Parents's 25th Anniversary...
Well, today is the 31st of December 2004...the last day of the year 2004...mum and dad's wedding anniversary...25th we could stay that way? Gave them the presents and the card...they like the presents...well, I bought them...of course, I have taste! Haha...the swan is on the shelf in front of their 21st anniversary gift I gave...the photo frame...the other frame(my cover up gift!) is on the shelf too but at the side...haha...well nothing much today though...usually if it's the New Year's Eve, we'd celebrate it by watching the fireworks display...but since the tsunami disaster took place, all New Year celebrations have been out the side room...found 4 big plastic bags filled with old clothes...asked my mum to get me the red spaghetti strap top...really hot was said he's not letting me take any old clothes from there since they were outside...but mum managed to salvage that top(thanks ma...I owe you one!)...found two koala bears...from some part of the found it I asked him whether I could have them...and guess what? He said I could! Unexpected koala is big while the other one is small and it looks more like a 'kelawar' than a koala...haha...told Miera(God, how I miss my vice president!) about it...she asked it whether am I going to give the koalas name...I told her I might name them Ann and Micky...she laughed hilariously...she said...'Dah sah angau!' *his* letters just now...really sweet...what made it worse was that I was listening to Gareth's first album...listened to 'What My Heart Wants To Say'(track 06) and With You All The Time(track 10)...tears started to well in my eyes...I'm getting damn 'jiwang''s all your fault! Went to Cozy Corner in Ampang Park for dinner...wore my blue sleeveless tee from Esprit...the blue jeans from Diesel...the new blue sports shoes from I was all blue...down right to the bag...haha...the Blues babe...we were the last family to leave the God...I was dead we pased by the Wisma MCA...sweet memories came back to me...Add Maths seminar...*He* wanted to treat me for funny...I still remembered the sad face he had when I said no...and the cutest moment was when I was on the bus...out of the thousand faces there...I could see him staring straight in my bus...he was just standing there looking at my bus at my window...though he was a bit was so cute! He's a real sweetheart...hehe...everytime I pass by Wisma MCA...I always remember those sweet moments with *him*...hehe...right now I feel like a bloated turkey...just got a message on Friendster from *him*...he said he was sorry for being a horrible person...and here I am thinking that I was the horrible one...I cried...I get sentimental because of it's love, Miera(you can now call me sayang!)...'The Reason' by Hoobastank is the NO.1 song on HITZ.FM! Lovely song...damn meaningful...gets to many people I know have helped me along the start over a new...the you...actually so many of them-lah! What if I can talk to *him* right now? Even for just one minute...I'd do anything...oh well...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005...forget all that has happened in 2004...let's forgive and forget ok? My new Year's resolution should be up I ever stick to them...cheers!