It's a boring movie...
We watched Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Man's Chest today! My father is mad.
"What movie you want to see? Got Click, Pirates, and The Break-Up"
"We see The Break-Up today, next week we see Pirates"
*moments before reaching the counter*
"We watch Pirates today. Next week we watch The Break-Up"
And then he said that the movie was boring! Hmmph...I should've known better than to trust someone who thinks Frank Lampard is useless.
2 weeks ago, I saw this nice England top, but my parents said wait till my exams were over. Today, I went in to the shop like a big hero and ask them if they still had the shirt...and guess what?
They said the shirt is no longer in stock. And the whole world is conspiring against I saw 10 people wearing England shirts!
I knew I should have used my money to buy the shirt two weeks ago instead of waiting until the damned exams were over! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
There is also another conspiracy. Regarding shoes. Sadly I couldn't do any form of shoeping. All because the shoes were either too flimsy, too pink [or not the colour I desire] or too high. OR THE SHOES DON'T COME IN SIZES 7 AND 8.
Either I ask God to make my duck feet slightly smaller OR turn me into a boy [both will not likely happen].
So I invested some money on 2 books! Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society [by Adeline Yen Mah] and How I Became Stupid [by Martin Page]. And I bought 2 pairs of jeans.
My dad is SO weird.
"I think tomorrow [today] we go to Hartamas Shopping Centre"
"Because we haven't been why don't we go there just to see what they have? They might have something nice there. Oh yeah, we're supposed to see movie tomorrow right?"
"Okay, then we go to Hartamas Shopping Centre next week"
"Okay..if it makes you happy"
My brother was quite shocked when he heard my dad said that Pirates was boring. He claims it's too much fantasy! WHAT IN THE NAME OF STEVEN GERRARD?'s not like I took you to watch Harry Potter right [I am biased, because I've never read nor watch anything Harry Potter because I'm not a fan]? So silly.
So annoyed that Keira Knightley got to kiss Johnny Depp. Hmmph...stupid stick.
I need pretty shoes. Dear God, make my feet smaller. Size 7 or 8 is too big.
**I did get slightly cranky today. Go figure why that happened**
In other exciting news, JOHN TERRY HAS BEEN NAMED ENGLAND'S NEW CAPTAIN! YAY! ALL HAIL THE NEW ENGLAND CAPTAIN! Now, let me find sexy pics of the CAPTAIN MARVEL to show you people why I think he deserves to be the new skipper!
He's NEVER satisfied. Always looking to improve his performance. NEVER wants to be second-best.

VERY reliable and dedicated. *This is our FATHER OF THE YEAR 2006 pic*

LOVES shiny things tied with ribbons [trophies and medals]. See how happy he is when he's holding that shiny thing?

NEVER afraid of standing next to tall and sexy beings [Sylvien, keep quiet].
NEVER afraid of his listening to his friends.

NEVER afraid to show how he feels. Shows true emotions.
NEVER afraid to show how passionate he is about a game.

NEVER lets pain affect his game.
ALWAYS puts the team before himself.

NEVER afraid to show how he feels about his friend.
VERY caring and loving friend.
Did you notice how weird Stevie G looked in the papers today?
*Bluesy* out!
Bout the sexy being...I'll keep quiet.
But i'm 101% agree on u,y Terry shud be the england skipper.
Terrific pictures n reasons.
U r damn creative
Eh is pirates boring?
I've watched twice in the cinema.
I reali reali love it.
I tink it was funny. Lots of fun in the movie.
U like Jack Sparrow??
Sylvien - LOL. 101% ONLY? Why not 150%?
I had some nice photos, so had to post them up.
Must find other pictures to show why I think he deserves it. If I can find any.
I thought it was funny dad has no sense of humour. And people say he's funny. Hmmph...
U don't like him? HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE HIM???
My dad doesn't appreciate a good movie. =S
U r like my crazy fren tat crazy over Johnny Depp.
He's not the type tat i will like.
My fav is definitely WILL TURNER.
In LOTR, i prefer Aragorn although Legolas is good in archery.
I alwiz hav a thing in swordsman, knight, crusader, etc.
i love this entry!! jack sparrow and all those sexaaay pics of john terry! lalaladilaaa. click was definitely AWESOME! nevermind tht some idiotic ppl were sitting beside me,giggling like mad senseless beings. but adam sandler=lurrrve.
-ur 17 year old(whoo!whee!) twin
Sylvien - Haha...Johnny Depp is SEXY. I prefer Aragorn too..very sexy and hot.
Anyone who can handle metal stuff like swords and other things like that is sexy. Oh, especially frying pans and pots! =p
What category does Toby come under then? He's not a swordsman, crusader, knight, what is he?
You were still awake at 2:30 AM?? Just because we're on holidays now...LOL.
Aimee my 17 year old twin - I know you're younger than me, no I feel so old.
But I LOVED Pirates [and of course our beloved Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow]! That headgear thing he was wearing is really awesome!
I LOVE ADAM SANDLER! Have to go see Click soon...I shall ignore the man who has no sense of humour [my dad] while I am watching that.
Trying to find more reasons and pics to show why he should be captain!
Now you're old enough to get your driver's license! Err..drinking have to wait one more year.
Excellent, love it! » »
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