You know what I think?
I think the media is biased towards England. It's true, they said yesterday's game against Ecuador was terrible. And I thought the England-Paraguay game was worse. Sure they looked clearly unimpressive, but what about Ecuador? They were even worse!
Referee was biased too! We should've had 2 penalties. But no...he didn't give it to us. He thinks Wayne Rooney being fouled by two Ecuador players in the penalty area was purely accidental. My foot.
Before any of you ask me when is Frank Lampard going to score, the answer I will give you is SOON. Wait for it. Patience is a virtue. Haven't you learnt that before somewhere?
Oh, then there's Serbegeth Singh who talks as though he's the GOD OF ALL FOOTBALL PUNDITS. He went on and on about what a flop the midfield was. It went something like this.
"The midfield was a complete flop. Gerrard, Lampard, Joe Cole who clearly looked unimpressive. They were a total flop. Wayne Rooney there gives England a slight hope of winning"
Err...excuse me, Mr. Shebby Singh. In case you didn't notice, the midfielders whom you deemed as flops had more shots than that Wayne Rooney [who clearly looked bored being alone with no one to pass the ball to]. And what IS David Beckham? A STRIKER? NO...he's a midfielder. And what did this part of a flop of England's midfield asides from throwing up on the pitch? HE SCORED. So technically, the midfield isn't SO much of a flop now, is it?
And he added that JOHN TERRY WAS THE WORST ENGLAND PLAYER. WHAT IN THE WORLD?? If he was SO bad, why was he named the Man-Of-The-Match for the game? Of course, he made a mistake in the first half [thank God for Ashley Cole!], but he made a few saves and all, besides getting himself booked. If you asked me who was the worst England player, I'd say it's Steven Gerrard [I have nothing against him. I swear!]. Clearly useless there.
Ooh, Lampard shirtless = sexy. I had a good time to 'cuci mata'. Hehe...
Oh this pic is really something.

Why else would David give him this big responsibility? It's because JT is the best leader next to him. Of course, you have Captain Fantastic from Liverpool there, but who would've been a more suitable candidate for Beckham to pick as captain than JT? THE CAPTAIN MARVEL, JOHN TERRY. So, Mr. Serbegeth Singh, if you don't know what you're rambling on, please leave the comment-making sessions to the experts.
Oh what is this supposed to mean?
"You need two teams to play a good game of football"
I feel sorry for Rooney. He was so alone and useless being the lone striker for England. They shouldn't use the 4-1-4-1 formation [I thought it was 4-5-1 at first!] at this ungodly stages of the game! Putting Carrick there was really useless. They should've brought on Aaron Lennon and Jamie Carragher from the very beginning. I think they should've put Crouch to partner Rooney up front [it's better to have somebody rather than have nobody there right?]. Owen Hargreaves was good yesterday. I don't know why the English fans hate him so much.
So now we're going to meet Portugal. I want them to pay for the tears I shed during EURO 2004.
Ricardo Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira, Tiago and Maniche VS. John Terry, Wayne Bridge, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole.
Oh...I know two people who went to bed last night with dreams of David Beckham. You cheeky little things!
My dad was criticising Lampsy yesterday! Hmmph...I had to save him from my dad's criticism! I'm very dramatic and crazy right?
Tell me something I DON'T know.
*Bluesy* out!
I love the pic of Beckham helping Terry putting the captain band.
I agree wif wat Shebby said.
It mayb too harsh but it's true.
I hope England play better in the quarterfinal.
i reali hope la...
It seems, there is no improvement at all....
You can't play like tat against Portugal.
Germany and Spain are in top form.
Hope England beat Portugal in 90minutes, not penalty shootout like 2 years ago in Euro2004.
No more Rooney playing alone in the front. Bring Lennon.... Bring Walcott, at least for 1st half.
It's a risk? Lennon, i dun tink so. Walcott, it is. But who ask Sven not to try him in group stages. Testing him against Sweden is the best time.
Anyway good luck England.
Good luck to u for tomoro's exam.
That pic was sexy. Hehe...I know u'll like it.
I dun agree with Shebby. Cos I don't like him. He tends to contradict his statements. He's not exactly my favourite football pundit. Not everyone likes him. Especially my dad.
In the quarterfinal, they'd be better. Hopefully.
And I want Portugal to pay!
I likey Lennon...he's talented and cute! He should be on the starting XI. Rooney cannot survive playing alone. He should be there with someone.
Walcott should've played against Sweden, then only we can see whether he's any good or not, cos I've never seen him play before.
Forza England! Good luck to you for Calculus.
Mar, kalau kau baca ni, comment la pasal ur God. Penat2 aku letak ur two faves AGAIN, kau tak comment!
and then there were 12...
Eh, put la Nelson Cuevas or Roque Santa Cruz there...
Cuci mata sum more Yan? Cuci mata with ur books la!
I dreamt Becks gave me a hug and kissed me!
U dun say anything, cos u do the same thing with Lampsy!
Haha! grandma says hi!
*Ms. Becks-is-my-everything*
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