The title of this post is a bit weird for most of you, but those of you who are used to my mother's usual antics, will not stratch their heads wondering what the heck I'm talking about. Read this.In the morning...
Me: Ma, the ketupat is cold, I can't even get the rendang taste in my mouth because it's cold! By the time papa puts on his shoes, I'm still eating and I'll be blamed for you being late for your appointment with the doctor.
Mum: Oh...just keep quiet and eat-lah! Wait, it's cold like JOE COLE ah?
Me: Can you just leave Joe Cole out of this? What has he got to do with this cold ketupat, and what did he do to you?
Mum: I simply want to say his name-lah. Why? You jealous or something?
In the afternoon...
Me: Aya caramba (yes I say this!)! Ashley Cole's leaving Arsenal to join Real Madrid? There's goes the whole Arsenal squad...*starts munching on 'nasi lemak' for lunch*
Mum: Are Ashely Cole and Joe Cole related? You know, are they cousins or something? Since they share the same surname and all...
Me: MA! They're not you know there are like four people in football I know have the surname Cole? Ashley Cole, Joe Cole, Carlton Cole, and Andy Cole...they are NOT related to each other (correct me if I'm wrong)! Tell me, are Robbie Williams and Robin Williams related to each other? No, right?
Mum: Yes, they are! They're cousins and their uncle is Andy Williams (the guy who sang that 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' song)!
Me: *Shakes head, continues eating, and yells* MA!!!
I don't know why she got super-excited about Joe Cole all of a sudden...I guess she's just as excited as I am in finding the *black slippers and white socks* picture of him! I'm proud to announce I have the picture with me! *Insert clapping sound effects here*...planning to load the pic up now.

I know the pic is kind of small, but what the hell, it made me happy because after 3 and 1/2 months of searching, I finally found the picture! And in case you don't know who Joe Cole is, he's the one holding the trophy along with John Terry. I know right now, Mar would probably want to have an argument and this is how it would sound like
Mar: Yan, what is so HOT about someone wearing black slippers and white socks? They're not appealing-la! Go get your eyes checked!
Me: Will you please shut up with that *I-don't-see-what's so-appealing-about-someone-wearing-black-slippers-and-white-socks* argument of yours? I know-lah, not many can pull off a stunt like that, but Joe looks HOT with that look! He can really carry off that look la...*goes off to Dreamland*!
Mar: You want to find you a bloke who can play football, and can carry off a *black slippers and white socks* stunt-lah now? Won't be easy, Yan...but just for you, I'll bite my tongue...
Me: MAR!!!!!! Shut up and stop it with that *I-will-find-you-a-prospective-husband-so-that-you-will-not-die-of-old-age-alone-in-a-small-house-and-I-want-to-marry-my-son-off-to-your-daughter* crap! I will die alone but happy, nonetheless.
Mar: Go fish-lah you! I will find you one, even if you don't want me to!
Anyway, here's a pic of Terry and his companion...can't remember her name, but I think it's Toni Powell or something like that.

And here's a pic of Frankie and his companion, Elen Rives.

Both of them have the same taste in women. They love BLONDES! *Sighs* leaves no door virtually opened for me...*frowns*! Wait a minute, why am I grumbling about the girls they like when I specifically said *I WANT TO STAY SINGLE TILL THE DAY I DIE*? Oh well...I'm not frowning. Ooh...and Frank has the same handphone model as Adrian! Or should that be the other way around? Still, you get my drift right?
At least now I know, they are NOT gay!

Finished the roll of film I had in class. Well, not all. And then Mr. Chen was a bit cranky today. I guess each lecturer has their own emo-filled days. I didn't understand what he taught us today. It's the first time I copied something without actually understanding what I had copied down. And Mdm. Goh said that we're supposed to draw lots tomorrow to see what number we'll get to present our oral presentation. I WANT NUMBER 8! PEOPLE, LAY YOUR HANDS OFF NUMBER 8...IT'S MINE! I was thinking that if I don't get number 8, I wanted number 26, but since there only 24 students in my class, so there's no way I'm going to get number 26. So, I WANT NUMBER 8! And a lot of people wanted 7, 10, 23! Becks and Owen I think. Sylvien wanted 7...but now she said she wants 9 (since it's Rooney's number when he plays for England). Even my mother said to take number 8 since it's a lucky number, and she knows it's Lampard's jersey number for Chelsea and England, and she knows how much I talk about him everyday! Hahaha....! I know what to talk on for my Computing Principles MS POWERPOINT PRESENTATION...MALNUTRITION. I hope he never had anyone to talk about this topic before in his years as a COMPUTING PRINCIPLES lecturer.
Anyway, will update later. See you all around!
*Bluesy* out.