Take it away...
I'm so crossed at some people. My pet sister asked me to answer this very honestly. Why are we [meaning my ex and I] are fighting? Huh? WTF? I asked her whether he asked her to ask me on his behalf. And she said no. I told her that I'm wasn't ready to be in a relationship like that. I wasn't ready. I was still very much afraid of that relationship. I had strained some of my relationships with people. I lost myself.
And then she tells me that I should talk to him, because apparently, he still loves me. And then, she asked me whether I still loved him and I said no. And she insisted that I talk to him, and that he won't force me to go back into that relationship. She said the same thing. This has got to end somehow! I can't go on like this. Stop ruining my life! F**king b*****d.
I was studying English when my handphone vibrated. And DiGi sent me some SMS about ordering flowers from some florist thru SMS. That's when I realised, Valentine's Day is in a week's time and my ex is feeling lonely. So he decides to irritate me even further this whole week. Because of Valentine's Day. F**k you. I have more than enough problem that will last me the whole week, so don't add more problems for me, okay? I don't need any additional stress. Especially not from you. I DON'T NEED IT. You fool.
Why can't you just leave me alone? I don't want sink into depression again because of you. i can't afford it. I might just break and crumble like a cookie. That's how fragile I've become. To the extent of losing people I've grown very close to.
Anyway, I think I've gained back my carrom-playing skills. And I want to buy some blue tablecloths. And I saw Lee Ryan's *Turn Your Car Around* video! So happy!!! Worst part of today was that the Watson's near my college stole my money! I bought my face wash, thinking it was RM 9.80 because it was a value buy item [saving money]. Then when I went to the counter, the lady said it was RM 12.90! I asked her: *RM 12.90?* and she said yes, and I bet you she was unsure of herself. She went to the face wash shelf and checked, she even checked the Watson's catalog book for bargain buys [well, it has a proper name, but I don't know what it's called, but my definition means it's something like that!]. And I paid her the money because she said it was RM 12.90. Being a bit intelligent than usual, I decided to walk past that shelf to see for myself whether my eyes were playing tricks with me. And I saw the price tag was removed! WTF? I am a consumer, I demand my rights! That bitch cheated me and my money! RM 3.90!!!! I could've bought some sweets for myself! Bitch! I'm never stepping into Watson's again...
I want to upload some pics from yesterday.

*Who's better? Me or you?* -Me Frankie and stupid Gerrard-

*Ooh la la...I love this pic!* Best buds stick together, right Mar? You better say yes!

*We're the best! You better believe it* -Frank Lampard and John Terry-

*Yer...Frankie looks so fierce here! Scary! Look like Dracula* -Apparently, that's what Mar's sister, Eliza told me. She likes John Terry when he takes his jersey off because according to her, he has got six-pack abs that sends her to heaven a happy child. She's five, by the way. How young minds have been corrupted by people like Mar. Sigh...
Anyway, got things to do now. Toodles.
*Bluesy* out!
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