What if...
What if someone who isn't that close to you, but nonetheless she regards you as a good friend, tells you that she might be suffering from cancer? What would you do? What is your initial reaction? What would you say?
Seriously folks, this is what I had to endure last night. I was shocked, blur and rather confused. I didn't know what to say. I was afraid to say anything. Knowing my level of stupidity and insensitivity, I might just say something wrongly and in the end, hurting her feelings. I was too stunned to say anything since she made me promise not to tell anyone in order to save herself from all the sympathies people may throw at her if they knew what she's currently going through. I didn't know how to react as it came to me as a shock. I really wanted to let it out of my chest, but I promised her, so I'll keep my word. Really wanted to tell Mr. Siva about it, but I didn't want her other close friends to feel angry with her for not telling them the whole truth, and instead told me about it. She told me that she decided to disclose the matter to me as I was a good listener and I was dependable (Mar, I swear if you're laughing, I'd come there and slap you!).
I really don't understand it. How is it that people come to me when they want to tell me their problems and want me keep it as a secret? I mean, I'm not complaining but it's pretty strange. People call or talk to me and then they tell me something that they're worried about, and tell me to keep it secret so that others don't have to know about it. Question is: WHY ME? Why not someone else?
I really need to tell someone about this, but I can't. I know I can't and I shouldn't. So I'll keep it to myself. And I so loathe the word *WHAT IF...???*, as it sparks one million other controversies!
But anyway, let's upload more NICE pictures from the HMC BALL and other things, shall we?

From left: Franz, Jonathan, Materlline, and Yas.

The group pic.
Top left: Adrian, Eddie, Jo Weng, Ben, Franz, Jonathan.
Bottom left: Su Tze, me, Yas, and Materlline.

Sweet little Ching Hooi and me.

Me and Ben. I don't want to friend him, because he kicked me today. *Frowns*...no worries, I kicked him back! Hahaha...

Yas and me. Sans the make-up, before Mr. Chen's class. And yes, I WAS sitting on the table.

Me, trying to show that I eat fruits, unlike what my dad claims. I was eating kiwi fruits! And I think I've got fairer legs now. Now I see why people say I look thinner. *Stunned*! *Bluesy* sitting on the blue seats! Sweet!

And this is me trying to put on a very *Frank Lampard*-like pose. Fails miserably, I know. Ooh...I look so fair here...and also very thin! Shocking!!! Hahaha...
Anyway, that's all for now....*Bluesy* out!
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