Weird things happens when you least expect them to...
This is a very weird and unusual day for me...still can't get my head around it. Anyway, here goes...
Left home for my Computing Principles tutorial class at 7:45 a.m. and reached there at 8.25 a.m.! I was late! And by the time I got there, Mr. Siva was giving out the mid-term marks. I nearly freaked out. And when it was my turn...I was pretty shocked as I did pretty well. I had 15 marks (in other words, full marks) for my MS WORD. And then for my mid-term, I had 17.3 out 20 marks. In total, I had 32.3 out 35 marks. *Insert clapping and wild cheering sound effects here*. Super-duper happy and shocked! I didn't expect to do so well...I thought I'd get some 25++ marks. Highest was Materlline. She had 33.3! And Jo scored 33! When Mr. Siva asked me: *Why did you get 17.3 for your mid-term...what happened here?*, I thought: *Oh God! 17.3 out 35 ah? What did I do? I didn't do well...screwed!* and I told him: *I don't know what happened, sir!*...and he said I did quite well. He told me to aim for a HD. Hopefully I can get a HD...and that I can scrape some marks from my stupid MS EXCEL ASSESSMENT. That was a total disaster.
Then, went to the lab to blog on my frustrations with TNB...when I told myself: *Go bury a hole and dig yourself in it*. That sounded very stupid. It should have read: *Go dig a hole and bury yourself in it!*...and then had lunch. After lunch, we went to the DSA and completed my English assignment. Then joined Materlline, Eddie and Sylvien in a game of Jenga...I think Matterline made the thing drop. Haha...then we played Taboo...that was fun! First me, Sylvien, and Priya were in one group, and Eddie, Materlline and Roya were in the other group. Then Jo Weng joined us and Adrian and Ranchithaa joined the other group when Eddie left the group. We were having a great time when these people from THE SUN newspaper came and told us they were giving away free cash! Jo had to eat dog food, and he got RM20. Eddie ate cat food, and he got RM 20 also...and Roya had to peel the waxing strip off a guy's leg. Adrian ate dog food coated with wasabi and he got RM 10! Seriously people, lay off on the wasabi already! And our class now officially have 2 dogs and a cat! Haha...
And the biggest dare was that this guy from the March intake had to get his armpit hair plucked by someone else, and for every hair plucked, he gets RM 1. And then, he had to wax his chest hair (he won RM100 ok?). And guess who NEARLY had the privilege of pulling the waxing strip? ME (seriously, I was not excited AT ALL!)! The guy who was in charge of the whole thing called my name! And I got myself staring at the wall, thinking: *How did he know my name???* And then they asked whether they should get a guy or a girl to pull of the waxing strip off his chest, and they said they should get a guy to do it. Well, that saved me from all the drama...I'd probably get nightmares thinking about it at night. Pulling a waxing strip of a guy is NOT a fun thing, even if he has the physique of John Terry or Frank Lampard. Allow me to take a moment to throw up thinking about pulling the waxing strips off men's bodies. For the faint-hearted, please look elsewhere for the timebeing.
*Throws up*
*Throws up again*
*Throws up some more*
*Throws up even more*
*Throws up even more than before*
Okay...I'm done puking all over the place. Thank you for putting up with my nonsense, and I think someone I know would be highly excited pulling the waxing strip off that guy's chest. But definitely NOT ME. I'm a drama queen. Sue me already!
And my mother said I look dark in the pic. I told them that and Ben asks me: *Who were standing next to?*...*I was standing next to Jo and Materlline*. *NO WONDER-LAH!*...hahahaha! And here I will upload pictures I stole from other people, mine will only be sent tomorrow. So here you are:

From left: Eddie (meow...), Adrian (my mum says she's sorry, since she was feeling a little emo the other day!), Jo Weng (do the somersault again!), Ben (Why you looking there? Nothing there-lah!), and Jonathan (seriously folks, he reminds me of my neighbour!).
And Mar, don't you start with the *You-are-blessed-with-an-abundant-amount-of-Chinese-blokes-for-friends-so-why-don't-you-pick-any-one-of-them-as-your-potential-boyfriend?* statements. I will slap you.
And I'm very bored, so I did this:
Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo)
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You are Persephone- goddess of transformation! You are an artist,musician, and writer. Also, a dreamer, a visionary, and a healer. You have many moods- and can even be kind of cranky sometimes. You enjoy spending time alone-whether it's to work on an art project, write a poem, compose a song, or just think about life. You have an inner calm and can be hard to get to know. Plus, you're super sensitive, sympathetic, and a great listener. That's probably why friends would come to you for advice. While some people may think you are a space case, you may just be deep in thought. Because you think about everything.
Which Goddess are you?( WITH ANIME PICS!!!) and for ALL types of girls(7 results and girls only)
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True, I think...And for my English oral presentation, I'm going to be PRESENTER NUMBER 8! *WHEE*!!! At first I got NUMBER 17, then we drew lots again, and this time around I got number 10. And I asked whether anyone who had the NUMBER 8 wanted to change numbers with me. And Jiet came to me and asked me if I wanted to change with him, since he had NUMBER 8 and he wanted NUMBER 10! So I agreed! And for my MS POWERPOINT PRESENTATION, I'm also PRESENTER NUMBER 8. Well, it's between 6, 7, or 8 anyway. Hopefully NUMBER 8! LONG LIVE THE BRIGHTEST LAMP THAT EVER LIVED - FRANK LAMPARD! NUMBER 8 is a lucky number!
Anyway...*Bluesy* out!
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