You're definitely beautiful...
Have you ever had that feeling of singing *You're Beautiful* to something you really want to own but you know you can't have?
It happened to me today.
There it was, the most beautiful thing that the Earth has ever seen. Staring at me right in the face, pleading me to buy it, tempting me to wear it.
But having no money, I had to be dragged out of the store by my parents. I couldn't help staring at that majestic beauty. I fell in love with it the moment I laid my eyes on it. How could I leave it there and not bring it home?
I was staring and drooling at it for God knows how long. We were meant for each other. I wish I could take it home, but money talks.
Everytime I saw it, I got so sad. All because I couldn't bring the beauty home with me.
That was sad. I almost cried. I hope that beauty will wait for me. I made a vow that I will come back to get it.
~You were meant for me, and I was meant for you...~
Enough of that. I got a haircut! Very short. I shall upload nice photos taken over the week.

The purple boria team...they love purple SO much! Aint' she the sweetest thing you've ever seen? That's Ruth, a year older. Still tiny though.

She's much cuter than that! She looks so darn sleepy here. The only shot with her looking at the camera. And it turned out to be like that!

Me...before haircut. 5 days ago. Damn whoever who took this pic of me! At least I could have posed a little if they hadn't decided to take a rather ugly candid shot of me! Oh, that's my early birthday present my mum gave me. The dragonfly necklace.

Me...after haircut. Today. Excuse the shiny face. Just back from MidValley. My new hairdo. I love it! My mum says it's nice, but my dad hasn't said much. Though I know that it means deep inside, he's boiling mad with this new hairdo. I don't care. As long as I'm happy.

No. I haven't turned into Paris. Just showing you how my new hairdo looks like. Understand?
This is really funny. My mum gave me this pre-paid card of Andriy Shevchenko which she found on the road! She actually took it home and washed it and kept it for me. I did tell her that my friend gave the same card before. Apparently, she felt guilty because I kept on saying "I hope you're happy that you have deprived me of feeling happy seeing Andriy Shevchenko score!" in this Fenerbahce-AC Milan game the other day. He scored four goals! And I was watching the game at first, but she wanted to watch Gerak Khas [That show is lame! Who chats using Microsoft PowerPoint-lah? At least know how to bluff the audience a bit-lah. I even saw the words 'click here to add notes' throughout the stupid 'chat session'. It was so darn obvious! Lousy liars!]. And everytime the advertisements came on, I'll continue watching the game, only for her to change again! And then if the adverts were still on, we'd change it back, and by then he scored one goal! So in the span of 30 seconds of channel-flipping during adverts, a goal was scored!
Eventhough it was an old match, I wanted to feed my football-thirsty soul. So I watched it.
And my mum thinks Rui Costa is cute. I think he is too.
Great minds think alike.
*Bluesy* out!
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