Firstly, Wayne Rooney will be out for 6 weeks, after he broke his fourth metatarsal toe [OMG, why do these English footballers ALWAYS have this metatarsal problem? First, Beckham and Owen, now him??] during yesterday's game. This means he may not be able to play for Englang during the World Cup finals [Aww...I feel your pain, Rooney! I REALLY DO!]. Let's hope this does not spell doom for England to win the 2nd World Cup after 40 LONG YEARS...[I think I'm going to get fried by someone SOON about his injury!] !
Speaking of injuries, here's something on John Terry's injury caused by Rooney [And NO, I DON'T THINK ROONEY DESERVED THAT INJURY HE GOT AFTER WHAT HE DID TO TERRY! I'm not a meanie!].
Chelsea captain John Terry was caught on the shin by Wayne Rooney's studs in the first 10 minutes and required 10 stitches.
But the bullish English defender refused to bow out with the Premiership trophy there to be won.
"There was no way I was coming off," he told SkySports television.
I respect you, JT.
On another bad note, my bruised cartilage has acted up on me again. The pain IS OFFICIALLY BACK. I can't walk straight, was crying and feel useless.
Though my dad and mum did say something REALLY nice.
"She's like John Terry. He played on even though he was in pain. She's going to the wedding even though she's in pain," Dad.
"Yes, she feels John Terry's pain," Mum.
*Smiles, then smacks forehead*
The ONLY reason I went for the wedding today was because my family members [all 3 of them, minus mini JT here =P] decided to go today. They left me no choice! I WAS DRAGGED INTO THIS! IT WAS AGAINST MY WILL! [Of course, I wanted to sleep longer since it's a Sunday! And watch SpongeBob SquarePants on TV!].
I'm in pain. And that won't stop me from getting what I want. I will keep on moving, even if I'm limping. I get stronger day by day to fight this setback. If Captain Marvel can play through pain, why can't I do the same?
And my mum thinks Joe Cole shirtless [but she calls it half-naked] is a nice sight. Err...if you asked me, I think I rather not see it again. He's too skinny...all bones. Don't show it to me again!
Since I'm still in the mood of celebrating...I will upload this clear pic of Luna and her daddy!

*Echoes the same sentiments as Aimee did* May you grow up to be beautiful both on the inside and out, and marry one of your Uncle John's twins [provided that there's a boy and a girl, OR, two boys!] so that there will be a squadron of football-playing minies we all can watch [provided if we're alive and kicking!] play for maybe Chelsea someday! She looks like a little flower. And please, whatever you do, DO NOT MARRY ANY ONE OF BECKHAM'S SONS!
Okay, I realise I'm exerting my *auntily* powers bestowed upon me. I like kids, except for those annoying know-it-alls who want everything under the sun! Loud ones are sometimes tolerable, but if they drive me to the edge of insanity, I'll probably hit them or just tell them off.
No one would want to see a player injured like that. It's a real kick in the teeth. Not even Jose Mourinho [who apparently has been infected with Arsene Wenger's selective myopia]. He may say the MOST ANNOYING comments on Earth, deep down he is a man who does care about other people. Why do you think he gave away his coat and his two medals *cries* away to the crowd? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES THAT MAKE FOOTBALL ALL THE MORE SO BEAUTIFUL.
I know Paulo Ferreira did tackle Rooney [though THE SPECIAL ONE says otherwise] but I don't think he intended to do it. Why knock him out when we're already leading 3-0? It's not like they could turn the tables [they're NOT Liverpool, for heaven's sake!], seeing the way they played was really BORING. Really? Who would want to harm another player? Unless he was David Beckham or maybe Roy Keane. No Chelsea player would want anything to happen to their opponents. Why do you think we need to hurt people to win it? What's the point of doing it? We're already leading, for crying out loud! Even if you think we did intentionally, the rest of the Chelsea fans around the world and I would say he didn't mean it. You could see Cech coming out to see whether Rooney was alright. You could see the Chelsea officials worrying and fussing about him. Where's your proof that we tried or wanted to hurt Rooney?
Shall I say that Wayne Rooney also intentionally hurt John Terry so that we would lose our second successive Premiership title [it did happen in the 10th minute, by the way, we were 1-0 up thanks to Gallas] ? I'm sure he did that on purpose, just like Paulo Ferreira intentionally wanted to hurt and barge into him.
Am I right?
Because injuries and tackles are part and parcel of football, just like saves and misses, goals and penalties, wins and losses, fans and players, managers and chairmans.
If you think I'm defending Paulo Ferreira, think again. I know what he did was wrong, and he should have been booked, and a free-kick should have been given. Sometimes, injuries are inevitable, like rain and sunshine. It can happen to anyone of us. After all, we're just mere mortals. We have no god-like powers to stay invincible. So are footballers. They are more susceptible to injuries as they're always having a go with everyone on the field for one miserable ball. They're not God. Neither do they wear injury-proof vests to protect themselves.
They're only human, flesh and blood, a man, born to make mistakes. They are not perfect, for they just normal human beings who know the meaning of pain. They're just like us. They may project this billionaire pose on the pitch so that we grow up to idolise and worship them, but deep inside, they are just mere human beings. All prone to get hurt, cuts and bruises, nasty knocks and broken bones.
Of course, at one moment in time, I thought that Frank Lampard wass invincible when he broke the record for the longest run of consecutive appearances in the EPL, and I thought he was going to make it to 200 games. I thought he was running on Duracell batteries, worse still, I thought he was cloned, just like what Sam Allardyce was planning to do to him! But that all changed when he was pulled out of the Manchester City game due to a stomach flu. And when he played against Arsenal and ended up with a bloody head and a bruised lip, I realise that it WAS possible to get hurt in football easily, be it an injury inflicted by another player or an injury that was not inflicted by another player. In the real world, we can try to avoid these mishaps because we are capable of doing so, whereas in football, you can't because you avoid the one player, but you get tackled by another. It's a dangerous sport. But which sport isn't susceptible to pain?
So goes the saying: NO PAIN, NO GAIN.
I can't reprimand Paulo Ferreira as I am here and he is there. Neither can Jose Mourinho due to his selective myopia he has gotten from Arsene Wenger. Neither can the referee, Mike Dean because the game is already done and dusted. Neither can Wayne Rooney because he knows the dangers of football. Neither can the fans all around the world, because they all feel sorry for Wayne Rooney.
All we can do for Wayne Rooney is PRAY. Pray that he gets well before the World Cup. Pray that he has the willpower to get better ASAP. Pray that he will become a better person after this pain.
**I am so sorry if this post riles you up, but this is how I feel sincerely about the situation. I don't know how much this will change your perception of the situation, as I believe that everyone is entitled to have their own opinions which may or may not be agreed with other people. I would respect yours. And I hope you respect mine. I hope that this will not change things between us...**
Here's a bummer for us Chelsea fans, JOHN TERRY WILL BE OUT FOR 10 DAYS BECAUSE OF HIS FOOT INJURY! Get well soon, Captain!
Looks like AirAsia don't have any reason to gloat again, but we can. But we don't intend to stoop that low to that kind of mentality that those AirAsia people have. We have these things called DIGNITY and PRIDE. They DON'T!
I am in pain. Mum thinks JT jinxed me. Hah! Cubit paha kanan, paha kiri terasa more like it!
Haha...tak malu factor is slowly rising. I am going to be demented soon.
*Bluesy* out!
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