What in the name of James Blunt?
**Maybe it's the imbalanced hormones, since it's that time of the month. I don't know. I apologise in advance anyway.**
Yesterday, I came down just to watch TV for a while, and Channel 81 was showing the Liverpool-Chelsea game [the 4-1 game...sshh..VERY sensitive issue to most Liverpool fans I know]. I wanted to watch it, but NO. My parents decided to watch Disney Channel instead!
*stares in disbelief* WHAT??? Watch football-lah, not cartoons! To think you two keep saying I'm too old for cartoons! Hmmph...
At least I did get to see Duff score [depressed that he left to play with Magpies and not Lions!].
And now...my Human Comm lecturer has once again managed to raise my temper. Apparently our marks are not too good. And to think he said our marks were much better than the other group.
Honestly...I don't know what this man wants. So indecisive.
There. I have successfully voiced out my frustration. Now I can get back to studying Lah.
Anyway...he's back. Who's back, you ask?

Him. My hero. He scored against Feyenoord. We won 1-0! Oh, look! He was the captain for that game! Yay! Who said he's useless?
More goals to come. Against Celtic and Liverpool this week. Sigh..now I can focus on football while I'm on my two-month break! Yay!
Something beautiful will come my way. It's called shopping.
*Bluesy* out!
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