Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What on earth?

Yesterday my voice was perfectly fine, but my nose felt stuffy. Today, my nose is okay, but my voice is almost gone! What in the world?

Thank God I'm not going to present anything anymore. Today was the last presentation that required my voice! Whee!

Stats was okay, do-able. I shouldn't have lugged around my textbook today.

I wanted to skip Human Comm class today since everyone I know wanted to skip it, but I had to stay. Otherwise, I have to listen to my mum's long lectures instead.

I saw someone drinking chocolate milkshake the other day, and I got sad because I can't drink it. Damn you, bloody sore throat!

That's for depriving me of indulging in chocolates or things that are related to it! Including coffee!

Don't tell anyone I took the last Cadbury's Blueberry Yoghurt chocolate.

*Bluesy* out!


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