I promised, but...
I am going to break it. Just once.

I know I said no more pics of the abomination UNTIL MY EXAMS ARE OVER, but I wanted to post of photos of that little girl she's carrying. Little Luna. Luna Coco Patricia Lampard.

Aww...that's sweet! He's blowing bubbles for her. And all that stupid abomination can do is just sit there and show off her big boobs. Phbbbt...!!! She's chubby and looks a lot like her daddy.

Oh no, she has inherited her mummy's lips! Is Louise Owen trying to match-make her son, James with Luna? She'd be a little older than him though.
Anyway, I did not study like I was supposed to. I went out to Swarna's house, because that girl is leaving to Indonesia to study on the 10th, the same day my exams are over!! Hmmph...here I was thinking of having an outing like last year after I finish my Lah paper, but no. She has to leave!
Can't blame her. 7 months of staying at home can REALLY kill you. Trust me. I've been through it before. 8 months of doing nothing spells boredom and suicide.
Jenson Button won today's race! Yay! My mum's pretty excited. Jenson's her favourite driver. And Pedro de la Rosa is amazing. The way he overtakes someone, that's what people call as skill. Alonso's overtaking skills can't beat his.
Who would have thought that Giancarlo Fisichella [very cute Italian], Fernando Alonso, Kimi Raikkonen, and Michael Schumacher would crash or end up not finishing the race? This race was really action-packed, right from the start to the finish line.
I noticed I haven't been blogging bout F1 for quite some time already. My bad. Just had no time.
And before I go...I want to show this sexy person to the world.

You can't hear me? I said I'M JAMIE REDKNAPP AND I'M SEXY!
Yes, Jamie. We know you are. And why couldn't your cousin marry someone like your wife who is much prettier than his wife @ abomination?
I will go study now, if it makes you happy.
*Bluesy* out!
Jamie Redknapp is so hot!!!!!
Make me go va va voom....
What can u do when u see sumone who is hot??
Run toward him and jump on him?
Hug him tightly until he cannot breathe?
Kidnap him?
That's what I wanted to do when i saw the pic of Jamie Redknapp.
Well I hav 2 agree wif u that y cant Lampard find a prettier wife like his cousin's.
Her wife reali got big boobs...
Ugly la.....
Ppl might think I'm jealous of her BIG boobs...
But hell no. Thank God that I dun hav THAT big.... LOL
I tink it's the boobs that win Lampard's heart.
Hmmmm.......teruklah Lampard.
The pic of Lampard blowing bubbles to his baby is cute....
But I think The Best Father Award 2006 has to go to JOHN TERRY.
2nd wud be DAVID BECKHAM.
3rd I dunno...can be Gerrard, Lampard, etc......
Sylvien - JAMIE IS HOT!
If a guy looked at me like that display pic of yours of that Josh Duhamel fella, I will faint of happiness...cannot die-lah, afer people take him away from me!
Don't kidnap Jamie la. His wife is so nice...don't do this to her.
What's so nice about BIG BOOBS? Especially hers! Hmmph...she's so ugly! Why he can't he find some nice English girl to marry? Must marry an ugly Spaniard like her! Grrr...
I have to agree...2006 Best Father Award goes to JOHN TERRY...such a loving daddy! The video makes him so fatherly...
I wanna grow old with you, I wanna die lying in your arms...I wanna be there for you, sharing in everything you do, I wanna grow old with you...
She's a Spaniard?
How the hell Lampard berkenalan wif her?
No wonder she support Barcelona..
If i were him, i will find a wife that supports me.
But individual opinion....
No offence, Mrs-Soon-To-Be-Lampard.
On the other hand,
Jamie's wife is reali pretty, elegant and lady-like.
The way she looks, the way she present herself looks so beautiful.
She looks like an angel.
Ok ok u might think I'm exaggerating, but that's reali how I feel when I look at her.
Redknapp is a real lucky guy. =)
This weekend, bring it on Chelsea.
Keke....I'm supporting Liverpool. Hehehe....
Sylvien - Haha. Don't ask me.
Her whole family SUPPORTS Barcelona! Stupid bitch!
I would want someone who supports my team also, not my rival team.
Like me and Crouchy. But he plays for Liverpool now. Hmmph...traitor.
LOL. Louise is really pretty. She's not like those other WAGS. Very classy, elegant, lady-like. She's really different than those other girls.
I feel that way too about her.
Jamie is really happy with her. I can really see why, they are really meant for each other.
Hmmph...go la support Liverpool. You and Adrian must have something going on. Is there something you ain't telling me?
Bring on Liverpool...I can expect Crouchy to do us some favours. Hehehe...
What is JAMIE REDKNAPP vs FRANK LAMPARD doing there? I don't really see the relevance...
Unless you are pointing out that the power of Jamie Redknapp is with Liverpool because he played there before and it will beat my Frankie?
Hmmm...explain , my dear.
Toby : Yes yes. I hear u. I'm sorry.
(Actuali i tuju to u, Rowena)
Jamie Redknapp retired?
I dun even noe.
Hmmph need to brush up my knowledge of football...
He's 33?!!!!
He looks more like 23.
Wow wow wow....
Tot can c him play tis sunday, mana tau i'm outdated.
Sylvien - You make me laugh, you silly girl.
Sorry. I shall not make fun of you with Adrian AGAIN.
(Toby says sorry again and he thinks you're GILA)
Jamie Redknapp has retired and I did wish he still played football. I loved him when he played for Liverpool. And Spurs. Then he followed his dad to Southampton and sunk there and then retired.
He looks young right? I don't believe you dunno Jamie Redknapp! He's so good.
Why didn't you ask the Liverpool fan? He should know bout Jamie Redknapp what...
I heard of him, but I din care bout his stuff
Keke...u noe me ler...
bsides man u, i c nuthin n hear nuthin.
He dun looks good in jersey, probably. So he din draw my attention.
Sorri Jamie Redknapp.
Toby to Rowena : Hey, u dun say my girl gila. She ain't. (aus accent)
How can YOU NOT CARE BOUT JAMIE? I support Chelsea, but I care bout him way before i knew he was related to Lampard.
At least u care bout him now good enough la.
Jamie Redknapp looks good in anything.
Jamie forgives you.
Toby told me you GILA but he likes GILA people. Cos they make him happy.
I wonder how Aussie pronounce gila in the first place.
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