Saturday, July 29, 2006

I want to die

I want to die. I told you all before that if I say anything that leaves the impression that I'm always depressed and suicidal, please don't think I'm never happy.

My impressively good mood has just faded away. All because of 'he who shall not be named'.

ChU cIn says:
ChU cIn says:
matt send regards 2 u ah
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *if only i don't bend and break, i'll meet you on the other side* says:
y does he wanna send me his regards?
ChU cIn says:
ka che
ChU cIn says:
he still care bout u
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *if only i don't bend and break, i'll meet you on the other side* says:
i don't
ChU cIn says:
i duno wat happen between both of ur
ChU cIn says:
bt i can feel dat he still like u
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *if only i don't bend and break, i'll meet you on the other side* says:
but even if he still likes me or what, i don't
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *if only i don't bend and break, i'll meet you on the other side* says:
i can't let him think that we have hopes of being together
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *if only i don't bend and break, i'll meet you on the other side* says:
because in truth we don't
ChU cIn says:
ka che
ChU cIn says:
love is blind wan ah
ChU cIn says:
u wont noe u n him gt hopes of being together or nt
ChU cIn says:
everi thing is n god's hand
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
but i don't want
ChU cIn says:
ka che ah
ChU cIn says:
i guess u mind u n him diferent kaum
ChU cIn says:
i duno or nt
ChU cIn says:
u give me a feeling like dat
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
what u mean different kaum?
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
u mean i think different level?
ChU cIn says:
n u give me a feeling dat u hate him veri much
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
nobody has the same mentality
ChU cIn says:
ChU cIn says:
wat i mean is ur bangsa
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
this has nothing to do with bangsa
ChU cIn says:
i duno la ka che
ChU cIn says:
u give me a feeling like dat
ChU cIn says:
i hope is nt true
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
it's nothing to do with bangsa
ChU cIn says:
ChU cIn says:
sr ah ka che if i made u angry
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
nvm la
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
happens to me everyday
ChU cIn says:
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
can u do me a favour?
ChU cIn says:
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
can u tell him to get a life?
ChU cIn says:
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
ask him to find a new gf and forget me
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
i have my finals next week
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
i can't afford to go through what i went through during spm
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
i want to concentrate without any problem
ChU cIn says:
ka che
ChU cIn says:
u think so easy meh 2 4get
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
u think i dunno what love is about?
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
i had a harder time forgetting my ex who died
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
u dunno how that feels like
ChU cIn says:
maybe i duno
- ®õwena ƒ£ - : *please stab me right in the heart, i want to die* says:
so dun tell me it's easy to forget someone
ChU cIn says:
ChU cIn says:
i will tell him

Note: She is supposed to be my pet sis, but I think she's more of his pet sis, considering how she puts him on a pedestal.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? I think they'd probably be happier if I died of something because then they have no one to bug.

She even had the audacity to say that I had racial issues! WHAT IN THE NAME OF HASH BROWNS? I come from a mixed Malay-Sri Lankan Sinhalese parentage and have a Chinese twin, so why in the name of God I would have racial issues? That's like classifying me as a racist. Which I know I'm not. I have many Malay, Indian and Chinese friends. To say something like that can be constituted under slander and I can fucking sue them for making such defamatory statements.

And she goes on telling me that love is blind. I mean, here is a 15-year-old girl telling me about love being blind, when she used to tell me that love is painful and she had more ex-boyfriends than me. She so needs to counsel herself rather than counsel me about love.

And she asks me whether do I think it's easy to forget someone? Of course not! I was really sad when my first ex died. I was inconsolable. So I know that it's not easy to forget someone. So don't talk to me as though I have no experience in love. Don't EVER underestimate my intelligence. If you do, you're just fucking stupid to do so. I'm much smarter than you.

If you can't handle the truth because of your fucking ego, you can kindly fuck some other bitch you meet. Don't think I don't know your fucking sleazy ways.




I'm bending and breaking...

I want to wilt slowly and die. Go away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, the Blue strawberry devil has beat me to commenting. *shakes fist* Stupid Chelsea fan!

Anyway, back to the OTHER Chelsea fan. Never EVER listen to brats who think they know the world about love. We've been through it way before they did and they think we're stupid just because we're single. Morons.

"They'd be better off reading textbooks rather than giving young boys blowjobs."

Ooh...May. I second that!

WTF about being racist? She doesn't know the whole story about you and she says something as degrading like that. I bet he influenced her. But then again, young bitches are pretty stupid sometimes.

You were 15 when Justin died. That was painful, I remember how it affected you. It was before PMR...that made it even tougher for you. We remember that dark moment in life because he made us feel special. I know how hard it was for you to forget bout him.

You're NOT stupid. Everyone who knows you [asides certain people] know you're smart. You don't need to try to be smart, you already are!

Throw them in some stupid jungle of some part in your fantasy land. You don't need them to pull you down to die with them.

Love, hugs and muahxies!

p/s: new hairdo really suits you. =) vodka? count me in...pepe reina is a good midfielder! haha!

1:12 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

CTea - Vodka is still on, woman!

I still think it's between those two. Need more clarification on that.

I know I'm NOT one. These ididots DON'T.

Stop cursing. So impolite. =p

You're coming back again? Or are you back already?

Will try to study. Can't guarantee much. Considering how fucked up my mood has turned into.

Thanks...I love my wonderful 15 years too! *hugs and kisses*!

SL - EXACTLY! We're NOT stupid. We're much more mature than these bitches are.

LOL! I second that secondment! [is there such a thing?]

Judging how she's siding him, I think he's putting fuel into the fire. Then again, you might be right. Young tramps who pose in front of the PCs and take such trampish pics of themselves know nothing anyway. Completely brainless.

Yeah...that was really tough. PMR, his death, my uncle's death. It was hard for me to take it. He will always stay with me. Never forget. =)

I know I'm a Law genius. No need for you to tell me. =p Seriously. I think I try much lesser than anybody else would and do well? It's LUCK. NOT because of SMARTY-PANTS.

Leave them all behind, I say: "WELCOME TO MY DREAMTOWN"

Pepe Reina almost scored a goal! If he did score, I'd stop making fun of Liverpool. Since he didn't, don't expect any less from me. =D

And I love my new hairdo, even if it reminds me of Paris Hilton with short hair.

Hugs, love and muahxies for you too!

*Le Sexy One*

1:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey my not-racist-twin.

i think you should rewind the whole conversation and instead of...

"do me a favour and ask him to get a life"


"DO the world a favour and PLEASE for the love of hash browns (or coleslaw) get a life!"

i seriously cannot take little kids patronizing people like that.hell she's what? THREE years younger! that makes you 1095 days more experienced than her in EVRYTHING! 26280 hours smarter and wiser!

sigh these days...they really need to evaluate themselves. love is blind my asshole. LOVE IS BLIND!please ask her what she knows about love and what kinda lustful encounter has she been through to define 'love' making this such a silly issue...but i just cnt stand immature people acting like wise freaks. please take care.ignore the ignorant sad person...

8:38 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

"DO the world a favour and PLEASE for the love of hash browns (or coleslaw) get a life!"

If I said that, she'd asked me what it means.

It's really annoying when she goes on about how he still cares about me, loves me and all that rubbish. And she doesn't see it from my side, she should [considering the fact she's my pet sis and all].

She's FOUR years younger. And that makes FOUR years SMARTER in everything.

She's really stupid. One minute she goes: "I hate love. It's painful". Next thing you know, she goes: "Love is blind" OR "Love is wonderful". If you can't make up your mind on love, don't give me lectures on it.

It's not silly. She makes it look as though I'm SO stupid and inexperienced in love and she's the LOVE GURU.

These 15-year-old brats need to be taught a lesson. If I PLAN to go back to school and ACTUALLY see her, I'd tell her off. And like what normal 15-year-olds would do, she'd cry. She just might crack if I do. I made my friend cry once because I told her off.

They need to get it sooner or later from someone.

*The mad and sexy one*

9:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MY GOD! Yan, so many profanities uttered!

Kids. Hah...what do they know of LOVE?

She might tell you one day:
"Ka che, giving blowjobs damn nice one. You should do it also. My boyfriend say I pro".

Retards. They should go quit school and become tramps.

Show-off. Just because YOU know more law terms than I do, doesn't make you a Law genius you know. Hmmph...

Isn't Mark Gonzalez HOT? You should SO be a Liverpool fan!

Don't listen to bloody young tramps-lah. You know better. I'd make a better LOVE GURU. Don't laugh.

Why in the world did you cut your hair?

Now whenever I look at Luis Garcia I think of you.

No. Wait. When I look at Filippo Inzaghi, I think of you. =)

-You rock even if you're single-

10:46 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

PC - Ah're quite slow lah.

=p on with the blowjob thing!

Stupid kids...they need to be told off one of these days.

I would say you'd make a GOOD LOVE GURU.

Except your love tips ONLY work for you, not everyone.


I like it better when it's short. Easier to maintain and feels lighter.


-you rock even if you're nuts-

10:58 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

She's FOUR years younger. And that makes FOUR years SMARTER in everything.

It's supposed to be:
She's FOUR years younger. And that makes ME FOUR years SMARTER in everything.


1:55 pm  

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