Remind me...
Not to get excited when I see that HOT French guy in HELP. Even if he IS skinny, tall, fair, has brown hair, and probably IS a computer freak.
Not to wear my jeans which has small hole on the right side when something important might happen. Even if I have no other pants to wear [which actually isn't true because my parents bought me more pants than skirts fearing my little legs will be bitten by evil mosquitoes!].
Not to wear slippers when something important might happen [for example, rain]. Even if I have blisters all over my dainty duck-feet.
Not to laugh by myself when people are looking at me. Even if I'm laughing for a good reason.
Not to forget to remind myself that I need a new haircut. Even if I like my hair now.
Not to do anything that can lead to total embarrassment. Even if it gives me my 15 minutes of fame.
Not to talk without thinking. Even if I'm super-excited over the fact Andriy Shevchenko scored and I made him my captain in the Fantasy Game.
Not to turn into a cam-whore. Even if it gives me my 15 minutes of fame.
Not to be lazy to study for mid-terms which are coming soon. Even if I have to sacrifice my World Cup 2006 [just 3 days!].
Not to criticise Philippe Senderos. Even if he plays for Arsenal.
Not to eat like a pig. Even if I haven't eaten something in ages.
Not to call Elen Rives 'that woman' in front of my mother [she thinks I should call her a lady!]. Even if I think she has a big mouth, is ugly, and wastes his money like there's no tomorrow. Don't you realise with that money you waste on that handbag, you can feed a starving child in some country affected by malnutrition? YOU STUPID WOMAN!!! [can call her that here since mum doesn't read my blog...tee-hee!]
Not to say "Aussie rocks!" in front of my dad. Even if I think Tim Cahill and Harry Kewell are yummy things and Mark Schwarzer and I share the same birthday.
I got my 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of The Star. So did Sylvien, Adrian, Ben, and Roya. Let's just say we were at the right place at the wrong time. We were supposed to do something else, somehow, we were lucky enough to get that 15 minutes. If there's anything wrong with my picture, please don't tell me. We looked so fake when we took the pics. Haha!
Not too sure when you'll get to see my ugly mugshot in The Star, but keep looking. =p
Oh, if any of you know my OTHER family members [as in my dad and my brother AND the extended relatives], please DON'T tell them. I want them to discover it for themselves. =p
Seriously feel like flushing myself down the toilet now.
Go England!!! Go Frank Lampard!!!

HAPPY 28TH BIRTHDAY, FRANK LAMPARD!!! SCORE ONE TODAY, YOU SEXY THING! *in case you're wodering which one is Frank Lampard, he's the shirtless one =p !*
May, he's grown darker now!!! Still sexy anyway.
Yes, I'm ham-sap. You got a problem with that?
Anyone willing enough to give me a blow-by-blow account of the game and the scorers?
Your kindness shall be repaid in the form of a McDonalds' chocolate milkshake. This form of bribery is only applicable to people I can reach out to [SMKCS people, HELP people].
But if I haven't seen or met you before, a virtual hug should be suffice, right? It's the thought that counts anyway...
*Bluesy* out!
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