Firstly...I want to say that my English Oral Presentation is over *wipes sweat off forehead* and done with! So now I have more time on my hands to study! I'm so excited about studying??? Since when? Hahaha...Mar, I know you're shocked, but I'm not lying. I'm going to work double extra hard! Pray for me, ok???
My presentation today was considerably okay. I liked Roya's presentation since she gave us these cute little origami birds each [I have 2: 1 from Jo [it's yellow] since he didn't want it and 1 green one, but I changed it with Vijaya since she had blue, so now I have blue! Yippee! I'm such a blue freak! My OBSESSION, besides FRANK LAMPARD, that is!]. And of course, her presentation was good. I think we only had 8 presenters today since:
1. Madam Goh came late today.
2. We started at around 8:30 a.m.!
3. Not enough time.
And since Eddie wasn't there and he was presenter NUMBER 7, I had to be presenter NUMBER 7 instead of NUMBER 8! So sad...
Then Priya told me that there was an article bout Frank Lampard in the newspapers. And she said that he looked as though he was suffering from constipation! I'll show you which picture it was.

Seriously...does he look constipated in this pic? She said this pic should be a poster and the caption should be *THE ULTIMATE CONSTIPATED LOOK OF FRANK LAMPARD*...and there was this headline in The Sun that read:
*Jose: My Lamps shining through*...and she said that it sounded so gay-like so she said there is a possibility that they are gay! I admit the headline sounds so gay-fied, but I don't think they are gay! Not even bisexuals...Argh! And then she showed the picture of a statue of Virgin Mary weeping tears of blood. Then she showed it to me.
Priya: Statue of Virgin Mary weeping...
Me: *Turns behind* Where?
Priya: In Sacramento.
Me: Weeping blood is it?
Priya: Ya. You know why she crying or not?
Me: *Shoots a dirty look at Priya*
Priya: Hello, I didn't say anything ah? You know or not why she crying? Because too many disasters happening in the world...
Me: True...
Priya: And because Jose Mourinho and Frank Lampard are gay.
Me: Started...
Priya: If he were gay, would you stop liking him?
Me: Definitely not! I like him because he's talented!
Priya: That's all that matters. Why you getting so emo now?
And she went on to demonstrate their *gay-ness* with the origami birds! Argh...so sad =(...then at Maths class, the conversation continued:
Priya: He's gay.
Me: He's not gay.
Priya: He's BISEXUAL. BI means 2, just like Mr. Chen said. [We were learning BINOMIAL THEOREM then, and Mr. Chen explained what BI meant]
Me: He's not bisexual. He's straight.
Priya: *Motions a straight line* Straight.
Me: Yes, straight.
Priya: Ok, he's straight. But he has a tendency to stray away from being straight.
And Ben just can't seem to refrain himself from bullying me. Vice versa. Can't help it, I know he's a year older than me [and I'm SUPPOSED to respect those who are much older than me], but he looks so much younger than me [he looks 16 for God's sake!]. And therefore, he looks oh-so-very-bully-able. Mind you, the word *bully-able* doesn't exist. I like creating new words. He also enjoys kicking me, as much as I enjoy kicking him. We have nothing better to do, we need some entertainment every now and then! And then Kylie was playing with this cute little finger puppets [WARNING: MY GIRLISH NOTIONS HAVE GONE TO AN ULTIMATE HIGH! SO YOU WERE WARNED!], so I asked her what animals did she have, she said she had a monkey, and I told her I wanted one, Ben said: *You don't need the monkey, because you are one!*...I just told him: *You and my mother same only! She will tell me 'No need to see monkeys in the zoo, got one in the house [referring to me, as always]'*...He just said: *Just joking!*...mean people I live with.
Anyway, to Aimee, I didn't mean to say that horses are ugly or what, I think they're one of the most beautiful creatures God created. I have a special term for MU, by the way. It's known as ManUre [credit goes to Jon for telling me this]. MU ain't the horse I was talking about, I'm calling Ruud van Nistelrooy a horse. I love horses, but sadly I can't say the same for RVN. Don't worry, you're not starting a commotion. Good luck for the remaining papers for SPM!
Anyway, got to go now. See you all soon.
*Bluesy* out!
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