Something out of the norm...
A rather weird conversation I had with -THE SUICIDAL ONE-...Mar or better known as Margarine!
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Ah Chien! Busy ah?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: No...why?
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: You serious you don't wanna get married ah?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: WTF Mar??? Positive-la..I wanna stay single till I die!
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: I don't care! I'll find you one dude la...can't let you live alone la. What will happen to the vow we promised to observe? The one where we were supposed to marry my son to your daughter?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: Go fish la you. I'll probably adopt a girl. I'll name her Luna.
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Can you stop it with your Luna nonsense or not? I want to find you a potential boyfriend. You like Indian dudes right? Then, can celebrate Deepavali also!
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: Mar, don't talk rubbish ok? I can celebrate Deepavali even if I don't get married to an Indian bloke! I have two cousins who celebrate Deepavali!
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Oh yeah, forgot about that. Then how bout a Chinese bloke then? Then you can celebrate Chinese New Year. *Muhibbah* spirit Yan!
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: IDIOT! If I want a *muhibbah* family, I need someone who celebrates Christmas also right? Then only it's considered *muhibbah*!
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Then I find Christian-Chinese bloke la...problem solved!
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: WHAT THE HELL la you? I don't wanna marry anyone la! Let's leave it at that la...
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: What you mean, leave it at that? No way am I gonna let you live alone in a small house with no one to look after you when you grow old! No Yan, I'll find you a potential boyfriend. Anyway, do you want a tall bloke like Peter Crouch?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: Mar, are you drunk or something? Peter Crouch is a WALKING BEANPOLE! His girlfriend/wife would probably look something like him. Rake thin and super-duper walking beanpole.
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Okay...then I find you someone like Frankie ok?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: Go do whatever you want long it makes you happy...
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: So that means you change your mind?
Me -THE PRECIOUS ONE-: NO, YOU IDIOT! I want to stay single la!!!!
Mar -THE SUICIDAL ONE-: Aiyah, you very *fan* one la you! Such a pain in the arse! Go fish la you!
Mar...I told you, I am happy being this way. I like it this way. Don't find me anyone ok? Just concentrate on your love life, not mine. Anyway, I want to show you what I meant yesterday when I said I look like a *pondan*. I stole this from Materlline @ Puteri Yap Ching Hooi. So have a look and comment.

Jo Weng (the 'PROM KING'), Materlline (the 'PROM QUEEN'), and me (the 'ODD ONE OUT'). Don't I look so weird with make-up? That's why I say make-up and me are like chalk and cheese. They absolutely do NOT have anything in common, therefore they do not go together! And don't those two make a cute couple? Jo and Ching Hooi, if you're reading this, it's just my honest and humble opinion. Nothing more, okay?
And my dad has mentioned that he wants me to have a dressing table to put all my make-up/cosmetics/perfumes and the likes there. I told him I don't need it since I hate make up. And he says it's for a long-term basis, he says *maybe when you're 25 or what you want to use it!*. It, as in make-up. What? Do I look like I'm ever going to wear make-up to you? NO, right?
And this are pics from the open house I had last's a little dark, and we looked tired, after eating lunch. You can see the new furniture, by the way! And yes, I stole the pics from Materlline. Again. I'm a thief!
From left: Sylvien, Materlline, Yas, and me.
From left: Adrian, Sylvien, Materlline, and Yas.
And yes...the pictures were taken before Sylvien's *husband* fell in the toilet. You know what I mean, right?
And this is the pic of the England team that beat Argentina 3-2 this morning, thanks to a goal from Wayne Rooney, and a brace from Michael Owen! Yay...
Top from left: Paul Robinson, Ledley King, John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard.
Bottom from left: Luke Young, Wayne Bridge, Wayne Rooney, David Beckham, Michael Owen.
Wayne Bridge's face was blocked here! And why must Frank Lampard stand next to Steven Gerrard? Can't he stand next to John Terry? And why must John Terry stand next to Rio Ferdinand? That's just wrong! Joe Cole is missing here. *Sniffs*. And my brother said that he saw Dyanix's body on the road that Wednesday. And he's as sad as I am(not too sure whether he cried like I me a softie!). So Dyanix died, and now it's in heaven. Bless you, Dyanix.
Anyway, *Bluesy* out!
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