Monday, November 07, 2005

Overused word of the day: DEPRESSED!

Chelsea 0 - EPL 1
I'm gonna keep this short and may be not so sweet. Firstly No! It's not a typing mistake. It's not supposed to be Chelsea 0 - ManU 1. It's no secret but all the other 18 teams were supporting ManU in yesterday's game, cause Chelsea did have a 9 points lead over 2nd place Wigan and a win at Old Trafford would probably hand over the title to Chelsea some time in December. However it wasn't to be, no problem let give those who believe they can win the premiership this year a fighting chance. Though (I don't mean to be rude) let's face it, it's all going to be in vain. All Chelsea has to do is change into high gear and the gap between first and second would be nothing less than 15 plus.


The paragraph above in purple was lifted from Neil's blog. Hope you don't mind, Neil. And I have to say, I agree with him.

I've always felt that Chelsea's unbeaten streak would come to an end, but I didn't expect it to be really soon. Went to bed at 11 p.m. last night, and I woke up at 1.30 a.m. and at 1.50 a.m., Dayani's brother sent me a message.


I just said 'Oh F**K' when I got the message. And Mar called me later on and said *Two words, Yan: NATIONAL HOLIDAY*. And Jeevan has been less sympathetic to me lately. I noticed. He told me: *You should have joined the legion of MU fans, then you won't feel so sad seeing your team lose!*. You stupid buffalo! I will never leave Chelsea! Or Lampard! And I couldn't go back to sleep till 2.45 a.m. and I woke up at 6.30 a.m.! Argh...late for class! And I left home at 7.50 a.m. but thankfully the roads were clear and I got there at sharp 8 a.m.! And as I walk into class, the gang just shouts at me: *CHELSEA LOST TO MU!!!*...I congratulated Sylvien. At least they thought Chelsea fought least we're still on top. All in, we have to fight! FORZA CHELSEA!!! Mdm Goh made me depressed in the morning. I bet she had a bad morning as well. She asked Matterline to cut her fringe, and she called Jo Weng a *LOBSTER*! How can our CHICKEN LITTLE turn to a LOBSTER? That's just wrong.

And I kept saying: *I am depressed. I want to go shopping!*. Then we went to McDonald's and had a chocolate milkshake. And I know how to cure depression:

1. See something purple or green. According to my colour therapy research, it helps in curing depression.
2. Eat chocolate. Chocolates are good. Trust me.
3. Go shopping! Therapeutic...according to Jenny Jun Yang, proven by me and Mar. Bunch of psychos we are.

Haha! But anyway, after Maths class, we went to KLCC. Got a pair of shoes, but I saw this really hot pair of boots, but I was too depressed to buy it. Going shopping with my parents isn't exactly a fun thing to do. We were actually bickering over the dress I saw. My dad thinks it's darn me, it was not as transparent as the other things he showed me! And he says: *This is not a fashion show, so no need to wear all these fancy things*. What? The theme of the ball is *STARLIGHT RENDEZVOUS*! So we have to look glamourous like the stars! And he talks behind my back to my mother when I was changing clothes: *Have the decency and modesty covered up and it's how you carry yourself!*...what? I have been covering up for all my life, and I'm not a slut. I don't go round pouting my lips, putting on thick make-up to attract men, and dress like a bloody tramp. I KNOW HOW TO CARRY MYSELF, GOD DAMN IT! I felt really depressed with them then. I actually thought about *NATIONAL HOLIDAY*. Haha...Mar, you know I love you. TGV, Times the Bookshop, Tower Records, Guardian Pharmacy, and Memory Lane; all located in KLCC have been closed temporarily due to the fire that occured on Friday night. Was upset since I didn't get James Blunt's Back to Bedlam album. I think I forgot to mention the fact that they had this James Blunt special on 8TV last Saturday. I watched it. He's beautiful, it's true! I want to get his album. Desperate. My parents said that we might go to Bangsar to check out the dresses there. Hopefully I get something I like. Something blue. My trademark.

Hehe...Sylvien and I want a husband who supports and watches football. If not, REJECTED. I mean, how can a man not love the beautiful game named football? That's so wrong. Oh, and the statement *I want and husband who supports and watches football*, does not mean that I don't want to be single for the rest of my life. If I do get married, it's probably fated. It's God's will, I suppose.

Too much dark blue can be depressing however (taken from my colour therapy research).*Gasps* wonder I'm depressed. Too much dark blue...argh! And Chelsea's jerseys are dark should I stop supporting them in order to cure my depression? The answer is: NO! And Blogger don't have the smiley effects here...unlike Xanga...emoticons are fun. Makes you feel less depressed. And like what THE SPECIAL ONE has said:

We are not going to suffer Arsenal's fate when MU killed their unbeaten streak. We are going to come out stronger and better.

I believe in you, Jose Mourinho.

*Bluesy* out!


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