Just random pictures...
I like these pics...I have been planning to upload them here, but I keep on forgetting! Anyway, since I remember now, enjoy these pics...

I have only read two chapters and a half, but the stuff in it is, in a way, funny and informative. Did you know that Terry and Lampard actually thought that it would be an incredible feeling to score the winner against Bolton to seal the Premiership the day before the match?
**In the second half the history-maker was Frank Lampard. Coincidentally, he and John Terry had discussed what such a feeling would be like, just like any school kids in the playground might. 'Yeah, it was the night before the Bolton game,' recalls Terry, 'and we were saying "Imagine scoring the goals that win Chelsea the Premiership!" And the next day Lampsy did it. It's bizarre thinking about it now. You know, we'd often speak about things like that the night before games - and Lamps has got that forever. I wish it was me actually! But it's a great thing and just to be part of a great side, I'm priviliged.' **
It's great! I hope he remembers this moment so that he can score against ManUre this Saturday so that we can win the Premiership again! All we need is...1 MORE POINT!!!

The back cover...The words written on it are: From the silverware, to the boardroom battles, from the heroes to the hooligans, the entire century is laid bare.
Maybe by reading the book I can find out why I became the ONLY Chelsea fan among my relatives and family members [my niece, Raviena is not counted as she may support them because of the fact she likes me better than the other cousins and aunties and uncles from her mum's side (which is my dad's side also) because I'm the nicest one among whole lot (includes my brother whom she fondly calls BLUFF UNCLE)].
Oh yeah, I can't deny it. Reyes is SO HOT and ADORABLE.
*Gives self a good slap on both cheeks*
Okay, zapping back into reality...I am REALLY REALLY REALLY worried about tomorrow [nothing to do with the Barca-AC Milan tie!]. Tomorrow is the day that my SEMESTER 2 results will be out [most probably!] !!! My heart is beating REALLY REALLY REALLY fast right now as I type this. I'M SO WORRIED TO MY WITS' END!
Shall I jump off the bridge now? -Rowena's Heart-
No! Wait till Saturday, you idiot! At least jump after Chelsea win the Premiership for the second year running! -Rowena's Brain-
Listen to your conscience, dear. Don't do anything stupid. Whatever happens, just accept it. There's nothing you can do to change it. Just aim to do better in the next semester...You'll be fine! -Rowena's Conscience-
I want to say this again: REYES IS HOT!!!
*Feels slaps coming from unidentified sources*
Okay, enough with the slaps already! STOP SLAPPING ME!!!
I need to go shopping desperately. Need to buy some shirts and jeans and maybe shoes.
*Bluesy* out!
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