Reasons why I'm feeling depressed again!
1. I lost my Internet Principles textbook in the morning! I knew I had it with me on Friday, but now, it's gone! Have to buy a new one! RM 60...I'm going to be VERY, VERY, VERY BROKE.
2. I feel fat. Jen says no, but it's me, and not her. So therefore I am fat.
3. I'm still upset about the draw and the win. I wished for the wrong thing. That's what my mum said. I miss your winning ways.
4. I'm STILL upset over the fact my ex was talking to me. I'm so helpless.
5. I am contemplating to do something SO insane that my mum thinks I'm nuts.
6. Speaking of my mum, she's not allowing me to cut my hair VERY SHORT. Citing the reason that I got a haircut a month ago. And NO, that's not the insane thing I want to do.
7. My parents are not talking to each other. AGAIN. It happens. I'm used to it.
8. I MISS YOU. Though I see you often, I don't get to talk to you so often. THAT really bugs me. *I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do, 'cause I'll never be with you* How true. I really miss you.
And my Psychology lecturer [who was my brother's ex-school principal] told my other Psychology classmates that my dad [Who was, at that time, the PIBG President of my brother's school. Well, until my brother left his school for MRSM Jasin] still calls him *BROTHER* even though he's no longer in the brotherhood. No, not the usual *Yo, brother! Wassup???* thing! He was in the brotherhood for 22 years and then he got married and has two [apparently] cute kids [The way he speaks of them tells me how cute they are. Okay, I've only met the eldest daughter (she's 7) and she's cute!]. So embarrassing. I went: *Oh God!* I really felt like covering my head with a brown paper bag. I told my mum about it, and she laughed. =P Why me?
Oh, I didn't read the newspaper today! No wonder I'm depressed. And my English lecturer hates me. Well, she didn't say it, but you can actually sense it. *Blearh* whatever.
I'm depressed. Should I go back to where I came from? THE INSTITUTE OF THE DEPRESSED AND THE DEPRESSER? Bwahaha...NO.
I think Maniche is cute. Don't ask. And Frank Lampard looks so god-damn skinny! Hasn't he been eating? And Riccy's haircut is so weird! And apparently, if the Chelsea squad don't make it as footballers, the can be either excellent gymnasts or even acrobats! And Pele was there at that match! Did he come to see Frankie play? =P
Oh yeah, the YOU is not my ex. It's someone you all don't need to know. I know it's no use me pining for YOU when I know I can't have YOU.
*And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you...*
I sing that two painstakingly depressing lines to sleep every night. It's so true. And it takes away the pain of not being able to tell YOU how I feel. It really hurts when I see YOU and NOT talk to YOU, not being able to tell YOU how I feel about YOU, everytime we meet. It really does.
I'm depressed, but that doesn't mean you guys should be too. Go lead your happy lives, and not be disturbed by my current manic-depressing moments. I'll be fine, don't worry. Chelsea fans know how to get back on their feet once they fall down. Believe me.
*If only we could live twice, maybe in another life...*
I wished that happened to me, Darius. I really wished it did.

This comforts me. Though his face is blocked by the *Blonde Maradona*, it makes me happy. Slightly maybe.
*Bluesy* out!
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