Am I the ONLY sane one around?
I think I have lost all of my limited sanity. So, if I say anything really redundant or dumb, forgive me. My mind left me to find my dog which went to hide in Hugh Jackman's house.I mean, of course the five of you know how crazy and wacky my ideas can get at times, but this ones are really beyond spastic.1. I HATE going to weddings when I feel so fat and sore. Wearing a kebaya when you're a little pudgy, isn't exactly that flattering. =(2. I HATE little kids who go round taking pictures of themselves in front of their PC, and posting them up on Friendster, MySpace and whatever rubbish that serves the same purpose as the earlier mentioned sites. Grow up to be sensible ladies, NOT FUCKING SLUTS. [Certain people are excused from cam-whoring, because we don't make them slutty or the likes. We keep them clean]3. I HATE kids who can ride bicycles, because I can't. The fact that they do it in front of me, just annoys me!4. I HATE annoying schoolkids who plagiarise my writings [yes, I write poems when I have a headache or when I'm drowsy]. What do they teach you in school nowadays?5. I HATE dissecting the newspapers [I keep thinking of the mouse which my mates dissected in Biology class! I hated it!] and arrange them nicely only for people to mess it up again. I will get the blame at the end of the day!6. I HATE it when my mother cooks something, then my dad buys something, and then my brother comes home and buys McDonalds', because by the time I want to eat the Chicken McNuggets, I'm stuffed!7. I HATE my Lah lecturer. She keeps me confused ALL THE TIME. The other day, during the Parents-Lecturer meeting, she said that her husband is shy like me! *throws on zha-dao look* ME??? SHY??? I'm quite outspoken on certain things...but NEVER shy!8. I HATE the England joke. Damn stupid. Of all the names, why is Lampsy's name used? Couldn't they have used Rooney or Crouchy? Dear God, did I made him sound so gay-fied?9. I HATE the hole on my jeans. Looks like I need a new pair!10. I HATE ELEN RIVES. My hatred towards her continues to grow day by day.Okay. That's quite enough. Today, all thanks to Ms. Sylvien [also known as Ms-Wayne-Rooney-is-my-teddy-bear], we started sending messages to the England squad, you know to give them some inspiration for tomorrow!Come on you Lions!
Oh, and before I forget, I HATE KIDS WHO ARE MUCH YOUNGER THAN ME TRYING TO IMITATE ME! Go get a life! So unoriginal. I'm no fashionista myself, but why wear what I wear, and follow the same colour as well? It's bad enough you know you can't pull the look off, you STILL want to copy me? Bunch of no-lifers! Go fuck a tree instead of copying me!Quote of the day: "If I were a WAG and I was pregnant and due on the same day as the final, I'd HIJACK the commentators' room AND give him an ultimatum: me and the baby OR the game!"~Made by Lilee [our beloved LaLa!] when asked what she'd do if she were in that situation~Of course, we aren't WAGs and neither are we pregnant.And I'm ALWAYS hour after I've eaten, I'm always thinking of food.Now how am I going to get a bod like Carly Zucker if I keep pigging out like this?*Bluesy* out!
Got tagged!
Can you imagine that I haven't given my usual "I'm so over the moon I could do cartwheels like Robbie Keane in my frontyard" behaviour a go since ASTRO has been installed in my house TODAY? All because of a mad headache?
Elen Rives has jinxed me! The abomination! She made me sick. She's so going to pay for this. [Yes, my evil twin. When are we going to get rid of her and save our beloved Frankie from her rule?]
Got tagged by my twin! [sorry got no pics...very sick to find them, damn the abomination]
Top Three Disney Princesses and reasons why you like them:1- Ariel.
She's brave and goes her own way.
2- Mulan. When I went to Disneyland 3 years back, they had this 'What Disney Character Are You' survey there, and I was Mulan. One of the bravest Princesses I've seen.
3- Pocahontas.
OMG! Twin factor! I like her because she's brave [and I'm not!] and she believes in doing what's right.
Top Three Worst Reality TV Shows Ever Created:
1- Mencari Cinta [used to be shown on TV3]
Absolute rubbish. How can you determine someone loves you [or NOT] in one week? Looks can be deceiving. And are you THAT desperate for love? Hello, I'm single too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do a nation-wide search for my prospective "Mr-I'm-Rowena's-boyfriend"! What will the Frenchman say if I did that? He'd say I'm SHAMELESS.
2- Akademi Fantasia.
I ONLY started hating it because of Mawi and Zahid and Vince. I HATE THEM ALL. Especially Mawi. Everytime I see him face anywhere, I just shiver. And you'd think ALL Malays like Mawi. SO UNTRUE. Well, I'm ONLY speaking on behalf of the population that reside in this house. And NO, just because I have ASTRO now, it doesn't mean I'll start tuning in to whatever channel this programme is being shown on and vote for them and start jumping up and down in excitement [the last part will only come when EPL starts again!].
3- Akademi Al-Quran [now showing on TV9]
I've heard of crazy reality TV shows, but this? THIS IS A BIT TOO FAR. I mean, you're reading the al-Quran for your faith, for what you believe in, not to be the best and vie for prizes and get booted out week after week. No reality show should have anything with the religious sentiments in it. I find it degrading that people have absolutely lost all their creativity and created this stupid programme.
Top Three Reasons Why You Think Guys Get turned on by Nurses So Much:1- Because they are turned on by the skimpy nurse outfit?2- Because the outfit reveals their boobs?3- Because they like the thought of a woman undressing them? Top 3 Most Hated Female TV Characters:1- Paris Hilton.She's annoying. She's too thin [I ONLY like skinny guys, not girls!]. What's there to like about her? And she is 'doggedly pursuing' Frank Lampard. Go pursue your Tinkerbell!
2- Kirsten Dunst.
Because she's blonde. Yes, I'm extremely unkind to blondes. Well, to certain blondes, I'm evil.
3- Fasha Sandha.
She is SO annoying. She puts on this "Oh please don't hurt me, I'm innocent!" look. Please-lah, the goody-two-shoes act doesn't work on me, and I HATE people to talk too softly. They make me boiling mad!
I'm tagging...
1- Sylvien [you better do this, other wise I'll crush Rooney's can and play football with it!]
2- FarahMexx [once you get back from your roadtrip, I want to see this done!]
3- Anyone who feels like doing it.Anyhow...Sylvien mentioned that I forgot about little Theo Walcott! Oh the horror! How can I do such a thing?Since I promised that crazy girl I'd put his pic up here you go, for your eyes only.'s Theo Walcott and his girlfriend, Melanie Slade. Sexy, ain't he?And that girl thought I hated Elen Rives because I'm jealous! SHE'S UGLY!At least she did admit that fact just now. But she thinks Crouchy is NOT cute. Crazy. He's cute. And I like him!
Wait-lah, if I can find a sexy pic of YOUR 'Casanova', I'd put it up for you. Okay?
*Bluesy* out!
Time for pictures! LAH exam is over and done with. It was a killer. But I think I did my best, so I shouldn't worry so much.Since I'm bored, I'm going to upload pics. Pics YOU would like to see and pics YOU wouldn't want to see.

The many faces of the abomination. Though I like the little doggie. It's so cute. Meow.
Ooh...*drools all over keyboard* Damn! Sexy, everything about you so sexy...
*Squeals* OHMYGOD! So fatherly and sweet! Not only a great captain, but a loving daddy too! Wonder if this is Georgie John or Summer Rose? I vote this pic as the pic of the year 2006!
Yes, believe it or not, I have a crush on Owen Hargreaves. *puts on shy face* I love skinny people.Which leads me to another confession I'd like to make...
I have a crush on Peter Crouch as well. He's so cute...even if he's vertically-challenged. And yes, he's skinny!Okay, before I get calls of dissatisfaction or the likes, I DON'T CRITICISE YOU when you say Will Young or Stephen Gately is gorgeous now, do I?**updated at 6 PM**
GOOD NEWS:1. I GOT MY HANDPHONE BACK. YAY, ON FOR MORE SMS AND CALLS!2. MY DAD INSTALLED ASTRO ALREADY. BUT HE DIDN'T PUT THE CARTOON CHANNELS! HMMPH...EVIL PEOPLE!It's amazing to see what miracles LAH exam can bring you.*Always keep a brother hooked with your bedroom eyes*I love that line from 'Roll With Me' by Abs.Oh today, the Frenchman was walking in front of me and spoke in the sexiest French accent ever! I was so awed I actually stopped talking to Jonathan! I can't help it if he's French and he's HOT!I have a new hobby. It's called walking along the corridors of HELP. That way, I can see my French hottie more frequently. And he works in the Centre For Bioinformatics for the IT Department!Instead of doing Psychology in October, can I switch to Bioinformatics or anything related with IT?Dear God, I sound like a stalker!Which isn't so bad, because after all I'm going to stalk Frank Lampard and Kaka with Aimee [after we're done with our killing spree].I am crazy.Is there something that you don't already know?*Bluesy* out!
A night of sappy love songs...
I'm not one who likes to listen to sappy love songs at night [of course, it would seem as though it's the right time to do it], but since yesterday has been a day of all sorts for me, I had to because it simply fitted my mood [and I find that I study better when I listen to them...WTF?].And there's this video from Lee Ryan that made me cry.It's called "How Do I?". It was touching. And being in my romantic-emo mood, I cried. YOU have to see it! Such a beautiful song. Have to say that this song is one of my favourites from the album, and it's the ONLY sappy love song I like from the album too.And guess what was I studying last night? LAH! Somehow, I don't see how I can mix something serious with something sad. Studying Lah isn't something to be taken lightly [finally, the importance of studying has been highlighted!!!] and what do I do? I listen to sappy songs to get me in the mood to study!I'm crazy. Too bad Ghana lost. Argh...Spain's out! That's sad. Goodbye Reyes, goodbye Alonso, and goodbye now let's look at the quarterfinal match-ups.Germany vs. ArgentinaEngland vs. PortugalItaly vs. UkraineBrazil vs. FranceSo god-damn interesting right? I want France to beat Brazil and England win, so that they meet again [yes, I'm still bitter about the fact that we lost to France by 2 goals scored within the span of ONE minute, no thanks to 2 Liverpool players...well, 1 current and the other, I don't have a clue where he is...Birmingham I think?].So crybaby-gayboy-sissyface wants to leave ManUre for Real Madrid. Well, good riddance to bad rubbish. The ungrateful boy! After what Ferguson has done for you [to extent of protecting you from the evil Van Horseface and the other referees], you want to leave? Ferguson's stupid. Keep on selling your best players and think that your young ones will save your team, when in truth it's the best players who will save the team from the brink of destruction, while your young ones contemplate your doom.Oh well, all the better for us. =)Oh, apparently Jose Mourinho wants to buy Fernando Torres. Seriously, I think he should buy me. Let me rephrase that. I think he should give me the money so that I can plan our little 'rombongan'.And of course, the ManUre fan isn't too pleased about the fact Mourinho wants to steal Torres away from ManUre. But I thought Rafa Benitez wanted to buy him...Oh well, Liverpool have acquired Craig Bellamy's services, so I don't think they would need Torres already.P/S: 'Real Love' is a nice video as well. Go watch!*Bluesy* out!
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT MY HANDPHONE HAS BEEN CONFISCATED AND I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPLY ANY MESSAGES, RECEIVE ANY CALLS, OR MAKE ANY CALLS. SO PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME OR SEND MESSAGES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.This sums my bloody Monday. I saw this really cool England T-shirt [it had Frank Lampard's name on it!] at 7-Eleven and it was ONLY RM16, but on condition I MUST buy the 6-pack Carlsberg cans! How to buy??? I don't drink beer [other types of alcohol, yes, but beer, a definite NO!]Oh...Adrian, the other Liverpool fan [too many Liverpool fans in Malaysia] said he'd buy it for me =) . I told you NOT all Liverpool fans are bad [there's ONLY one who's evil, she called JT gay! The evil abomination!]I can live without my phone. Only thing is, now there's nothing there to wake me up in the morning, and there's nothing for me to see when I wake up.
But I can manage without it.*Bluesy* out!
High level of food poisoning...
Yesterday wasn a really bad day. I think I was down with food poisoning. My delicate little tummy was not its usual happy self. I could've sworn I studied in the loo yesterday. Boo-hoo!There's always a sick feeling in my stomach, everytime I eat something that my tummy is not really familiar with. I wonder why. It must have been the egg in the fried nice my mum ordered [I was so hungry as my eggless fried rice took such a long time to make, so I had 2 spoons of my mum's one!].Oh when I say I'm allergic to eggs, it's not my ego-defense mechanism tricks. If you're still persistent on it, I'll let you believe in that little idea of yours.I feel so sorry for Australia. To go out on penalty in the last minute of injury-time is a real kick in the teeth [Mar, remember this?]. I HATE ITALY!!!Oh well, at least we know SOMEONE who is EXTREMELY HAPPY they're out [hint: he's the one who hates Frank Lampard in my family!]. Hmmph...evil thing.I hope Ghana beat Brazil [though realistically Brazil should win] and between France and Spain, I want to see Spain in, though evil creature mentioned in the paragraph above will be upset if France go home early.But I must support the French team, for the Frenchman's sake.Slap me.*Bluesy* out!
What in the world???
I found this abomination today.
Tell me, would you carry your baby like that?NOW DO YOU SEE WHY I HATE THIS PENGUIN?
She brings him bad luck. The evil thing!
Oh you sexy creature of God! Why have you married that evil thing? She jinxed your scoring boots!*drools all over keyboard*
He's so SEXY. *stroke stroke*Score-lah! If not I tell Roman pay you 1 pound-a-week!Sorry. I'm too stressed up studying for Human Comm.I love the song 'Stuck On You' by Lionel Richie. It's SO romantic. Aww...*Bluesy* out!
You know what I think?
I think the media is biased towards England. It's true, they said yesterday's game against Ecuador was terrible. And I thought the England-Paraguay game was worse. Sure they looked clearly unimpressive, but what about Ecuador? They were even worse!Referee was biased too! We should've had 2 penalties. But no...he didn't give it to us. He thinks Wayne Rooney being fouled by two Ecuador players in the penalty area was purely accidental. My foot.Before any of you ask me when is Frank Lampard going to score, the answer I will give you is SOON. Wait for it. Patience is a virtue. Haven't you learnt that before somewhere?Oh, then there's Serbegeth Singh who talks as though he's the GOD OF ALL FOOTBALL PUNDITS. He went on and on about what a flop the midfield was. It went something like this."The midfield was a complete flop. Gerrard, Lampard, Joe Cole who clearly looked unimpressive. They were a total flop. Wayne Rooney there gives England a slight hope of winning"Err...excuse me, Mr. Shebby Singh. In case you didn't notice, the midfielders whom you deemed as flops had more shots than that Wayne Rooney [who clearly looked bored being alone with no one to pass the ball to]. And what IS David Beckham? A STRIKER? NO...he's a midfielder. And what did this part of a flop of England's midfield asides from throwing up on the pitch? HE SCORED. So technically, the midfield isn't SO much of a flop now, is it?And he added that JOHN TERRY WAS THE WORST ENGLAND PLAYER. WHAT IN THE WORLD?? If he was SO bad, why was he named the Man-Of-The-Match for the game? Of course, he made a mistake in the first half [thank God for Ashley Cole!], but he made a few saves and all, besides getting himself booked. If you asked me who was the worst England player, I'd say it's Steven Gerrard [I have nothing against him. I swear!]. Clearly useless there.Ooh, Lampard shirtless = sexy. I had a good time to 'cuci mata'. Hehe...Oh this pic is really something.
Why else would David give him this big responsibility? It's because JT is the best leader next to him. Of course, you have Captain Fantastic from Liverpool there, but who would've been a more suitable candidate for Beckham to pick as captain than JT? THE CAPTAIN MARVEL, JOHN TERRY. So, Mr. Serbegeth Singh, if you don't know what you're rambling on, please leave the comment-making sessions to the experts.Oh what is this supposed to mean?"You need two teams to play a good game of football"OH WOW! GREAT OBSERVATION THERE! TELL ME SOMETHING I DON'T ALREADY KNOW FOR A CHANGE!I feel sorry for Rooney. He was so alone and useless being the lone striker for England. They shouldn't use the 4-1-4-1 formation [I thought it was 4-5-1 at first!] at this ungodly stages of the game! Putting Carrick there was really useless. They should've brought on Aaron Lennon and Jamie Carragher from the very beginning. I think they should've put Crouch to partner Rooney up front [it's better to have somebody rather than have nobody there right?]. Owen Hargreaves was good yesterday. I don't know why the English fans hate him so much.So now we're going to meet Portugal. I want them to pay for the tears I shed during EURO 2004.Ricardo Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira, Tiago and Maniche VS. John Terry, Wayne Bridge, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole.Oh...I know two people who went to bed last night with dreams of David Beckham. You cheeky little things!My dad was criticising Lampsy yesterday! Hmmph...I had to save him from my dad's criticism! I'm very dramatic and crazy right?Tell me something I DON'T know.*Bluesy* out!
Looks familiar?
Yes, if you MUST know, my face came out in the newspaper today. Why? I robbed a bank yesterday.Seriously, I didn't [I ONLY told that excuse to certain people when I asked them to read the SundayStar!]. It came out in the StarEducation pullout, but featured VERY little of us. Quite sad, because we were answering the questions will full spirits, but ONLY 95% of our interview came out. THAT much.And the picture doesn't do much justice either. I think in that pic, we were actually laughing at Rooney's pic. So excuse the flashing of the teeth.Since the pic isn't available at The Star's website, I shall leave you all to read what PART of the interview was written.For HELP University College students Rowena Hanafiah and Benjamin Teng, the matches are a family affair. Rowena stays up with her mother to catch the games, while Benjamin’s entire family of five often watch together. "My mother even asks me everyday what matches are on so she can plan!" says Benjamin.That was it. What happened to my public declaration of support and love for England? What happened to my extremely great answer to the question: "What would you do if you had an exam on the same morning as the final game?" ? What happened to Roya, Adrian, and Sylvien's answers?My mum SERIOUSLY is a good actress. She acted SO surprised when my pic came out in the paper. Haha...after all, I mentioned her in the article, so she has to be nice with me. Hahaha...And meeting up with the family at the memorial service was nice. Though I do wish SOME PEOPLE would learn the importance of UNITY IN THE FAMILY.Oh, my dad is SO evil."You got a choice. Either you go for the house-warming [yesterday] or the memorial service [today]. You go for the house-warming, you don't have to go for the service. If you don't go for the house-warming, you have to go for the service. If you go for both, you cannot watch the England game [!!!]. But since you're brother is going out tonight [yesterday], you come for the house-waming, then the service you don't come"It didn't look as though I had a choice AFTER ALL. In the end, I went for the service TODAY! Doesn't make much of a difference now, does it?Hmmph...
Haha...Mar said that my ugly mugshot might be a lucky omen for England and Frank Lampard today. Silly thing. FORZA ENGLAND!
*Bluesy* out!
You know...
You know the hype about Malaysians being rude? It's true. To a certain extent, of course.The ones who are mostly rude ar the KL people [Myself included. Occassionally, NOT all the time!]. And don't any of you people reading this deny it.I read in the papers recently that one lady said that foreigners were a ruder lot compared to us Malaysians. I find that hard to believe.Do you remember my toilet escapade in KLCC some 20 days ago [I remembered the date because of Ms. David-Beckham-is-a-God-in-my-book's birthday was on that day]? The one with the American lady saying "I never knew so many people lived in this country" just by looking at the number of people who had to wait in line just to get into one out of the 8 cubicles?She was incredibly polite. She asked my mum questions in the most absolutely polite way possible. And she queued up. For the blasted toilets [I hate women's toilets! They take ages to get out of it!]. Unlike that scrawny little bitch in pink who didn't queue up and just went in there, without thinking of the predicament of other users who had to wait in line for the past 15 minutes [I time certain things when I'm bored]. And she [the foreigner] was appalled to see that girl cut the queue. You're not alone, lady [I was so mad, I left! I get ticked off when I see things like this]. So was the rest of the population [Argh...Stats! Run!!!] who queued up just to use the darn toilets.Before I left for the US, my accounts teacher [he only taught me for one year, so don't tell me I got an A for it because he taught me in Form 4 and Form 5!] warned me that I should be prepared for a culture shock. Knowing me, you'd think I'd listen? Hell NO. So when I got there, I was extremely surprised to see the Americans were really a nice bunch. It wasn't like what you see on the TV. At the pedestrian crossing, the drivers STOP and let people cross [here, you have the right to cross, but crazy people don't give a damn about you]. Then, even at ANY shop, they WILL greet you : "Hello Sir/Madam/Miss, how are you today? Is there anything I can help you with?" and usually they WILL end it with : "You have a nice day. Goodbye. Thank you for coming!" [here, they'll ONLY be nice to people they WANT to be nice with]. Even the man on the road will greet you with smiles [here, you smile at a stranger, they think you're insane!] ! And they won't hesitate to talk to you, they're SO helpful! Ask any man on the road to take pics for you, they will stop whatever they're doing, and take the pic for you [here, they will cite the 'being busy' factor and the likes]. And there's NO such thing as double parking there. That's what made it even more blissful for me. I liked it there [the ONLY thing I didn't like was the food, it made me fat, and it took me 2 months to get rid of the excess weight!]. I missed Malaysian food terribly, so I came home [in truth, I missed my friends and the food terribly].It was very much a culture shock for me. I didn't know that it was going to be entirely different from what I saw on the TV. Given the opportunity, I'd go there again and maybe this time I'll walk to the end of the Golden Gate Bridge and maybe get a closer view of Alcatraz [seeing it from a telescope isn't really exciting]. I'd go to SeaWorld and get myself drenched thanks to Shamu and touch the stingray again [quite nice to touch but apparently someone had his hand bitten off by the stingray]! I'd go to Disneyland, go to the Muppets show AGAIN, get myself immortalised as Mulan AGAIN, and finally muster the courage to go on that rollercoaster [I would have but my dad didn't let me!]. And I'd go to Hollywood and stalk a celebrity [Hugh Jackman, Clay Aiken, Ben Foster, Hugh Grant, Wentworth Miller, Johnny Depp...anybody!]! Did you know that a few days after I left, the cast of The Pirates of the Carribean were at the the ride with the same name in Disneyland? And a week before we arrived, the cast of The Italian Job was in Hollywood? Yerr...I had so many chances of stalking celebrities!I have digressed from the original topic. The point is, foreigners are not as rude as you think they are. We should be ashamed of ourselves. We are a lot ruder than they are, and we can make a sweeping statement like that. Either way, we should change our rude ways. It's for the better.So from now on, I SHALL NOT BE RUDE TO LIVERPOOL FANS OR IN PARTICULAR, STEVEN GERRARD FANS.*****
And interestingly enough, my dad is weird."Any cronies of the US, except England and France, should NOT go in to the second round. Australia, Japan, South Korea, and USA should not advance at all!""I support England because I was born during English era. As for France, you see my surname de Silva sounds French. Come to think of it, Holland also got some de Boer, Portugal got da Silva also!""I'd rather support North Korea than support South Korea for the World Cup!""If China was in, I'd support them, because they're the only ones who support Iran. So it's good since Iran is not in, I don't want any Asian country in, because they're bloody cronies of the US!""I wanted the African countries, the Islamic Countries, the Middle-East countries to go in. I supported Ivory Coast and Ghana. So I will support Ghana because they're the ONLY African team left in the World Cup!"Yes, these are ALL the statements made by my dad in the past 48 hours. I didn't know what to say to him when he said that. Though I wanted to say: "You are crazy!" to him but he'd probably slap me. =)Strange. My mother supported Tunisia yesterday when they played Ukraine. The evil thing.Wow...Switzerland beat South Korea 2-0. Goals from Philippe Senderos [!!!] and Alexander Frei [wasn't he the one who spat in Steven Gerrard's shirt or face or something like that in Euro 2004?]. And Patrick Vieira scored on his birthday [and Zidane's]!Oh, yes. It's Messi's birthday today. So Happy Birthday to him then. He's going to be 19.Why is it that whenever I have exams, my mum tends to cook something she's NEVER cooked before? My delicate little tummy CANNOT handle food its not used to, especially during the exam period. I hate it when she does that!Oh, about Stats...hmmm, it was okay. Except for the last question. Damn! I don't know what I wrote there! Hope for the best! *crosses fingers**Bluesy* out!
Bye Czech Republic...
Want to know something? I CRIED WHEN CZECH REPUBLIC LOST TO ITALY.I followed the match through MatchCast, while studying in front of the PC. My mum said I should study. After all, mid-terms is like super-duper near.I felt so sad. I really wanted them in, but they went out this early. To think they're ranked no.2 in the world and they're OUT.See you in August, Petr Cech. It's not your fault. It never was. I'll never blame you.Oh Brazil beat Japan 4-1, with two goals coming from El Gordo. Like what Madam Mary [my Stats lecturer] would say: "No point you stay up so late to see the Brazil game. You watch or don't watch also, they WILL win". Hahaha...true!Mar said that Harry Kewell [note that it's not Keh-well, it's Kew-well!] is God. Everyone who wears the number 7 jersey is God to her. No surprise in guessing if she thinks Beckham as God.So Ghana will meet Brazil in the second round. All the best. Too bad Essien ain't playing in that game.I have to say...Nelson Cuevas from Paraguay is quite good looking. I've heard of him before but never really knew who he was. The only two Paraguayans I know are Roque Santa Cruz and that evil penguin-worshipper I have for an ex-husband, Jeevan Santa Cruz [he is NOT related to the former, though I wish he was...for personal reasons].Oh, my ugly mugshot will be made viewable to the public on Sunday in the SundayStar. So please scan VERY carefully. Do NOT tell me that I look extremely weird OR anything of that sort, because I know for a fact that I am like that. So please, don't say anything. Your co-operation will be greatly rewarded with buckets filled with my love.
Why can't they use this pic as a mugshot??? It's much nicer anyway! The evil people at The Star!!!
Ooh, Totti's new hairdo rocks! Still I don't like him. =)*Bluesy* out!
Technically, I'm doomed for Lah. Do NOT tell me I am smart OR I'll ACE it. Unless you want a free slap, of course.I'm quite worried about England now. We REALLY have to work on our defence.Good luck to England on Sunday! Beat Ecuador!If we DO beat Ecuador, we will meet either Portugal or Holland. I hope it's Portugal. I want them to be sorry for kicking us out of EURO 2004.Oh, read this:"He's a player who can take the praise and the criticism. The criticism only makes him stronger. Joe is absolutely frightening when you see him one-on-one with someone. You can’t live with him. He attacks, he’s got skills, he gets back defensively and he’s got goals in him."Haha! John Terry describing Joe Cole. Frightening? My mum thinks he's sexy shirtless *stares at the wall* while I beg to differ. I think it's NOT sexy at all. Though Frankie shirtless sends me to!It's quite sad to see Michael Owen out of the World Cup. Lilee the 'Michael Owen daydreamer' is very disappointed. So now, she'd probably send her love and support to either Peter Crouch OR Steven Gerrard OR Jamie Carragher [But knowing her, the second name WILL NOT get any form of love or support. Don't look at me! I didn't influence her to HATE Steven Gerrard alright!]. Michael Owen will be out for 6 months, meaning he'll only start playing for Newcastle United in 2007.OMG...THIS MEANS I CAN'T GET TO SEE HIM IF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH THE CELCOM ADVERT COME TO MALAYSIA!!!!
Yerr...this means I will ONLY get to meet Steven Gerrard, Robert Pires, and Ryan Giggs. There goes the dream of meeting Michael Owen.My mid-terms start on Saturday, and I haven't started studying! Kick me!Ooh, 'Roll with Me' by Abs is quite good.It'll all be alright...
Erm...I think is pic is cute. I suppose they're dancing? Oh dear, what will Victoria say? =pShe won't have to say anything, her 'spokesperson' will do it for her. We ALL know who the spokesperson is, right?So 'loh-man-tic'! Hahaha!*Bluesy* out!
A small note...
Before any of you say I'm being bitter because Steven Gerrard scored and NOT him, and that I'm depressed because YOUR Captain Fantastic scored, here's the truth. I'M NOT.No, I'm not depressed at all. Think about it. Would you want England to lose and meet Germany in the second round? I really don't fancy meeting Germany THAT early.No, I'm not bitter at all. Because if he scored the winning goal [provided Henrik Larsson didn't score], he would have been named the man-of-the-match. Sadly for him, he didn't but JOE COLE did! You HAVE to see his goal! Damn sublime...he deserves the man-of-the-match award.The fact that I'm not depressed and bitter doesn't mean I'm madly in love with Steven Gerrard [that's like me falling in love with Jens Lehmann!]. I'm just being honest.Why is everyone around me going on about how USELESS Frank Lampard is? He hasn't scored, true, but think about it. Der GreedyPants and Maggi-Mee hair [that's Michael Ballack and Ronaldinho for you!] haven't scored either. Ronaldinho is highly rated and respected by EVERYONE [make that ALMOST EVERYONE]. He scores a lot of amazing goals [The best one was the one where he single-handedly took on three of our beloved Chelsea defenders INCLUDING John Terry and scored past the BEST keeper the universe has seen Petr Cech. That was class!] and IS undoubtedly one of the best players in the world [I cannot slander my mum's favourite player, you know]. But it's going to be the third game and he STILL hasn't scored a single goal. Der GreedyPants missed the first game due to injury, but he has played in the last two games. And from what I saw in yesterday's game, he didn't look that impressive to be named the man-of-the-match [I would've nominated Miroslav Klose instead]. He was just...LOST.When I watched the World Cup 2002, everyone went "Oh, Klose is God. He scored three past Saudi, 1 past Ireland and 1 past Nigeria! Just three games and already he's scored 5 goals!" [I think WE know who said this...please don't slap me, you stupid Scouser =p]. But after that, in the second round, he didn't score. In the quarterfinals, he didn't score either. In the semi-finals, he didn't score against Korea. And finally, in the finals, he didn't score against Brazil [if he did, I would've won OUR bet...don't look back in anger!]. What happened to YOUR God? Who was it who saved Germany with that narrow 1-0 victories? It was Der GreedyPants [that was why I LOVED him and had dreams of killing his girlfriend Simone then!]. He scored in that game against Korea, but got suspended for the finals when he got that second yellow card. Which left me in tears [I'm SO dramatic].All I'm saying is, stop all this unnecessary slandering. He will come back with a bang and prove to others that he HAS what it takes to score goals and not fire blanks. If Michael Ballack had a slow start when Miroslav Klose had an impressive hattrick against Saudi, and then he [Der GreedyPants] was hailed as the German saviour [erm...I think I called him that! Don't think it was you though, since you kept saying Klose is STILL your God and you'd do him any were just 14, you pervert! =p] after Klose couldn't score to save Germany's ass in the later stages. Who knows? Maybe Frank Lampard has a slow start while Steven Gerrard has a fast one, and maybe in the second round, he will shine [the 'Lamps shining brightly' joke is NOT entirely funny anymore, you silly thing!]. At least he IS trying to score. It's not like he isn't.Yes...I'm defending him like how someone I know would defend Wayne Rooney, crybaby-gayboy-sissyface [you did say we live in a democratic country so I can say what I like! =p], and Stevie G. It's because I have this thing called faith. He's not stupid or incompetent. He's extremely good.And seriously, I think the Lampard-Gerrard partnership beats the Lampard-Hargreaves partenrship. Even Rio Ferdinand thinks so too. I hope Michael Owen's okay. I hope he's not injured. That looked like a nasty fall. I hope he's okay. England fans reading this, pray with me that Michael James Owen is going to be fine. *kneels down and prays*I wonder when Theo Walcott will get his big break. Could he possibly replace Peter Crouch should Michael Owen be injured and will not play any further? [Crouch would probably pair up with Rooney up front, and if Sven thinks he's an idiot, he might substitute him with Walcott]. Or maybe he could join the BENCHWARMERS SOCIETY. I wonder...what IS actually going through Sven-Goran Eriksson's mind???YOU and I need to have a little conversation, you horrible 1/3 Paraguayan, 1/3 English, and 1/3 Indian [Yes, he's mixed. Mar's even more screwed up than he is! It runs in the family I suppose...].Oh, in case you're reading this Sylvien, there's a pic of your CUTE TEDDY BEAR shirtless. Don't start drooling over your keyboard, you crazy girl!Oh, I want to make a final farewell to Costa Rica, Poland, Trinidad & Tobago, Paraguay, Ivory Coast, Serbia & Montenegro, Iran, and Togo [have to admit that Otto Pfister is good-looking for a man his age...quite sexy!]. You were wonderful in the tournament, but it's time to say goodbye.The person who WILL get the bribe from me is...Ms. I-should-be-there-to-comfort-Rooney! Even though I only got her messages at 6:50 AM...when she sent them at 3 or 4 something! Sorry...Hmmm...but since you are leading in the Fantasy Game of ours, and I'm currently third, I might not buy it for you. =pI DON'T LOVE HIM-LAH! YOU IDIOT! [Intended for the evil-penguin-with-a-big-mouth worshipper! And also that Klose-who-can-do-somersaults-after-he-scores-which-isn't-really-hot-in-MY-eyes fan! Dumb things!]French hottie in HELP takes the cake any day!Eh, you all were supposed to remind me NOT to be obsessed about that guy. Hmmph, you haven't been doing your jobs!, I forgot what I wanted to say already. Memory of a goldfish, they say.*Bluesy* out!
Remind me...
Not to get excited when I see that HOT French guy in HELP. Even if he IS skinny, tall, fair, has brown hair, and probably IS a computer freak.Not to wear my jeans which has small hole on the right side when something important might happen. Even if I have no other pants to wear [which actually isn't true because my parents bought me more pants than skirts fearing my little legs will be bitten by evil mosquitoes!].Not to wear slippers when something important might happen [for example, rain]. Even if I have blisters all over my dainty duck-feet.Not to laugh by myself when people are looking at me. Even if I'm laughing for a good reason.Not to forget to remind myself that I need a new haircut. Even if I like my hair now.Not to do anything that can lead to total embarrassment. Even if it gives me my 15 minutes of fame.Not to talk without thinking. Even if I'm super-excited over the fact Andriy Shevchenko scored and I made him my captain in the Fantasy Game.Not to turn into a cam-whore. Even if it gives me my 15 minutes of fame.Not to be lazy to study for mid-terms which are coming soon. Even if I have to sacrifice my World Cup 2006 [just 3 days!].Not to criticise Philippe Senderos. Even if he plays for Arsenal.Not to eat like a pig. Even if I haven't eaten something in ages.Not to call Elen Rives 'that woman' in front of my mother [she thinks I should call her a lady!]. Even if I think she has a big mouth, is ugly, and wastes his money like there's no tomorrow. Don't you realise with that money you waste on that handbag, you can feed a starving child in some country affected by malnutrition? YOU STUPID WOMAN!!! [can call her that here since mum doesn't read my blog...tee-hee!]Not to say "Aussie rocks!" in front of my dad. Even if I think Tim Cahill and Harry Kewell are yummy things and Mark Schwarzer and I share the same birthday.***
I got my 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of The Star. So did Sylvien, Adrian, Ben, and Roya. Let's just say we were at the right place at the wrong time. We were supposed to do something else, somehow, we were lucky enough to get that 15 minutes. If there's anything wrong with my picture, please don't tell me. We looked so fake when we took the pics. Haha!Not too sure when you'll get to see my ugly mugshot in The Star, but keep looking. =pOh, if any of you know my OTHER family members [as in my dad and my brother AND the extended relatives], please DON'T tell them. I want them to discover it for themselves. =pSeriously feel like flushing myself down the toilet now.Go England!!! Go Frank Lampard!!!
HAPPY 28TH BIRTHDAY, FRANK LAMPARD!!! SCORE ONE TODAY, YOU SEXY THING! *in case you're wodering which one is Frank Lampard, he's the shirtless one =p !*May, he's grown darker now!!! Still sexy anyway.Yes, I'm ham-sap. You got a problem with that?Anyone willing enough to give me a blow-by-blow account of the game and the scorers?Your kindness shall be repaid in the form of a McDonalds' chocolate milkshake. This form of bribery is only applicable to people I can reach out to [SMKCS people, HELP people].But if I haven't seen or met you before, a virtual hug should be suffice, right? It's the thought that counts anyway...*Bluesy* out!
Specially for Sylvien...
This pic I'm going to put up is specially for Sylvien. Since you refuse to believe in things in front of your eyes, this is the proof. =p
The picture is VERY small, so I had to enlarge it a little [hence, the blurness of it all]. See the proof? You know what I'm talking about. But if you think Wayne is CUTE and looks like a TEDDY BEAR, I'll leave you with that thoughts. Shall NOT say anything further. If it makes you happy...[Eh, I left you a comment in the previous post...don't forget to read it. Just explaining myself on what I meant in my post!].And stupid Brazil beat Australia 2-0! Hmmph...I hope they beat Croatia.Dad: Japan and Aussie, who won?Me: Aussie. I supported them because the keeper and I share the same birthday.Dad: i don't want them to progress! Stupid country!Me: Then who you want to go in?Dad: I want England and France to go in. France got Thierry Henry and Sol Campbell [!!!!]Me: Where got Sol Campbell in France? Got Vieira I know-lah.Dad: Oh yeah. Vieira. He got good passes all you know. Stupid Wenger go sell him to Juventus.Me: Pity him [what else you want me to say?].Dad: Campbell played that day?Me: No-lah.Dad: He fat already cannot run.Me: Last time WC 2002, I see him, he was so fit. Now got all his psychological problem, he go fat already. Like that Ronaldo.Dad: Eh, Ronaldo last time fit. Some more he score all good goals one. Now go so fat, cannot kick also.Me: Now go Real Madrid, he damn slow already. Stupid thing...My dad is funny especially when he talks about my 'funds'. He is quite evil when he talk about my darling Frankie.Apparently my cousin Wanie thinks my boobs are growing and I'm making good progress. Proof I've grown fatter. *cries*Oh, and I did something really stupid today. I was looking at this French guy who is working in HELP in the IT department because he was walking in front of me to go to the loo, and I told Krisna [he was the emcee at the Fete de la Musique and that French guy was on TV!!] the French guy was HOT. And then I pointed at the door saying "That day he went, right?" and then this French guy did NOT go to the loo [changed his mind] and walked in front of me as I was pointing at him. And I was talking VERY loudly.I'm an idiot.Remind me not to do that again.*Bluesy* out!
Czech mate?
I was in the mood for satay at last night's wedding, but apparently so was everyone else. So I didn't get a chance to eat satay. Met my 'mother-in-law'! Haha...okay-lah, not exactly 'mother-in-law'...she was my front house neighbour. And ever since I could walk, I'd always go to her house and call for her son, Patrick. This is what they would tell me, but I can't recall of anything like that happening. Quite a naughty little girl, I was. =)And I got to watch the second-half of the Portugal-Iran game. Whee, Deco scored! His goal was somewhat better than Stevie G's goal. Damn good.And Cristiano Ronaldo is an IDIOT. When he scored that penalty, he shouted as though IT was THE GOAL OF THE YEAR. Blearh. He's so ugly. I don't see why young kids like him and worship him as though he's God. When they focused on his face, I was cringing. And then he smiled, I was cringing even harder and my mum told me to shut up! And the Iranian captain, who collided into him [I would say that gayboy pushed him] got yellow-carded! Bloody ref! Just because that gayboy put on his crybaby face, you give that guy a YELLOW CARD? By right, it should be gayboy who deserves a yellow card!A penalty being scored is all about luck. It's either you score OR you don't. He is quite dumb, you know, shouting and flashing his ugly teeth and face. Haha...goal of the season. Haha...goal of the year. Haha.Note that I'm being mean.Oh, the Czech-Ghana game was good! The Ghanaian defence was unbreakable. They were good. And I wished that Petr Cech had saved the two goals. I was quite upset to see the Czech Republic lose. And there my mum was, supporting Ghana! Hmmph...the evil thing. Essien was quite quiet for the evening but he had a good game and he was named man-of-the-match for the game! So far, Chelsea players have won it 5 times: Frank Lampard [against Paraguay], Arjen Robben [against S&M and Ivory Coast], Claude Makelele [against Switzerland] and Michael Essien [against Czech Republic]. I was surprised that Rosicky didn't do too good today.Oh, USA drew with Italy 1-1. Oh boy, this group is really exciting to watch! Who will go to the second round? Will it be Czech Republic, Italy or Ghana? I really want Czech Reoublic to go in, I also want Ghana to go in. Yes, due to personal interests.I read in the papers on Friday [I think] that Sarah Tan supports England and her favourite player is Frank Lampard because 'he kisses his wedding ring after he scores'. Haha...seriously. I hate that Elen Rives.
She reminds me of Anne Hathaway. At least Anne Hathaway is much prettier than that evil penguin.Oh I was watching that 'Looking Good in 2006' ad by SkySports again. Frank Lampard and Jamie Redknapp have got to be the MOST GOOD-LOOKING FOOTBALL-PLAYING COUSINS IN THE WORLD.Would like to comment on the England-T&T game.England's performance was far from convincing. Especially with that 'the goal that could have been a goal' which was saved by John Terry. T&T, to me, looked as though they were focusing on Rooney as they thought he was England's saviour [which ALMOST everyone believes in]. They forgot to mark people like Joe Cole, Frank Lampard, Peter Crouch and David Beckham. I don't know why Sven was desperate to bring Rooney on, he should've waited another game. And why is it that Sven always takes off Michael Owen and Joe Cole? I mean, Michael was getting himself some great chances to score, and Joe was the other link to the strikers and midfielders. Why? Jamie Carragher was only put in because Gary Neville was injured, but I think he had a good game. I don't see any reason why he selected Walcott in his squad, when he hasn't played in any of the matches yet. This is no time for experiments, you crazy man! IT'S THE WORLD CUP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I really wished he brought Jermain Defoe, he's been good with Spurs and scores for them regularly. But no. The old man thought: "Oh what the hell, it's my last World Cup. If they lose, I don't care. I'm not going to be there anymore anyway! Let me try all the crazy tactics, I won't be blamed if we failed to win it!". The point is, Wayne Rooney isn't exactly God. And I wish the fans would see that Wayne Rooney isn't the only striker in the universe for England. If he was, ManUre would have won all their games. Especially in that 3-0 bashing we gave them. =) It's frustrating when you have so many shots on goal but you can't find the net, but when someone who has no shots on goal and scores one, it's even more frustrating. Gerrard is SO NOT a team-player. I was watching the game for the whole 93 minutes, so I can say that. He wants all the glory for himself. I'm sorry, I'm not being sour with the fact that Gerrard scored. It's just that this is how I feel.Steven Gerrard, if you're reading this, please wake up from that dream of yours thinking you're God or something like that.And don't sue me.I don't even have enough money for my HELP SEND ROWENA TO STAMFORD BRIDGE fund and my latest fund: HELP FEED SKINNY PETER CROUCH SO THAT HE'S MUCH FLESHIER THAN HIS GIRLFRIEND.Though my dad said I should rename that latest fund to HELP BUY NEW LAMPS FOR FRANK LAMPARD TO REPLACE HIS OLD LAMPS.Hmmph. Evil thing.Oh, Cristiano Ronaldo won't say anything if he reads my blog. He'd probably cry.I want Australia to beat Brazil! Go Tim Cahill!!!But I do want Kaka to score.Haha.*Bluesy* out!
Dance the night away...
Ah...I feel good now. Thanks everyone for knocking some sense into my head. Really needed it.Anyway, today was the Parent-Lecturer meeting in HELP. Overall, the lecturers say I'm quite a good student and I'm quiet [yes, all you Convent people who know me, don't laugh!]. But they did say, I don't ask questions [I do, if I think it's necessary!]. I don't speak much in class and I don't express myself [I bet, if my parents and my lecturers knew I had a blog and visit it, they'd be surprised seeing how much I express myself here! Besides, I mentioned that I express myself better when I write, not when I speak...again, Convent people, don't laugh!]. My parents were quite shocked AGAIN when they said I was quiet in class. Haha...I hope my lecturers don't think my dad is cranky or something. Well, he IS.I'm kind of silly sometimes. When Madam Mary said told my parents that if I did my revision at home REGULARLY they won't have to worry so much, I laughed. Quite a dumb thing to do. I had my reason. It's because I don't revise my Stats regularly. And if you're wondering why I am making this statement, it's because I got 8.5 out of 10 for my Stats quiz [which again, I studied at the VERY last minute: the night before AND the quiz morning]. My parents were complaining to my lecturers that they don't see me studying and all. Haha...I think my life is unbalanced. Mexxy's right. Life = circus. We are the jugglers, who constantly juggle to make sure all aspects are well-taken care of so that they are balanced, if not it will fall and end the vicious cycle abruptly. I think I need to do something about it.World Cup update:Argentina beat S&M 6-0! Mateja Kezman was red-carded for a two-footed challenge [the poor boy].Holland beat Ivory Coast 2-1. Bye bye Toure and Drogba.Mexico drew with Angola. Come on Angola!I didn't watch any match last night because I was too tired. Might catch the Czech Republic-Ghana game later. If I'm lucky =).I read an interview with Petr Cech somewhere off the Net. They asked him "Who is the best player never to have played in a World Cup?" and he answered Eidur Gudjohnsen. How true...
I am surely going to miss this fella. My FIRST ever favourite blonde [which I must tell you, ONLY consists of 10 people currently]. I hope you're happy with where you're at now, Eidur. I'll ALWAYS love you.Now it looks like my 'Awesome-Threesome' would consist of Frank Lampard, John Terry, and maybe Claude Makelele OR Joe Cole.Karl-Heinz Rummenigge thinks Frank Lampard is better than Michael Ballack. So true! He said that he is 'one class higher than Ballack is'. =)He must score on Tuesday evening [Wednesday morning Malaysian time] as a birthday gift.Oh I made a very strange observation on Friday morning during the England-T&T game. The two scorers were the ones who were yellow-carded in the first game. So...maybe with that yellow card he got during the England-T&T game, he might score in the England-Sweden game? Hmm...*Bluesy* out!
No one reads my blog...
I'm not complaining. I don't care anyway. My blog was a place for me to vent my anger, and in a way, reflect on how far I've changed. Not to earn the wrath of other people.I mean, I once wrote a letter to Roman Abramovich asking him to sponsor my studies in the UK so that I could attend matches in Stamford Bridge and stalk Frank Lampard. The chances of him reading this is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY slim.Then I wrote a letter to Tottenham Hotspurs, asking them to beat ManUre. If they read it, I'm sure they would have beaten ManUre.I wrote once, asking my readers to donate generously to the "HELP SEND ROWENA TO STAMFORD BRIDGE" fund. The ONLY people who have donated are the people who NEVER knew the existence of my blog [my parents].I write things just for laughs. I may write emotionally especially when it's that time of the month. I write things to tell people how I feel so that they know how to talk to me the next day. I try to be as honest as I can. Sans hurting anyone along the way.I write stuff about my ex, to show my anger and disgust towards him, hoping he'd read it, so that he'll leave me alone.I talk bad about Steven Gerrard because I know he probably wouldn't google his name and see his name in my blog.Sometimes I wonder if I let my emotions control me. Sometimes I wonder whether people I know are actually reading this, and NOT tell me.Sometimes my parents are right. Whenever I try to be honest, they always tell me to shut up.Maybe I should SHUT UP.Maybe the American lady I saw in KLCC was right after all. "I never knew so many people lived in Malaysia". If I did, I wouldn't even annoy anyone.*If you don't see me blogging for a while, it means I'm still depressed or not in the mood to rant or things that mean the same as that*