Fantasy Game!!!
Yes...people, I have been caught in the World Cup hype by joining the FIFAWorldCup's Fantasy Game a few weeks ago! Thanks to Sylvien for getting me in it. First, I was like "Oh, I want to take Paul Robinson as my keeper!" only to find out that we are only allowed to take 3 players from each nation! So far, in our HELP FC, there's only 4 teams: BlueFlame FC [mine], RedCrusaderz [Sylvien], HMC United [Adrian] and Team Joga Bonito [Eddie]. And I'm currently leading. For someone who doesn't even know half of the players to pick, that's quite okay-lah. I AM BORED! Sue me!

My team line-up. BlueFlame FC.

Fans of England: Rank: 7336. Percentile: 88th. Rank change: +2109. [not bad, eh?]
HELP FC: Rank 1 of 4.

HELP FC rankings. Me, Sylvien, Adrian and Eddie. Sure they'll beat me...They've got great players in their line-ups! My players also terror, you know? M-O-T-M Frank Lampard there! Hehe...

Official Team Ranking: 52732. Current Team Points: 31.5. It looked better than what I got yesterday! Some 80000+ and 0 points!
And I have two transfers left. And since I got to unlock the 'bicycle kick', I get to add one player per stage [I think that's what it means, according to my little brain!] ! Whee!
*Now I'm starting to sound nuts!*
Ooh, they have this Celebrity League and GOLEO VI is leading with 39 points [I got 31.5 points!] ! And his captain is Frank Lampard! I should've picked him as my captain, I picked MY Captain Marvel. Haha...

GOLEO VI's team...see the captain!
I tell you, Shaka Hislop gets my man-of-the-match medal [it's invisible to others, but can only be seen by the person who wears it!]! He was so bloody good! Salute! Trinidad and Tobago were amazing. Sweden were the favourites to win they game but they were held to a goalless draw! Haha...but I hope that T&T will lose to England!
I watched the first half of the Argentina-Ivory Coast game. I fell asleep mid-way of the second half, and missed Didier's goal! The two Chelsea strikers scored! But Argentina won!
Ooh...Kezman vs Robben game later tonight! Go Kezman! Rooting for Serbia and Montenegro tonight. I'm evil, tell me something I don't already know!
Why did The Star put an extremely weird picture of him today in the papers? I didn't even know it was him! I need new glasses!
Oh, seeing Roque Santa Cruz after 4 long years is SUPER good. little thing. blur one! Look! Best friends! Oh, and look at little Michael Owen and lanky Peter Crouch. They look like me and my brother posing for a pic! Haha!
Want to watch the England game again...want to see him work it on the field AGAIN!
*Bluesy* out!
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