Goodbye Stats!
STATS IS OFFICIALLY OVER! *throws confetti all over the room*
I might have lost 2 marks to a certain question because I forgot to round up the answer!
But the paper was tough! Every question I did made me feel scared because I wasn't sure whether it was the right working or formula or even answer!
And while I was doing my LAST question with 15 minutes remaining, I actually forgot the formula AND the working! I panicked. But luckily enough, I remembered. I just closed my eyes and remembered the steps slowly. When I remembered, that little voice in my head went: "It's all coming back to me now!". *I'm pleading for temporary insanity. Pardon me*
But it's done and dusted with, so the rest is up to God. *crosses fingers* Hopefully a DI for Stats will be good.
I'm tired. People might have perceptions of others, but somehow you never cling to first impressions FOREVER! Why can't your thick skull take in the fact that I am who I am and NOT who you perceive me to be? I'm NOT an airhead, you know.
I don't want the recognition of being smart. I just want you to see that I am not equally stupid like how you think I am. Why is that whenever I say something or I'm explaining something to someone, you HAVE to refute every other word I say? And you repeat the same thing AFTER I have already said it! And the worst thing, you treat everyone around you like they're three-year-olds! It's bad enough I'm getting love advice from stupid 15-year-olds, don't teach me like how you'd teach a three-year-old! I resent people like that!
No one quite gets me. I'm no glory-hunter [like what SOME people would think JUST BECAUSE I SUPPORT CHELSEA!]. I'm not modest or humble [getting really good marks DOES NOT MAKE A GENIUS, FOR GOD'S SAKE!].
I'm just me.
My cousin asked me yesterday if Frank Lampard left Chelsea to some club, would I still support Chelsea?
The answer is really obvious. I'D STILL LOVE CHELSEA THROUGH AND THROUGH. I might support his club part-time [right after I get out of being bitter and really cross with him!], but CHELSEA AND ME ARE FOREVER.
But if he goes to Barcelona, I'll kill the abomination! Even ManUre! Ever relish the prospects of seeing him and gayboy play together? Yech...they're better off being opponents rather than being team-mates!
*Liverpool 0 - FSV Mainz 5. Aduh...that's bad!*
MY five favourite EPL teams [in exact order]: Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspurs, Arsenal, Liverpool, West Ham United.
I'm going to rest today. No studying for the night. Human Comm on Tuesday!
1 down, 2 to go!
Merdeka MegaSales, here I come!
*Bluesy* out!
Hey, sooner or later, they'll see it with their own eyes that you're a diamond among all jewels. =)
Keep your chin up alright?
You're much smarter now.
Taller in more ways, smarter in more days
For now...GO STUDY!
You Chelsea fan since 3. Me only been a fan for 4 years. Amat sangat memalukan...=S
I'm tired of telling people I'm different than what they think of me.
So I'm going to leave it like that, until somehow God will show them that they're wrong.
Eh...LAZY. Does that word mean anything to you?
Enjoyed a lot!
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