TOTAL HOTNESS in the morning...
Okay the heading is a wee bit weird, but what the hell? That's how I felt when I saw Frank Lampard in today's The Star newspaper! They had an article about him. The fact that he had equalled David James's record of 159 consecutive appearances in the Premiership! Ooh..and I found this interesting bit of info today...he started his run shortly after joining Chelsea, on the 13th of October, other words, a week after my 14th birthday! Hehe...TOTAL HOTNESS! And Sir Alex Ferguson called him a"freak" as he had so much stamina to run around the whole pitch! And Sylvien mentioned that he did look a wee bit like Lee Ryan, though Mar has said he looks like Robbie *I-can-do-cartwheels-after-I-score-goals* Keane. He does look like Lee in a way. No taste in men includes:
1. Super-sharp noses.
2. Brown/blue eyes.
3. Tall.
4. Fair, but not too fair.
5. Watches, supports and plays football [a big criteria, this one!]
6. die for!
Seriously, I do not let looks blind my faith...of course the person should have a good heart, and those six criteria are just an added incentive! I'm sounding seriously very *miang* right now. And people say my expectations in men are very unreasonable [so are most things in my life!]. I'd probably NOT marry someone who does not know anything about football [I mean zilch information on football], but if he supports football and acts like a brute...I don't think I'd want to marry him! Anyway, I'm planning on staying single for the rest of my life. So why bother?
I wrote a few things I'd like to denounce in life, as a result of what my dad said in the car. And he saw it [since I wrote it on the whiteboard in my room], and he got mad and asked me to erase it! Not too sure if he felt guilty on what he said in the afternoon [I doubt it].
He said that if I plan to further my education in the UK, instead of going to the university, I'd probably be watching a game 'live' in the stadium! Unless universities are opened on Saturdays and Sundays, then he should worry! Seriously I know my priorities, though it does get entangled in my Chelsea crazy ideas, I manage to get it right. I'd probably go watch a game just once only to get the experience of screaming at the top of your lungs [I know I do it when I'm at home, but that's a different situation altogether!]. The way people go into a state of euphoria seeing your beloved team winning a match or score a crucial winner. You know, just to get the feeling. And what's the use of the TV if you can't watch the game? Sure I'm obsessed with Chelsea and all, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about the whole world! If I seriously need to watch the match, I have the TV. And blame my parents for not putting ASTRO! If not I can watch the match instead of depending on other people to send me either CONGRATULATORY messages or even CONDOLENCE messages [trust me, I got quite a few when we lost to MU!]. My father thinks I should consider cooking as a hobby! *Throws up hearing the term 'cooking'* That's not a hobby, that's a CHORE! frustrating...
And it's official...Tourism Malaysia is sponsoring Chelsea, and Roman Abramovich is coming to Malaysia! I'd like to kidnap him and extort money from him so that he can sponsor my education. That is -THE INSATIABLE DREAM- ! Hahahaha...I wish he'd come to KL, then I can ask him to develop Sentul Pasar! Hahahahaha...okay, that's me acting really psychotic now! Mar, like I said before, one step closer...
And Ben likes to kick me because I'm fun [or was that funny?]. He's weird. I'm mad too. We're all mad anyway...that's what makes us all the more unique.
And let's upload a nice pic of the man I deem as TOTAL HOTNESS! FRANK LAMPARD!

Don't you think he looks SO innocent in this pic? Ben thinks he sucks! *Gasps in horror*...but he thinks Eidur Gudjohnssen is better than Frank! And he thinks Mark Feehily has got a better voice than Lee Ryan! Oh the horror! He has condemned two of my TOTAL HOTNESS blokes! Felt like hitting him! I kicked him anyway, since he kicked me...we have seriously have to find a new hobby other than kicking each other!
Oh wait...I know! Cooking, anyone?
*Bluesy* out!
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