Firstly, Wayne Rooney will be out for 6 weeks, after he broke his fourth metatarsal toe [OMG, why do these English footballers ALWAYS have this metatarsal problem? First, Beckham and Owen, now him??] during yesterday's game. This means he may not be able to play for Englang during the World Cup finals [Aww...I feel your pain, Rooney! I REALLY DO!]. Let's hope this does not spell doom for England to win the 2nd World Cup after 40 LONG YEARS...[I think I'm going to get fried by someone SOON about his injury!] !Speaking of injuries, here's something on John Terry's injury caused by Rooney [And NO, I DON'T THINK ROONEY DESERVED THAT INJURY HE GOT AFTER WHAT HE DID TO TERRY! I'm not a meanie!].Chelsea captain John Terry was caught on the shin by Wayne Rooney's studs in the first 10 minutes and required 10 stitches.But the bullish English defender refused to bow out with the Premiership trophy there to be won."There was no way I was coming off," he told SkySports television.
[AFP/thestar.com.my]I respect you, JT.On another bad note, my bruised cartilage has acted up on me again. The pain IS OFFICIALLY BACK. I can't walk straight, was crying and feel useless.Though my dad and mum did say something REALLY nice."She's like John Terry. He played on even though he was in pain. She's going to the wedding even though she's in pain," Dad."Yes, she feels John Terry's pain," Mum.*Smiles, then smacks forehead*
The ONLY reason I went for the wedding today was because my family members [all 3 of them, minus mini JT here =P] decided to go today. They left me no choice! I WAS DRAGGED INTO THIS! IT WAS AGAINST MY WILL! [Of course, I wanted to sleep longer since it's a Sunday! And watch SpongeBob SquarePants on TV!].I'm in pain. And that won't stop me from getting what I want. I will keep on moving, even if I'm limping. I get stronger day by day to fight this setback. If Captain Marvel can play through pain, why can't I do the same?And my mum thinks Joe Cole shirtless [but she calls it half-naked] is a nice sight. Err...if you asked me, I think I rather not see it again. He's too skinny...all bones. Don't show it to me again!Since I'm still in the mood of celebrating...I will upload this clear pic of Luna and her daddy!
*Echoes the same sentiments as Aimee did* May you grow up to be beautiful both on the inside and out, and marry one of your Uncle John's twins [provided that there's a boy and a girl, OR, two boys!] so that there will be a squadron of football-playing minies we all can watch [provided if we're alive and kicking!] play for maybe Chelsea someday! She looks like a little flower. And please, whatever you do, DO NOT MARRY ANY ONE OF BECKHAM'S SONS!Okay, I realise I'm exerting my *auntily* powers bestowed upon me. I like kids, except for those annoying know-it-alls who want everything under the sun! Loud ones are sometimes tolerable, but if they drive me to the edge of insanity, I'll probably hit them or just tell them off.I HOPE WAYNE ROONEY IS WELL AND FIT ENOUGH TO PLAY FOR THE WORLD CUP IN GERMANY.No one would want to see a player injured like that. It's a real kick in the teeth. Not even Jose Mourinho [who apparently has been infected with Arsene Wenger's selective myopia]. He may say the MOST ANNOYING comments on Earth, deep down he is a man who does care about other people. Why do you think he gave away his coat and his two medals *cries* away to the crowd? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES THAT MAKE FOOTBALL ALL THE MORE SO BEAUTIFUL.I know Paulo Ferreira did tackle Rooney [though THE SPECIAL ONE says otherwise] but I don't think he intended to do it. Why knock him out when we're already leading 3-0? It's not like they could turn the tables [they're NOT Liverpool, for heaven's sake!], seeing the way they played was really BORING. Really? Who would want to harm another player? Unless he was David Beckham or maybe Roy Keane. No Chelsea player would want anything to happen to their opponents. Why do you think we need to hurt people to win it? What's the point of doing it? We're already leading, for crying out loud! Even if you think we did intentionally, the rest of the Chelsea fans around the world and I would say he didn't mean it. You could see Cech coming out to see whether Rooney was alright. You could see the Chelsea officials worrying and fussing about him. Where's your proof that we tried or wanted to hurt Rooney?Shall I say that Wayne Rooney also intentionally hurt John Terry so that we would lose our second successive Premiership title [it did happen in the 10th minute, by the way, we were 1-0 up thanks to Gallas] ? I'm sure he did that on purpose, just like Paulo Ferreira intentionally wanted to hurt and barge into him.Am I right?NO.
Because injuries and tackles are part and parcel of football, just like saves and misses, goals and penalties, wins and losses, fans and players, managers and chairmans.
If you think I'm defending Paulo Ferreira, think again. I know what he did was wrong, and he should have been booked, and a free-kick should have been given. Sometimes, injuries are inevitable, like rain and sunshine. It can happen to anyone of us. After all, we're just mere mortals. We have no god-like powers to stay invincible. So are footballers. They are more susceptible to injuries as they're always having a go with everyone on the field for one miserable ball. They're not God. Neither do they wear injury-proof vests to protect themselves.They're only human, flesh and blood, a man, born to make mistakes. They are not perfect, for they just normal human beings who know the meaning of pain. They're just like us. They may project this billionaire pose on the pitch so that we grow up to idolise and worship them, but deep inside, they are just mere human beings. All prone to get hurt, cuts and bruises, nasty knocks and broken bones.Of course, at one moment in time, I thought that Frank Lampard wass invincible when he broke the record for the longest run of consecutive appearances in the EPL, and I thought he was going to make it to 200 games. I thought he was running on Duracell batteries, worse still, I thought he was cloned, just like what Sam Allardyce was planning to do to him! But that all changed when he was pulled out of the Manchester City game due to a stomach flu. And when he played against Arsenal and ended up with a bloody head and a bruised lip, I realise that it WAS possible to get hurt in football easily, be it an injury inflicted by another player or an injury that was not inflicted by another player. In the real world, we can try to avoid these mishaps because we are capable of doing so, whereas in football, you can't because you avoid the one player, but you get tackled by another. It's a dangerous sport. But which sport isn't susceptible to pain?So goes the saying: NO PAIN, NO GAIN.I can't reprimand Paulo Ferreira as I am here and he is there. Neither can Jose Mourinho due to his selective myopia he has gotten from Arsene Wenger. Neither can the referee, Mike Dean because the game is already done and dusted. Neither can Wayne Rooney because he knows the dangers of football. Neither can the fans all around the world, because they all feel sorry for Wayne Rooney.All we can do for Wayne Rooney is PRAY. Pray that he gets well before the World Cup. Pray that he has the willpower to get better ASAP. Pray that he will become a better person after this pain.And I hope that you understand that from the bottom of my heart, I REALLY WANT ROONEY TO RECOVER IN TIME FOR THE WORLD CUP DUE TO MY UNDYING LOVE FOR ENGLAND FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS OF MY LIFE!**I am so sorry if this post riles you up, but this is how I feel sincerely about the situation. I don't know how much this will change your perception of the situation, as I believe that everyone is entitled to have their own opinions which may or may not be agreed with other people. I would respect yours. And I hope you respect mine. I hope that this will not change things between us...**Here's a bummer for us Chelsea fans, JOHN TERRY WILL BE OUT FOR 10 DAYS BECAUSE OF HIS FOOT INJURY! Get well soon, Captain!Looks like AirAsia don't have any reason to gloat again, but we can. But we don't intend to stoop that low to that kind of mentality that those AirAsia people have. We have these things called DIGNITY and PRIDE. They DON'T!
I am in pain. Mum thinks JT jinxed me. Hah! Cubit paha kanan, paha kiri terasa more like it!Haha...tak malu factor is slowly rising. I am going to be demented soon.Wait...I ALREADY AM!*Bluesy* out!
BLUE is DEFINITELY the colour!
Here's what I am going to do. I am going to gloat as much as I want about our 3-0 win over ManUre, and you're going to deal with it. Those of you that can't handle my gloating, can run away and go play with your dolls. Muahahahahaha...**Sing it with me**[CHORUS]Blue is the colour, football is the game,We're all together, and winning is our aim,So cheer us on thru the sun and rain,'Cause Chelsea, Chelsea is OUR name!Here at the Bridge whether rain or fine,We can shine all the time,Home or away, come and see us play,You're welcome any day[CHORUS]Come to the Shed, and we'll welcome you,Wear your blue and see us through,Sing loud and clear until the game is done,Sing Chelsea everyone![CHORUS X2]Did you know that this song was actually sung by the players in the 70s, and reached number 3 in the UK charts? I found that out in the book!*Congratulations Chelsea. Looks like we don't have to wait another 50 years to seal the Premiership title. Even heaven is SO blue today!*You know what? I cried seeing Terry limp [in a mamak shop, mind you!]. I was so scared that he can't continue playing. I wanted to return the favour, and with him not on the field, it wouldn't mean much. He had that Carra fighting spirit in him and continued to play with a limp. MY CAPTAIN MARVEL. I love you so...May your little ones grow up to be just like you, a true hero. Thanks for being such an inspiration for lesser known people like me.And to any Manchester United fan reading this [including you], I AM REALLY SORRY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO WAYNE ROONEY. I really hope that he will be okay in time for the World Cup. Even if you think I'm being sarcastic, I'm not. I really feel sorry for him. No matter how much I detest him, he's still undeniably England's best bet in the World Cup. We really need you.Thank you, John Terry, for being the most outstanding defender, who plays through pain for his team. I hope you never leave us for another team regardless of how much money they offer you. May your twins be just like you [maybe without the gambling will be okay]. Thank you also, for listening to my sob story and remind me that good things do happen when you least expect them to. You're MY CAPTAIN MARVEL!Thank you, William Gallas, Joe Cole [man-of-the-match] , and Ricardo Carvalho, for making this day more beautiful than it already is. Thank you for scoring those three beautiful goals to seal us the title.Thank you, Jose Mourinho for your witty and at times, sarcastic comments that never fail to keep me entertained. And I wished I was the ONE who got your winner's medal. Thank you also for being the best manager the EPL has seen, in fact the WHOLE WORLD has seen!Thank you, to the rest of the squad, for being the ones I look up to. Thank you, for being the reasons of my little bout of binge-eating [I confess, I don't eat McDonalds' chocolate sundae to cure my depression]. Thank you, for being the inspiration behind my every little achievements.Thank you, Frank Lampard, for being ever-present [except for the game against Manchester City and I can't remember the other one] in the matches. You'll always be my number one. And may your little one be like you, not like the mother with that bitch gene in her! I hope you score more goals in the near future for me and Aimee.Thank you, Petr Cech, for being the best goalkeeper on planet Earth. You are an amazing man with big talent. Your saves have made us win the title.Thank you, Joe Cole, for showboating. That way, you'll learn to realise your place in the squad may be given away to a new player. Worse still, Roman could sell you off to buy Steven Gerrard!Thank you, all of you, for being the Chelsea I learned to love for the rest of my life.Thank you, Gianfranco Zola, for coming to watch this historic match, and for making me extra happy tonight.Pictures for the night [what's the point of gloating when you don't show pictures, eh?]...
Get well soon, Wayne Rooney. Even though I dislike you, I realise that you're England's most valuable striker [Mar's goal-shy Peter Crouch won't score for her], and that we need you for the World Cup. We need you ASAP!
The moment I cried. I thought he was going to be stretched off the field. I made you a promise and I wanted you to see that I stuck to it. I wish you get well soon.
The man-of-the-match, Joseph John Cole [or as you know him, Joe Cole].
The boss seems to be enjoying himself...
Aww...so sweet! He brought his baby girl! Bleh, why is she in PINK? She should be in blue! Like her daddy! Please, my little Luna, don't grow up to be like your bitchy mummy.Will upload more when I see anymore pics.Aimee, I've dropped the MSN address at your place. In case you're online NOW, please add this address:frankdesilva_blues8@hotmail.comYes...that's HIS first name, combined with my dad's surname before he converted. You know what the blues8 stand for, right? So, don't have to explain!Peter Osgood will DEFINITELY be smiling from heaven, so will Tony Banks.
A match I'm proud to be part of. I told you...WE'LL KEEP IT AGAIN THIS YEAR. NEXT YEAR, IT'S DEFINITELY GOING TO BE BLUE...
P/S: I'm sleeping with his jersey tonight. I want to cherish the moment we won the Premiership for the second season running. In style. We didn't lose to them 1-0 like before, but we beat them with the same scoreline Middlesborough beat us. What a nice way to retain the Premiership by winning it in front of the fans, for the fans and with the fans. Joe Cole, you fulfilled your promise. You said you'd win it for us, the fans, by scoring. Man-of-the-match indeed!
*Bluesy* out!
A song I grew up believing in...
Okay, I know some of you folks will tell me either I'm probably lost in time or I have lost contact with reality by going back to the prehistoric dinosaur ages. It's just that I love this song so much because it tells me that things aren't at all bad even when it looks like the world is going to end. It was our [me and Mar] theme song at one point of time until we decided to change it to something else [will not mention what song that is as I have been told to do so =S].
I know some people are probably bummed out for one reason or another [me included]. Just want you guys to know that no matter how devastating things may be in life, always remember there is a small ray of light at the end of the tunnel. And here's a pretty good song to prove it.I woke up today with this feeling,That better things are coming my way,And if the sunshine has a meaning,It's telling me...not to let them get in my way.[Bridge]When the rainy days are dying,Gotta keep on, keep on trying,All the bees and birds are flying,Never let go, gotta hold on in,Non-stop till the break of dawnin',Keep moving, don't stop rocking.[Chorus]Get on up, when you're down,Baby, take a good look around,I know it's not much, but it's okay,We'll keep on moving on anyway...Feels like I should be screaming,Trying to get it through to my friends,Sometimes it feels that life has no meaning,But I know things will be alright in the end...[Bridge][Chorus][Bridge][Chorus till fade]-5ive, Keep On Moving-There, I know I'm back in the dark ages listening to that song, but it's so poignant. I just love the song because the lyrics tell me that there is a glimmer of sunshine even when dark clouds loom over your life. Pray that things will be alright in the end, and you will make it.My feet are killing me! And I thought walking in HELP was crazy.**And since John Terry helped reassure me that I would get an even better result than a PASS for my CTS, I will help him reassure my support for tomorrow's final push for the Premiership. Thank you, JT. You are indeed my CAPTAIN MARVEL**Since we're on the topic of Captain Marvel, here's the pic on the back cover of the book that caught my eye.
Well, it's not exactly this pic I googled though. It's something like this. Awww...damn sweet, right?Okay, I'm not encouraging them to be gay and leave their spouses or anything of that sort. Especially my captain, since he's going to have twins soon.And speaking of books, this IS what I WANT for my birthday.
He looks scruffy here, but I still love him.Money, please?*Bluesy* out!
John Terry listened...
Results are out. What did I get? All four were DISTINCTIONS. No HD this time around. Not too disappointed. This semester has been so stressful for me. With all the assignments and presentations and my injury, it really was a stressful time. I could've done better, but I've succumbed to stress, at the end of the day.Always look on the brightside of life. At least I passed all of them. =)I GOT A DISTINCTION FOR CTS??? JOHN TERRY HAS HEARD ME CRY!!!Hahaha...I was crying and looking at his picture and telling him that I was scared and my hopes of getting a PASS were really high. With that smile he had when he held the trophy, he gave me a reassuring look that I would do well. In fact, better than a PASS. And, he told me to stop crying, otherwise I'd smudge the whole pic [you vain arse!].He was right. Thank you, John Terry. For listening to my sob story. You have made me a happy little girl. =DNow I have another reason to buy his book. *winks*
I did my best. I know I did. I should be happy. Next semester is going to be less shittier than this one. EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT. Yes, Brendan Flowers. You are absolutely right [and mine]. Don't know what the parents have to say about it yet. Hopefully, it's all good so that I can watch the game tomorrow.Oh yeah, we have to go shopping today! For my brother's present!First of all, I need to take a bath and brush my teeth. Just got out of bed to see my results. =SToodles for now.
1 more day till the showdown...
*Bluesy* out!
Some things are with me for always...
Right now, I shall start saving money by eating ONLY fruits for lunch [a plan which has never materialised in any way possible].You know why???Because I am planning to buy John Terry's book, called Captain Marvel from MPH!Which would cost me about RM 120.00!*throws on a sad face*And for my birthday...I have already told people I know that I want them to buy me Frankie's new book [which is NOT out yet in Malaysia, I checked in MPH just now]. If not, they can give me the money and let me buy it. It would keep me happy.Dad: *sees me seeing Terry's book* By the way, have you started reading that Chelsea book? Or have you finished it, or you haven't touched it at all?Me: I haven't finished it yet, I've only read two chapters. I want Frank Lampard's book for my birthday!Dad: *Looks at mother* His book's title is ~OLD LAMPS FOR NEW LAMPS~!Me: You don't annoy me! *Pinches father on the hand*Went shopping in MidValley today. I am really happy about what I bought today. Most of the clothes I bought today are BLUE. In fact, ALL OF THEM ARE BLUE!Saw this shirt that had the words *DEFINITION OF INSANITY* on it! I really wanted it , but my mummy was cruel to me. She didn't let me buy it. *Frowns until rains pours*
Mum wanted to get the SK-II stuff that was on offer from Citibank in MidValley. She gave me the pouch...lalala.And I met my old kindergaten teacher, Cik Fatimah! She says I look like my mother *bawls like a howling dog*! And before she left, she asked me: "Do you have a boyfriend or not?"*Deadpans for a few minutes*I am SO happy being single for now. Let me enjoy being single for a while. Because I haven't learnt the art of pleasing people while ignoring my needs. So don't ask me, whether I'm attached to Mr. I'm-Rowena's-boyfriend yet! Or don't even try to find me a prospective candidate for that post! I haven't come to that stage where I can please someone and, at the same time, please myself. I can't compromise with that. Like what Natasha Bedingfield says: *Can't romance on demand*, which I believe whole-heartedly.Even Superman ain't invincible, you know?Got a specially-designed T-Shirt in conjuction with the Fashion Week 2006 [because my mum spent RM250++ in a single receipt]. They had a Seed fashion show. Didn't get to see anything. Blame me for NOT having Peter Crouch's height factor!Bought mum a Mother's Day gift and a card. And for my brother, we just bought him a card first. The present? Maybe tomorrow or so. I'll only contribute 2 cents [that's all I have in my wallet now]. Hey, it's the thought that counts, right?My legs are killing me. And the pain's back. Oww...you stupid bruised cartilage in my left knee! Go away!!All this shopping CANNOT hide my fear of getting my results tomorrow [It wasn't today! Jon confirmed it with the HMC Department and found out that it's out tomorrow!].Tomorrow, Judgement Day awaits us who are weak and feeble.That is me, by the way!2 days to go till the SHOWDOWN!And to that stupid Peter Crouch lover named Mar! How dar you contaminate my blog by declaring your undying love for Peter Crouch??? Oi, you lost, is it? Don't let the Scouser blind your judgement! Go declare it somewhere else! NOT ON MY BLOG, YOU IDIOT!P/S: Let's dance...*Bluesy* out!
Arriverderci AC MILAN...
Bye Kaka.Bye Andriy Shevchenko.Bye Filippo Inzaghi.*Sniff sniff*I'll miss you three so much.I didn't watch the match because I am supposed to go out in the morning. So I wasn't able to stay up and watch the game. =(Anyway, Barca is through to the final. They'll meet Arsenal in the FINAL in Paris.Personally I don't want any of them to win [which is a bit impossible!]. I have split loyalties now.If I support Arsenal, it's because they Londoners and Henry, Ljungberg and Reyes are there.If I support Barca, it's because I want Spurs to go in next season and Deco is there.Have to wait until May 17th to decide.I want to support Reyes, but I have to think of my Keane also.The best way is...to support Frank Lampard on Saturday!Honestly, don't you think that is the best decision ever?I feel like dancing right now. But most of you know, I am a bad dancer. But I feel like doing it.P/S: I know you got what I like...so give it to me, now!
I think I need a haircut. Or maybe I'll just highlight them.We'll have to wait and see. Planning to highlight them blue on Sunday after we seal it [might not be possible because my dad would not let me out of the house alive!]. Maybe brown. Definitely not blonde [seriously, you WANT me to look like Parit...oops Paris Hilton?].Wait and see, my cute little kitties!
This is me and Mar, chasing Jeevan away for being a pain.
This is me and Mar, chasing ScouserLysa away for being an extremely annoying pain.But the cat is adorable.But my 'cinta' and my Reyes and my Keane are far more adorable than this cat.**You're an angel in my eyes everyday, you're closer to me...**Love the song. Love the song. Love the song. Love the song. Love the song.Enough of all of this mushy-ness. Leave it all behind, I say, welcome to the DREAMTOWN...*Bluesy* out!
Just random pictures...
I like these pics...I have been planning to upload them here, but I keep on forgetting! Anyway, since I remember now, enjoy these pics...
~The new love...it's called CHELSEA FC - THE OFFICIAL BIOGRAPHY: THE DEFINITIVE STORY OF THE FIRST 100 YEARS by RICK GLANVILL~I have only read two chapters and a half, but the stuff in it is, in a way, funny and informative. Did you know that Terry and Lampard actually thought that it would be an incredible feeling to score the winner against Bolton to seal the Premiership the day before the match?**In the second half the history-maker was Frank Lampard. Coincidentally, he and John Terry had discussed what such a feeling would be like, just like any school kids in the playground might. 'Yeah, it was the night before the Bolton game,' recalls Terry, 'and we were saying "Imagine scoring the goals that win Chelsea the Premiership!" And the next day Lampsy did it. It's bizarre thinking about it now. You know, we'd often speak about things like that the night before games - and Lamps has got that forever. I wish it was me actually! But it's a great thing and just to be part of a great side, I'm priviliged.' **It's great! I hope he remembers this moment so that he can score against ManUre this Saturday so that we can win the Premiership again! All we need is...1 MORE POINT!!!
The back cover...The words written on it are: From the silverware, to the boardroom battles, from the heroes to the hooligans, the entire century is laid bare.Maybe by reading the book I can find out why I became the ONLY Chelsea fan among my relatives and family members [my niece, Raviena is not counted as she may support them because of the fact she likes me better than the other cousins and aunties and uncles from her mum's side (which is my dad's side also) because I'm the nicest one among whole lot (includes my brother whom she fondly calls BLUFF UNCLE)].Oh yeah, I can't deny it. Reyes is SO HOT and ADORABLE.*Gives self a good slap on both cheeks*Okay, zapping back into reality...I am REALLY REALLY REALLY worried about tomorrow [nothing to do with the Barca-AC Milan tie!]. Tomorrow is the day that my SEMESTER 2 results will be out [most probably!] !!! My heart is beating REALLY REALLY REALLY fast right now as I type this. I'M SO WORRIED TO MY WITS' END!Shall I jump off the bridge now? -Rowena's Heart-No! Wait till Saturday, you idiot! At least jump after Chelsea win the Premiership for the second year running! -Rowena's Brain-Listen to your conscience, dear. Don't do anything stupid. Whatever happens, just accept it. There's nothing you can do to change it. Just aim to do better in the next semester...You'll be fine! -Rowena's Conscience-I want to say this again: REYES IS HOT!!!*Feels slaps coming from unidentified sources*
Okay, enough with the slaps already! STOP SLAPPING ME!!!I need to go shopping desperately. Need to buy some shirts and jeans and maybe shoes. *Bluesy* out!
Arsenal people should thank me...
I'm so god-damn tired. I slept at 5 AM until 11 AM!In case you're wondering why I slept at an amazingly ungodly hour, I was watching the Arsenal-Villareal clash in the secong leg UEFA Champions League semi-final. Hey, I'm not a part time Arsenal supporter, alright? I just wanted to show some support to any London-based team to win a game [Spurs, Fulham, Arsenal, and the other Londoners]. After all, Chelsea is from London, so I have to show some kind of support to their fellow Londoners.And partly, because I wanted to see Jose Antonio Reyes [I've, in no way, forgotten about my one true 'cinta'!]. I haven't seen him in ages. *Blushes* He's so adorable. HE IS!!! Scouser, haven't you learnt that short people are adorable [take Joe Cole and Michael Owen for example!]? Oh, don't include Rooney. He looks like Shrek. Tall people like Peter Crouch would really be useful to help me with the housework, and not football.Anyway, the game was really, really sad. Villareal has so many shots on target but they just couldn't find a way thru Jens Lehmann [Who, I must tell you, was really amazing in goal. SALUTE!]. Arsenal were playing as though they were playing for a draw. They seemed pleased that they're going to Paris with that goal Kolo Toure scored. For goodness sake, they had no shots on target [well, they ONLY had 2 shots, and ONLY one was on goal!]. Villareal had 12 shots, 5 of which were on goal! I really felt sorry for them. Juan Roman Riquelme took a spot-kick somewhere the 87th minute and Lehmann actually saved the shot. From then on, Riquelme had this look on his face.
*Should I continue fighting? There's no point if I do. I've failed the team. We could've have gone to Paris. We were the better team tonight, but we couldn't score. There's no point in us to continue the fight...we should give it up now*And Guillermo Franco had SO many shots on target!!! He missed a header that I thought would actually go in, but it didn't.And this guy is crazy!!!
*He pushed this Barca jersey with Henry's name and jersey number on it to Henry and runs off. Henry looks the least bit interested in it anyway!*First we had that cute little squirrel I named Jamie that invaded the Arsenal ground. Now it's this crazy man and disturbs Henry! At least the squirrel didn't bite or harm or disturb anyone.The game was pretty dull, I have to say. I will watch the Barca-AC Milan game. I don't know who to support. AC Milan will get my support due to Andriy Shevchenko, Fillipo Inzaghi and of course, Kaka! Barcelona will get my support ONLY for Deco. Still, I hope it's a Barca-Arsenal final.
If Arsenal win the Champions League trophy in Paris come 17th of May, 2005, Spurs wouldn't be able to qualify for next season's Champions League round. I wish they wouldn't have this ruling. I hope they'd consider the method they used last season when Liverpool won the title but finished outside the qualifying spots in the EPL. I have faith in my Keane [Not Roy-lah, idiot! It's Robbie Keane!].Last night, the ex-husband made me a happy woman. I love you. You know I do. *I went to sleep a happy woman with happy dreams* And because of you, I was listening to *Closer To me* and crying my eyeballs out! Last night was, in other words...SWEET.Anyway, before I leave...I want to declare my undying love for Jose Antonio Reyes [haha, not true!]. Seriously, I don't think I've ever uploaded his pic here before, so I want to make history today!
*Oh, look! He's with Robbie Keane. But, they're having an argument! Kiss and make up-lah, you two!*Seeing Reyes today kept me happy. I kept saying: *It's okay, I still love you* everytime I saw him, in front of my dad [damn embarrassing this one!]. He is HOT! I don't care what YOU say, FRANCESC FABREGAS is NOT HOT!Sometimes I wonder whether my front house neighbour is sane or not. She keeps singing the Chinese New Year song on karaoke [which sounds awfully terrible!] and she sings even when there's a thunderstorm!**And to any Arsenal fan that I know that reads this, YOU should give me treat. Because if it weren't for me, Toure wouldn't score. If I didn't dream of him that night scoring a goal, he wouldn't have scored a goal at all. So, give me a treat since they're in the final, thanks to Toure! And ME!**History has been made!!!
Sree is an Arsenal fan! Finally, she learns to watch football! Thank you, Sree's boyfriend [Shankar] for changing her! Though I wished she supported Chelsea. Oh well, now she'll have to listen about my boring comments on football.*Bluesy* out!
I know yesterday's post was a bit haphazardly arranged. So, I will try to construct a better one while I'm free and on holidays. One more week of fun and laughter, then it's back to reality of the last semester of the Foundation programme! Fingers crossed, I hope I'll do well! After what I did and saw in Semester 2, I don't think I want a repeat of it this time around. I aim to better, and not have a sickening season like the last one! *Prays extra hard*Anyhow, here's signs my mum is NOT being herself.Yesterday...Me: *After ransacking hard for Frankie's pics in the old newspapers in the store room* Ma, see what I found!Mum: What??Me: Your doctor! [the doctor who is the co-owner of Rebung, the restaurant I went once, and my mum thinks he's cute, though we've never seen him real life]Mum: Where?? *Shows mum newspaper article, looks and smile* He's so cute.Me: *Stares at mum, ignores whatever she said* Nah, see Roy Keane's pic when he was 22!Mum: Yerr, so ugly one. I don't want.Me: Your doctor you want?Mum: I want!!!Today...Mum: I go to HUKM also I never see him there [the doctor is an orthopaedic surgeon in HUKM and my mum goes there also for her orthopaedic appointments]. If I see him means, I'll tell him this: "I see your face in the newspapers and TV!!"Me: He'll probably tell you: "I see myself in the newspapers and TV also!" Maybe he's busy training, after all he's in contention to go to space what?Mum: If he goes to space, I'll them him to wave at me from space!Me: What rubbish you talking? You sure you my mother ah?Now you know where I got this craziness from? My mother.I think the earlier entry was really weird because I gave the reason for loving Chelsea was because of me. How many fans do YOU know that actually say that they support a particular team because of themselves?? I've visited the Official Chelsea FC site and I see that all those who wrote on why they supported Chelsea, have got some logical reason behind their undying support for them. Me??? What kind of reason is: "I LIKE THEM BECAUSE I LIKE DOING THINGS THAT PEOPLE DON'T USUALLY DO! I'M ME! THAT'S WHY I LOVE THEM!"??? A really stupid one, obviously. If I sent that to the official site, they'd instantly throw it out. I'm really sure they would.I swear, I will get that post straightened out soon!P/S: It's FELIPE MASSA's birthday today! He turns 25! And he's a week older than my brother [so now you know when his birthday is, right?]. And also it's my late best friend's birthday today as well. Aziza, Happy Birthday. My other late best friend's birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday, Azura. God bless the both of you, wherever you may be. You both shall always remain in my hearts. ALWAYS.*Bluesy* out!
The love for Chelsea...
Truth be told, I have no idea why I became a Chelsea fan. All I remember was seeing an article about Adrian Mutu and Damien Duff were going to Chelsea and at that same time, Chelsea came to Malaysia. Damien Duff was from Blackburn Rovers at one point of time and I remember seeing him score against Arsenal and because of a certain someone who shared the same first name as him but with a different spelling who was apparently interested in me but backed off when he found out I was a Malay [You see, he's an Indian guy. How I found out about him liking me was VERY obvious. My tuition teacher always asks either me or Swarna to write stuff on the board. And since Swarna. me and Harpreet were sitting together, she asked me to sit with him and write on the board, since I am the noisiest among the three. So I was writing the notes and my book was on the table and he saw my name and his friends started teasing him about circumcising and gave him a Malay name. That was REALLY obvious because I am the ONLY Malay girl in that tuition place. so I went back to my seat after I was done with the whiteboard, and Swarna and Harpreet signalled me to turn behind. Then they told me that *The person next to you likes you*. I told them I knew someone said something about circumcise but I didn't know it was the person sitting next to me! His friends know me as Rebecca! Hello, it's ROWENA! Why is it so hard to remember that? I didn't like him because...I DIDN'T LIKE HIM! Period.].So Chelsea coming to Malaysia was quite a big thing in 2003. I remember when I went to the US in 2003, David Beckham came to Malaysia and Mar went [being the diligent Beckham fan she is], and then he came to the US after that [No, I didn't go! Think I got nothing better to do, is it?]. When they played Newcastle in the Asia Cup final, I wanted them to win because I had nothing better to do at that time. They did win. I didn't know why, but I followed and supported Chelsea until this present moment, and hopefully till the day I die. I supported them a bit too late, I guess. I really liked Gianfranco Zola ever since people were telling me about how great he was. I didn't like ManUre because of David Beckham. I didn't like Arsenal because of their jersey [believe me, you can get the ultimately idiotic reasons from me!] and my dad was an Arsenal fan I didn't want to be another Goon. I didn't like Liverpool because there were too many Liverpool fans that I know of who are related to me [that includes the one who lives in my house and didn't go to work TODAY!].Don't get me wrong, I was a football fan before I loved Chelsea. I loved England so much that when they lost to Brazil in World Cup 2002, I cried my eyeballs out that even my best friend who was a Brazil fan, was consoling me by saying: *It's just a match-lah, Ro. Don't cry!* . I loved England and got sad when they got booted out the World Cup in 1998 [I cried]. So my real first love [in terms of football] was actually England.
I remember in somewhere 2001, when Chelsea met Arsenal in the FA Cup [don't get me started on the match against Liverpool, I'll kill you!], and again yours truly was writing on the whiteboard in tuition, and the boys were talking so loudly about that final. I got so mad [because there weren't any other girls I know who liked football, but liked all those girlish stuff that YOU know I DON'T advocate!] that I wrote [after finishing the notes, of course] this: *CHELSEA WILL KICK ARSENAL'S BUTT IN THE FA CUP FINAL!!!* . Of course, the boys were shocked I wrote this. Sad enough, they lost. *Bawls like a mad elephant in a fit of rage*
I supported, at one point of time in my life, Selangor when I was just a little girl. Yes, the so-called Malaysian *Red Devils*. That was because my mother threatened me that if I didn't support them, I'd be sent to Sabah and that no one will cook for me! Hey, I was 8 at that time, so I took every word they said seriously! Looking back at that time, I can't stop laughing. I remember at one time they won some Cup, and we got all excited and then we saw a BIG centipede in the kitchen and we were screaming our lungs off! I was standing on the chair and was so scared that it would bite me! Haha...I didn't know who to support in the EPL [hey, I was supporting England, so I had to support some English team too, right?]. I think Adrian Mutu got me carried away. I still remember how I was so obsessed about finding his picture for our so-called newspaper for the NIE thingy [En Masse - Where Everyone Comes Together]. We went to every class available and started ransacking their newspaper stack. We even searched the library, for crying out loud! But when we did find his pic eventually, I kept quiet. I got what I wanted when I wanted it. =DI decided to go with Chelsea because of Claudio Ranieri. Since the arrival of our beloved Russian oil tycoon, Roman Abramovich [who has yet to give me the money he owes me!] came to Chelsea in 2003, I wanted to see how long could Claudio Ranieri last in Chelsea. I mean, it was really obvious that Roman meant business when he invested his cash on Chelsea. He wanted results. Of course, he made Terry and Lampard from *nobodies* to *somebodies* and he took us as far as the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League. We beat Arsenal. We were the underdogs and we did the unthinkable [not the unthinkable Aimee and I are planning to do!]. We always lost to Arsenal in the Premiership, but in the quarterfinals, we beat them. Those goals will always be inside my head, especially Wayne Bridge's one. That was AMAZING. Truth is, he had to leave. Due to his tinkering ways.So Claudio bade us Arrivederci, and left to Valencia. And in comes THE SPECIAL ONE, Jose Mourinho. He gave us our first title after 50 years and of course the Carling Cup [the Cup everyone calls the Mickey Mouse Cup]. It was amazing. We managed to beat Barcelona and Bayern Munich, both of which are really good teams in Europe. He borught in and moulded some relatively unknown players [Really? How many of you have actually heard of Mateja Kezman before he came to Chelsea? Bring him back!!!] into amazing players. He even established Terry and Lampard into amazing leaders. He made the team complete.Sometimes, people just tell me that the ONLY reason I support Chelsea is because they are BLUE [my mum told me that]. Seriously, that has got to be the dumbest reason I've ever heard in my entire life. I mean, I admit I LOVE blue stuff. Most of my clothes and stuffs are blue, but that doesn't mean I have to support them! If I wanted to support a team because of their jerseys, I would have supported Birmingham, Manchester City, or Everton! And ignore about what I said about Arsenal and their jersey earlier.Mar was a Chelsea fan from young. Her late aunt [Jeevan's mum] made her one. It's strange really. 3/4 of her family members are ManUre fans, save her two sisters [one an Arsenal fan, the other an annoying Liverpool fan] and her youngest sister, Eliza is the only other Chelsea fan in that house. I don't know whether she was the reason I became a Chelsea fan.Until today, I can't find the right reason on why I love Chelsea like crazy. I don't think the fact I saw Frankie scoring was the reason. I don't think Mar was the reason. The BLUE JERSEY is definitely NOT the reason. I don't think it's Damien Duff or Adrian Mutu. Or Roman Abramovich, Claudio Ranieri, or even Jose Mourinho. I DON'T KNOW!I know!!!I LIKE THEM BECAUSE I LIKE DOING THINGS THAT PEOPLE DON'T USUALLY DO! I'M ME! THAT'S WHY I LOVE THEM!Aimee's right. Sometimes you only need one reason to love someone/something.I'm in a good mood because my mummy bought me ice-cream.*Sings in the tune of Everyday I Love You Less and Less by Kaiser Chiefs*And my mummy loves me!
Because she bought me ice-cream!
Yes, she does!*Bluesy* out!
As if that game wasn't enough...
Here's one more reason why I hate Steven Gerrard and why I should get myself FedEx-ed to the UK to kill him [Aimee, interested in joining the killing spree?]:He has been voted as the PFA's Player of the Year 2005! He beat Joe Cole [I wished you scored for us that night!], John Terry [last year's winner], Thierry Henry [he deserves it] and Frank Lampard [WHAT???].WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN HIM WINNING IT? These professional players are blind, is it? Oh well, I suppose that you give your opponents free backpasses, that will help out in getting their votes, right?Sigh...it's okay. Now I'm going to the UK [somewhere in 2009 or 2010] with so many things to do. Study, support my 'cinta', kill the people on my hit list, spot for HOT gweilos.Oh, ignore the last part. I always say that to people when they ask me why I want to go there. =DI realised that one guy I have always said I wanted to kill, managed to slip under the radar. It's FERNANDO ALONSO!! I completely forgot about this idiot! Let's google a *nice* picture of him, shall we?
*For goodness sake, get a haircut already! Even Harry Kewell's hair looks better!*Serves you right, for trying to be too smart yesterday! Bwahahaha!And NO. I don't like what Jose Mourinho said about Liverpool. So, don't ask me what I think about that! He has to learn how to accept defeats graciously. Stop being a sour grape!And I found this cute picture that all Liverpool fans will like to see.
**Tell me which players are gay now? At least we don't go round giving kisses on the lips like these two. Get a room already! Don't corrupt young children watching TV! They're still young and innocent! Mar, your sister SHOULD NOT sit in front of this while you read this! Let her grow first!**Hey, it's a fact. It did happen. We give kisses on the cheek [sounds gay, but tolerable]. These two? No shame at all. And to think Steven Gerrard was voted the PFA's Player of the Year 2005. Maybe Xabi loved him so much, he voted for him.*Sees ScouserLysa carrying a knife. Runs away and hides until the mental hospital staff take her in and admit her into the nearest hospital*Enough of the Steven Gerrard-bashing. West Ham are in the FA Cup final! I hope they win *nods heads*! After all, that's the team that groomed Frankie and Joe Cole into players they already are! Go Anton Ferdinand [I like better because he's more attractive compared to Rio Ferdinand!] !!!Oh, there's Prison Break tonight. Wentworth Miller is HOT!!! Hehe...I think it's an awesome story. Of course, there's Ghost Whisperer on as well.Can't play the PS2 today and tomorrow, because apparently my brother is on leave today. Cheh, Liverpool fans just can't stand seeing me happy, can they? *Shakes fist at brother*OMG...his birthday is next Tuesday! And I haven't bought him anything! I'm broke and I can't go out due to some unresolved conflicts between the parents. How now?*Bluesy* out!
I admit...
I'm insane. Fourth post in a day???I'm super-free. Sue me. I can't use the PS2 now because my brother is using his PC which needs the transformer. Apparently the stuff from the US my brother brought back, needs to use the transformer to function well. Worse still, you can only play US-made CDs or DVDs. Cheh, so troublesome. That's why I can ONLY play Kingdom Hearts AND when he's gone off to work.And I don't remember telling you this, but he bought another PS2 which can play the Malaysian-made stuff. The other day he was playing Winning Eleven [It had Frank Lampard, John Terry, and Joe Cole on the cover, but they looked really weird!] and he scored an own goal for Liverpool. Hahaha...following Stevie G's footsteps, is it? =PBut now, he's sticking to Need for Speed 2 [he only played that Winning Eleven game just once!]. He just loves cars. I really miss his car when we were in the US. Her name was CHERE. She was so beautiful, she was a dark maroon coloured Ford [Can't remember exactly what model! Knowing me, I prefer not to know about things that does not concern me at all!] car. She was so much more beautiful than Leo [the new Honda CITY of ours] and Pablo [our other Honda belonging to my brother], but of course, it can't compare to my Carlo [My dad's white Ford Laser...24 years and still running, touch wood! It's the car that has gotten me to anywhere I wanted to go: school, tuition, college, shopping malls! My first love...Carlo!] . I wished my brother brought it back. We tried, but it would have costed us a BOMB! The front seats are amazing. You don't have to put the seatbelts manually, in fact when you close the door, the seatbelt will fasten itself.Of course, the backseat passengers get to do it manually, because there are only two doors to this car. You may think it's like a Satria, but it's much better than a Satria.I miss CHERE. Hope it's new owner takes good care of her.Speaking of cars, here comes my favourite topic: F1! Schumi won, he beat Alonso [was hoping both of them would bang into the wall and be out of the race!]. Juan Pablo Montoya came in third [Mar, don't throw that smirk, okay? I know you're happy, but I'm not!]. Massa came in fourth [See why I'm NOT happy? He missed out on his first ever podium! At least he scored some points!] right in front of Kimi Raikkonen, Mark Webber, Jenson Button [He was on for a podium too, but at his 2nd pit stop, it all went wrong. The lollipop man lifter the lollipop for him leave, not realising that the fuel rig was still on the car! He dragged the thing out and the lollipop broke! Damn unlucky!], and I think it was Fisichella who came in eighth [like I said, I don't bother about things that don't concern me!].Next race is in Nuerburgring in two weeks time. I hope he will finally get his first podium ever. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, who cares? As long he's on the podium, it's fine with me.Ah...doesn't life feel wonderful, even a little, because you know there are people who STILL care a great deal about you, even when you are on the verge of becoming insane?
*This is the sweetest thing anyone can ever possibly say to me! Of course, YOU have said it to me before. In fact, the both of you! One amazingly sane and lovable Chelsea fan, and one amazingly annoying yet wonderful ManUre fan. You know who they are. Love you both so very much! We should meet up! Somewhere in sunny June or July, perhaps?*
-I know it's not much, but it's okay,We'll keep on moving on anyway!-
*Yes, Lysa you annoying Scouser! I love you and Della for this too!*Was ransacking the cupboard just now and I found some really ancient tapes. Dating back to 1999! Spent the day watching my 911 interviews [Haha, yes, Lysa! I saw our 'favourite' song then!], some really OLD videos [does *I Drive Myself Crazy* by 'NSYNC sound OLD to you?] and more old videos! Haha, I can't believe it's still there! I thought I threw it away, or worse still, I erased it because of some really stupid programme on TV [hey, one time I lost one entire tape of music videos because my mother FORGOT to take that tape out and put in my F1 tape and the F1 race erased the entire thing!]. And of all the 911 videos I had, I thought I didn't have the 'Private Number' video [Hey, don't laugh! I used to be so crazy about them! Blame the raging hormones for that! Though, I have to say, I miss seeing Lee Brennan's cheekiness!]. But it turns out I actually have the video! I didn't know until I found that missing tape! Aww...I felt so happy when I saw it. They were like the first love of my life! And that's how my love for the UK began [Okay, this is not true! I admit the love for the UK came from watching Mr. Bean!]Little, insignificant things make me happy.Let's hope the week promises better luck!*Bluesy* out!**I'm no longer cranky. It's safe to come out now!**
When I remember when...
-If you keep on taking, my heart you'll be breaking,
So why do you do this to me?
You know how I'm feeling, it's you I believe in,
Baby, can't you see that I need you?*
~Closer To Me~
Yes, it's beating for you. It's beating for you to SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!No one can heal my broken heart. I don't have the strength to fight. The strength to carry on. I don't have it no more. I've gotten over one problem, but then another arises. I keep having faith that things will be alright in the end, but I know I'm just daydreaming. I hate you people. You're the ones that drive me up the wall. You're the ones that drive me to the brink of insanity. Screw you people! May you all burn in the fire of my vengeance!!!**I'm being a little sour. Excuse me if I hurt you. It was indeed unintentional. But to those reading this that are feeling a wee bit guilty because you know what and who I'm talking about, it's intentional if I hurt you, so that you can see how far my heart is wounded***Bluesy* out!
Liverpool fans...BEWARE!
To any Liverpool fans reading this [apparently there aren't that many that I know who actually visit my blog except for Lysa and Della!]: BEWARE!
ANNOY ME ANY FURTHER AND I'LL HAVE TO UNLEASH LITTLE JAMIE, MY HIGHBURY INVADER. I'LL ASK HIM TO BITE ALL OF YOU IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES IF YOU ANNOY ME! HE'S LOOKING FOR NUTS LIKE YOU TO BITE ON!**YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED**Excuse me for being SO sour this morning. There's no cartoon to watch now, because Tun Ghafar Baba [the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia] passed away this morning at 7:34 AM. So there you have it, waking up up so early on a Sunday morning was just...POINTLESS.I wished I could go back to sleep. I'm just so annoyed. We lost to Liverpool [for the love of God, it's Liverpool!]. There's no cartoon to watch now. And worst still, I can't eat ice-cream because I can't go out!So, please spare me from your sympathy, because you're not comforting me, instead you're just trying to prove how lucky you are because you're not going through what I'm going through currently.
-But you can leave me a hug if you want! I won't kill you I promise!!!-~I'm going through some kind of mini-slump. I really need to lock myself in my room, and avoid people for the time being. It's not because Chelsea lost. My life will go on even if they lose, though inside I'd be trying to find an answer on why they lost. It's because of all the bad things that keep happening here. No one is capable of making me happy. That's why I seek solitude in the *little* [it's little for them, but not for me] things like FOOTBALL, F1, and MUSIC. Why I play football with the younger kids in my area? It's because I like kids and I like playing with them, they describe innocence very clearly. Whereas everyone around me just keep on lying and lying and lying. Football is one way I release all that's bugging me. I forget all else that's going on in my life. I play till I get tired and sweaty. I can get high just by scoring a goal [6 goals last time, that was amazing!]. It's the only thing I love doing [apart from sleeping and being obsessed about my *cinta*!]. But now these kids are all growing up and they have school and I have holidays [which don't even look like holidays], and my injury has left me unable to play anymore. It's cruel, I know. But sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind. Right? So technically I have been deprived of all the things I used to do. Maybe this is my punishment. For being stupid. Thinking that everything is alright, when it's not. Now, since everything has been taken away from me, I shall die alone. I shall lock myself in my room for one week of these holidays, so that people can continue playing their stupid mind games with each other, and not involving me, directly or indirectly. If only you knew how much you all have been hurting me...*~Hopefully the F1 screening hasn't been cancelled whatsoever. Otherwise I might throw a BF [Bitch Fit]. You won't like me when I'm having a BF.Now you can see why I'm the antagonist of most of my life's history.Now you can see why I'm going to end up alone and miserable in an old and shabby house with 43 cats.Now you can see why I'm going to end up in Hell.Now you can see why I'm going to be so screwed up and cranky when I get older.Now you can see why I'm going to remain a pain the ass for the rest of my life.**Maybe it's because it's that time of the month that I feel all racked up inside...***Bluesy* out!
In need...
Okay...here's the thing. I said I'd sleep late and wake up late and all that, right?I lied.I slept at 1:30 AM and I woke up at 8 AM.And to make the history of waking up SO early on a Sunday morning go wrong, I got this message from Chand:FA CUP SEMIFINALS: CHELSEA 1 LIVERPOOL 2.
*Cries* How on Earth can this thing happen to us???We are NOT going to Cardiff. We are NOT going to win the FA Cup. We are NOT going to have a double this year.
We are NOT going to buy Steven Gerrard. We are NOT going to lose to Manchester United. We are NOT going to let them fools steal what's rightfully ours.All you Liverpool fans can gloat all you want. You can do it in my face, on my blog, or even in your dreams! I hope Middlesborough win and that they win the FA Cup Finals against Liverpool! I hope they score 4-0 against you! Now that I'm feeling all sour and angry, I need a hugs and...you know what?I DEFINITELY NEED A BIG BOWL OF ICE-CREAM!!! A REALLY BIG ONE!I know someone else who needs some ice-cream...ALAN SHEARER. He says it's over for him, after he injured himself in a match. What a way to end his season. It's okay, I can try to Fed-Ex you some ice-cream. It would probably melt, but hey, it's the thought that counts right?I miss the ice-cream I had back in the US. They don't melt in under 5 minutes, and one scoop of ice-cream there is worth like two scoops of ice-cream here [big portions]. It doesn't melt immediately, even if you're under the sun!But I love eating melted ice-cream. I usually wait till it becomes soupy-like, then I eat it! Plus they were cheap! $1.99 [about RM5] for two scoops! Here, two scoops cost you like RM 11!I need hugs and ice-cream. AND SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!! Joy to Sunday mornings! AND MORE CARTOONS...MR. BEAN!!!! YAY!!!Oh, well, at least I have to look on the brightside. There's still F1 to look forward to. =)Here's something I saw on Sylvien's blog. Commented by Adrian [great...Liverpool kaki has spoken!]."Chelsea players have no chest hair ... ? Explains to gay-ness"Hahaha...she wrote a post about the showdown on the 29th. I don't see what chest hair got to do with the showdown. If you asked me, half of the population of the players in Manchester United are gay. Take a good look at crybaby-sissy-gay face Ronaldo! He is so gay...Chelsea players are not gay. Well, let's pray Michael Ballack doesn't teach them gay acts/stunts. I'd shoot him if he does.Yay...Keane scored for me...lalalala! *Jumps around like a sick leprechaun**Bluesy* out!