Random pictures...
I still can't get the feelings I feel for YOU off my chest. Anyway, here's some random pictures to take my mind off YOU. I know, a little bit late right? Sorry, okay?

Us [minus my dad] with the Mahindrans in KLCC. Somewhere in December 2005.

Name me one day you can see a Liverpool fan posing with a Chelsea fan? IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT? Franz and me.

The misadventures of THANK YOU boy and OK girl! Ben and me. I have to deal with the fact I'm shorter than him. Apparently, my mum said I'm standing in a rather awkward position. OMG...I look so skinny here! Probably standing next to him makes me thinner. Hahaha...

The Continuing Misadventures of THANK YOU boy and OK girl! See, now I look taller than him! Haha...Junior Senior. LOL...

I hate this pic because if you look closely, someone stuck five fingers right behind my head. Must be that evil little penguin behind me! Hmph...never trust CHINAMAN [now known as CHINADOLL]! Hahaha...
I'll upload more later...maybe tomorrow. My head's killing me. I think I'm suffering from severe depression. At least that's what I think. I really can't help it. I know I can't have YOU, since YOU'RE with someone else. I know it far too well, but I can't help it. Worse still, I see YOU almost everyday. I really have feelings for YOU. Maybe thru YOU, I can fall in love again. I really love YOU. Only YOU don't see it. My heart is bleeding for YOU. My eyes are crying for YOU. My mind is forever searching for YOU.
Get a grip, Julez. Move on. But how? Writing the lines above were just painful. I felt like I ripped out my heart just to get it across. I have never thought this day would come this soon. I'm trying to forget YOU. But it's impossible. Even you know that fact too well, Mar. You've been down that road before, haven't you?
*Bluesy* out!
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