As if that game wasn't enough...
Here's one more reason why I hate Steven Gerrard and why I should get myself FedEx-ed to the UK to kill him [Aimee, interested in joining the killing spree?]:
He has been voted as the PFA's Player of the Year 2005! He beat Joe Cole [I wished you scored for us that night!], John Terry [last year's winner], Thierry Henry [he deserves it] and Frank Lampard [WHAT???].
WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN HIM WINNING IT? These professional players are blind, is it? Oh well, I suppose that you give your opponents free backpasses, that will help out in getting their votes, right?'s okay. Now I'm going to the UK [somewhere in 2009 or 2010] with so many things to do. Study, support my 'cinta', kill the people on my hit list, spot for HOT gweilos.
Oh, ignore the last part. I always say that to people when they ask me why I want to go there. =D
I realised that one guy I have always said I wanted to kill, managed to slip under the radar. It's FERNANDO ALONSO!! I completely forgot about this idiot! Let's google a *nice* picture of him, shall we?

*For goodness sake, get a haircut already! Even Harry Kewell's hair looks better!*
Serves you right, for trying to be too smart yesterday! Bwahahaha!
And NO. I don't like what Jose Mourinho said about Liverpool. So, don't ask me what I think about that! He has to learn how to accept defeats graciously. Stop being a sour grape!
And I found this cute picture that all Liverpool fans will like to see.

**Tell me which players are gay now? At least we don't go round giving kisses on the lips like these two. Get a room already! Don't corrupt young children watching TV! They're still young and innocent! Mar, your sister SHOULD NOT sit in front of this while you read this! Let her grow first!**
Hey, it's a fact. It did happen. We give kisses on the cheek [sounds gay, but tolerable]. These two? No shame at all. And to think Steven Gerrard was voted the PFA's Player of the Year 2005. Maybe Xabi loved him so much, he voted for him.
*Sees ScouserLysa carrying a knife. Runs away and hides until the mental hospital staff take her in and admit her into the nearest hospital*
Enough of the Steven Gerrard-bashing. West Ham are in the FA Cup final! I hope they win *nods heads*! After all, that's the team that groomed Frankie and Joe Cole into players they already are! Go Anton Ferdinand [I like better because he's more attractive compared to Rio Ferdinand!] !!!
Oh, there's Prison Break tonight. Wentworth Miller is HOT!!! Hehe...I think it's an awesome story. Of course, there's Ghost Whisperer on as well.
Can't play the PS2 today and tomorrow, because apparently my brother is on leave today. Cheh, Liverpool fans just can't stand seeing me happy, can they? *Shakes fist at brother*
OMG...his birthday is next Tuesday! And I haven't bought him anything! I'm broke and I can't go out due to some unresolved conflicts between the parents. How now?
*Bluesy* out!
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