sincerely Jermaine sounds mighty fine!) that said he's kinda me! I agree with him on that. *Bluesy* out!
Faith and friends
I was thinking lately...This incident that took place in 2 Anggerik 4 years ago that almost reenacted May 13th, 1969(only on a smaller scale that is). It was this thing that one of my friends who's an Indian girl was having a conversation with another Malay girl. And all of a sudden, this Malay girl says *I support Osama since he's a Muslim and so am I! All Muslims go to heaven, whereas non-Muslims go to hell.*! Ever since that incident I've decided to keep my political opinions(that is, if I ever had any!)to myself. If ever my friends talk about politics in class, I try to keep a low profile. More importantly is that my History teacher has constantly advised us from time and time again that we're not allowed to slander the government in class or in school. I have been questioning about faith and religions. I mean, why did God create so many religions and faiths when there is thing that says only one religion and its followers are allowed to go into Heaven, when the other followers of other religions go to Hell? Then why come up with so many religions in the first place? Oh my God...I'm questioning God's actions now! I should go and *taubat* now!
Miera asked me this really weird question the other day. She asked me *What if you saw me going out with your current boyfriend who broke up with you recently? What would you do?*
I really don't know what to say...Miera, in future don't ask me senseless questions like that! I'd probably tell you *You know what, maybe he ain't happy being with me, but I'm sure he'll be happy with you. All the best to the two of you!*. Or maybe I'll give you the cold shoulder treatment. I mean you're my best friend, how can you do this to me? Nah, but frankly speaking I'll support you in whatever you do. He must have chosen you seeing that I must have lacked something somewhere. You complete him. That's my answer, Miera. Yes, it is. And you know it too! Why did you have to ask me this anyway(you thought bout Daniel Lee is it?)? I have no intention of stealing anyone from you, okay? Let your man be my *brother in law*...that's all. I think you must have been drunk when you asked me that. I'd like to believe in that. :P
Mum was talking to Kakak Padmini earlier on...and mum told me that when she(Kakak Padmini), her husband, her daughter, and her sister-in-law were in MidValley for an Indian trade fair, there was this guy that was stalking them and following them wherever they went. And whenever Suja(my niece) picked anything, this guy would say *Nice, nice.*! Like as though he was paying for whatever she was going to buy. They didn't stay there long since the guy spoiled their fun. What a freak! It's so not safe to go out anywhere nowadays. And it happened right in front of her own parents. I mean, if you're trying to get her in front of her dad, that is NO WAY of impressing her dad! That's known as asking for trouble. What makes you think her dad approves you being her boyfriend? Sure hate being makes me feel scared to go out with anyone. Freaky way beyond words can say.
My dad is cheeky. He asked me who was the first person to land on the moon? I said it was Yuri Gagarin(I think he's the first man in my genius of a brother, what's the answer huh?). He said it was a dog. I told him a dog isn't a person. And he says if you can call human as creatures you can call other creatures person. I told him *If you asked me 'What was the first living being to land on the moon?' then I'd say it's the dog. Your question is wrong. Misleading!*. I'm right, right?
And my mum is another one. Like what my brother and I will say: *Suka sangat tanya soalan tak berfaedah*. My dad was telling us that my neighbour, the egg-lady was talking to him the other day. And she asked my dad how old he was. He said he'll be 63 in July since he was born in 1942. And she thought my dad was younger and mentioned that she was born 10 years later. And my mum asked my dad: *What year was she born?*. *Sighs* my mother.
Speaking of neighbours, my neighbours are acting awfully nice. The other day, my front neighbour said Hi to me, when he hasn't even done that in years! That's just me being psychotic. Bye and au revoir...
I watched the Aladdin trilogy(I don't think many of you know that Aladdin had three episodes anyway!)...really enjoyed myself watching Aladdin! I don't know why...I think Aladdin defines the guy you'd probably read in romance novels(Mills and Boons for example...Sree, do you still read this crap?) : tall, dark, and handsome. But it's not only bout the way he looks that caught my eye. It's his spirit, compassion, and determination to fight evil for the one he loves(blearh...sounds rather cheesy doesn't it?) and the way he keeps to his words. I'd rather watch cartoons which have some meaning rather than watch some cartoons which have this tagline *Someday my prince will come*...Cartoons like Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and Sleeping Beauty don't mean's like these cartoons are saying that if you dream of marrying a prince, it will happen. I don't really believe in all that rubbish anymore...I despise any girly cartoons, they're meaningless to watch! With the exceptions of Pocahontas and Mulan of course. They're girls who believe in doing what's right. Free-spirited and independent. I remember when I went to the US 2 years ago, we went to Disneyland California(Florida too far!). And there was this place we went. It was the Beauty and the Beast room. We sat there and took like a survey-cum-questionnaire thingy there. A *Which Disney character are you?* survey. I was Mulan. I don't really see myself as Mulan though. But given the choice of any princesses, I'd say I'd go for Princess Jasmine(nothing to do with the fact I like Aladdin!). She's not that girly princesses you'd see in any other cartoons. I think the only Disney cartoons I can tolerate and live with are Aladdin, Pocahontas, Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, and lastly Lion King. When Lion King was released in 1995(I was eight years old then), I'd bug my dad's life to buy me the merchandise from the movie! Jigsaw puzzles, soundtracks(they had two, 1 was the OST, the other was a collection of scores), figurines, the tape, the video game, and the soft toys! I was a fanatic then! I still keep them anyway. They're on my display rack! Childish you think? I have the Simba, Mufasa, Scar, Timon, Rafiki, Zazu, and Pumbaa figurines. Rather unsuccessful in finding Nala's figurine though. To think I even remember the names! :P...currently obsessed with my Stitch collection. Dolls, key chains, figurines, VCDs, and handphone strap! Some of which I have to thank my dear sir, Mr. Kannan.
My fish has been awfully cranky for the past few months already. It's like it's suffering from mood swings/PMS or something. Whenever any of us walk up/down the stairs(so happens the fish tank is on the staircase) and if we don't look at the tank, it just jumps to indicate he's upset that we're not looking at him. Attention-seeker? No...I guess it's lonely since it's partner died few months back. So that's why I make it a point to look at it when I'm walking on the stairs and say *Hello my sayang...How are you today?*...guess it works because it hardly jumps when I look at him and talk to him.
Sentul has officially become Sentul Stray Dogs Sanctuary! There are stray dogs everywhere, and they LOVE sleeping in front of my house! Irritating...considering our house is the only Malay house in the neighbourhood. And we aren't allowed to touch dogs. It's like they know that and they're doing it to irritate us. Why can't they go to some other neigbour's house or something?
Have so much to write and so little I will continue on with my rants tomorrow hopefully. See you guys around...much love: Ann de Sleeper/ Kezz the Spazz.
Miera, I forgot to write this in yesterday's post! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SCHNOOKUMS! 18 YEARS ALREADY (GOD, YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME!)...SO DRINKING IS LEGAL (according to your mum I guess) ALREADY! Jay, if you're reading this, wait for your turn next month! See you soon...
Form 6?
Anyway, I was talking to my dad earlier and he was telling me that I should have done Form 6 for 2 years so that I know what I really want to do in life. Since I brought up the subject about how I would like to be a journalist-cum-psychologist. Not to say I want to lead a so-called glamorous life, but the job is really interesting for those born with an inquisitive and rather curious mind. But really I'd like to do a double major if possible if I go to HELP. But my mum(who certainly doesn't like the idea of me going to HELP) says that doing a double major is tough and that I can't incorporate Mass Communication and Psychology all in. I mean like my brother, he did three majors in Actuarial Science, Finance, and Risk Management(I can't remember though, sorry and I know you're going to screw me...all I remember is Actuarial Science and Risk Management...the other one, I'm so clueless!) it's related some way or the other. But the two I'm really keen on doing? Zero. And I told my dad that if I had gone to Form 6, I can't change the stream they have offered me. And I don't want to do some BioChem/ BioPhysics/ ChemPhysics there. So it's actually pointless for me to go to Form 6, since I'm wasting my time doing something that I really do not fancy doing (engineering, doctoring, pharmacy, biotech and the likes). And he pats me on the back and says, *Anyway, don't worry*. When I asked him why I shouldn't worry, he said *You can do accountancy also*. I was like: *There he goes again...the world needs more accountants...even Lim Goh Tong needs an accountant!* He is trying so hard to persuade me to be an accountant. It didn't work with my brother, why would he think it'll work on me? I hate being something that involves numbers and money. Why is he so persistent on me being an acountant? Just because I miraculously got an A2 for my Accounts paper in SPM, doesn't mean I must be one, right? Oh well, they know I'm very adamant on being a psychologist, so they shouldn't try to change my mind anyway. Anyway, I really have to go now. See you all soon...muax and much love, Ann de sleeper/Kez the Spaz!
Of bugs and men...
Hello there once again...I have a confession to make: I HATE BUGS! They're disgusting...was watching National Geographic(Miera, zip it! I know what you're gonna say: * now you're watching documentaries...BRAVO Kez! Bravo!*) and today they had a programme on bugs. The deadliest, hideous, and scariest bugs that roam the Earth. They showed the harvester ants, scorpions, tarantulas, black widows, leeches(I didn't know they were classified as bugs!), hornets, killer bees and locusts. I felt really squeamish and almost threw up. I really hate insects. I scream at the sight of cockroaches, dragonflies, and the likes. I had to watch these disgusting animals since my brother was so keen on watching it. After that, watched Malaysian Idol...the guys who sang during the auditions really freaked me out. I felt a tingling sensation in my ears...*seram gila*! But there this boy, who could sing well(way better than his sister and both of them sang Gemilang during the auditions) but he was 15 when the age limit was 16. Damn...he was wearing an all pink ensemble and rather spookily he looks like Gareth Gates. Oh well, hope he'll be back next year. And at the end, they showed a clip of a three year old girl singing Gemilang...she was so adorable! And at the end, Roslan said *Awak datang ke KL lah!*...and she got so darn excited she was running around the corridor, screaming. So adorable. I know my brother will start saying this to me: *Oh so cute...oh so sweet...doesn't sound original* Hehe...enjoy Terengganu alright? Buy me something ok?'s not like you're going on holiday there. So scratch that alright?
Going to watch Madagascar once he gets back from dad called it *Mozambique*...hehe...cute.
Remember Miera: *It takes a brave man to wear pink*. =P
See you lovely people around.
You got my knickers in bunch...
Hello. Had to go to HUKM today...and the worst thing is that it was a beautiful day to sleep till 10 a.m.! Damn...sat at the canteen(usual routine). Oh well, no use in me grumbling on about it anyway. It might be the last time I can actually eat hospital food. After all, after this might go to UIAM...oh well, might as well enjoy it while I still have the time, right? And HUKM's canteen is so dark now. It gives people that *you are in a hospital, it's where people die* feeling. It looks so morbid. You have to see it for yourself to understand what I mean. My dad was so worried when he found out that when you go to MCIIUM and study, you have to study Arabic Language. Oh well, all in the name of education right? And the chances of me shifting to TTDI is 94% most likely to happen. Ah well, just like that song goes: So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye to my great Sentul...*sniffles*!
Most probably might go see *Madagascar* tomorrow...well, I have to make the most of the time that I have in my hands at the moment. You get what I mean, right? And yeah, I'm treating my family for MADAGASCAR...Christina came today and had a session of badminton today. Oh well...I needed the exercise anyway. I am getting FATTER. But Christina said I'm getting thinner as though I'm starving myself...which is rather impossible because my parents(my dad especially) think I most probably will die if I don't get enough nutritions in one day. So that includes no skipping meals, must eat adequate amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and the likes, and lastly no *in between* business. He really thinks I'm suffering from malnutrition or something.
I really got the fright of my life...a certain Kolej UNIKOP sent me brochures regarding an offer in Diploma Sains. That college is collaborating with UITM for this course. And the freaky thing is since UPU has eight choices, THIS course was the 8th course I picked...freaky! So my mum curiously called the UPU hotline to find out whether was that the final offer or something of that sort. They thold her it wasn't and that some colleges are are just promoting their courses. Oh well, wait till the 21st of June then...
So hope to see you guys revoir...oh yeah, to my WONDERFUL(listening to Ashanti/R. Kelly/Ja Rule at the moment) friends in Sentul, if I do shift always know that Sentul is always a part of me...and wait for the return of Rowena Hanafiah. Sree, if you're reading this, if I shift, I'll still irritate the hell out of you...thanks for tolerating and putting up with my nonsense and other nonsensical things I've done to/with you way back in school for the past 2 years...keep up the good work of being the President of the Mangkuk Society (and yeah that's coming out of the advisor's mouth!). Miss you so much sweetie! *Hugs*
Toodles for now...oh yeah...I saw Jonny Wilkinson in the FA Cup final the other day(that was ages ago!). With Clive Woodward and all. Great fun to see him again! Miera, I know you're gonna slap me for writing this a tad too late. Oh behave yourself ok? 18 on Saturday...old lady! =P
Be thankful since I already put this fact up already. So SHUT UP!
I drove a Kancil...
Had to go for my 6 hours of driving lectures...had to buy Hacks since I was utterly sleepy. When I got there, the people there couldn't get the computer system stated that I was ineligible to take my 'L' license. I was like 'What???' and then I just turned away and sighed, and this bloody fool (have to call him that) banged his fist on the table and yelled at me: *Awak diam...jangan nak buat bising, nak buat komen!* What the f**k? Your damn computer system not working, and you want to vent your damn anger on me??? Damn you fool!!! Really felt like slapping that idiot. Oh well, no use venting your anger on people like this. I got to drive a Kancil...weird really! I got so scared, that the driving instructor helped me out so many times! was interesting to drive a car that I actually despise. Miera, for God's sake, stop it about the *father-in-law* jokes already! Behave yourself, you're gonna be 18 on Saturday! Behave! :P...
I really want to interview the stray cats in my area...they just love delivering their kittens in my house as though my house is a one-stop maternity center or something. Maybe when they see the big Malaysian flag outside the house(call me patriotic or whatever...proud to be Malaysian anyway)...they realise that this is a Malaysian house. They don't need visa or passports whatsoever to get in! Illegal immigrants...maybe they're just a bunch of patriotic cats. Or they want their kittens to be a Malaysian citizen.
Maybe the effects of driving a Kancil finally kicked in...I seriously don't know what I'm yammering about right now. Toodles for now...*Bluesy out*!