What Zidane did...
I read what Zidane had to say about why did headbutted Marco 'what's-a-terrorist?' Materazzi. He said that Materazzi insulted his mother and sister, that's why he reacted that way.
If it were MY last game and I was provoked that way, I would react the same way. It has happened before. I'm not afraid of defending my family, especially my parents [regardless of how many times I've complained about them]. Old blog readers would remember this.
That was how far I stood up for my family. For my parents. I don't care if I'm called a villain by anyone in this world, but I know I did the right thing. What's more important than family?
Every time I think of that incident, I realise that I would go far for my family. And now after reading what Zidane had to say about the whole incident, it made me cry.
I don't understand why I shouted that way. I've gotten angry, yes. But this was beyond my normal anger. He called my dad an uneducated bastard, how would you expect me to react? I wasn't like my brother who told me keep it down. I wanted to punch him or throw some stick at his face, but because of my midget-like size, I couldn't do anything of that sort. So I had to stick to shouting profanities at him. Even if I tried headbutting him, my head would probably be broken by now.
I'm a VERY family person. No one insults my family and gets away with it. Once, my stupid 3rd ex was angry at my dad, and told his friends bad things about him. I had to write him a letter saying how hurt I felt and told him why my father was my absolute everything.
I swear I'd never go out with someone who insults my dad or even my mother. They should screw themselves inside out before they do anything.
Zinedine Zidane, I respect you. Regardless of what you did that day, I've always been a fan of yours. I like the fact you love your family and how far you'd stand up for them. Thank you for the memories.
Enough of that mush. I can't get Cannavaro's six-pack abs out of my head! So damn sexy! *drools* Since I'm so super-obsessed with that pic I shall post it again!

I showed the pic to my mum, and she thinks he's quite hot. Haha...
Today she made me angry by saying that gayboy looked handsome in the pic in The Star! Hmmph...he's NOT!
Lalala...sexy, everything about you so sexy...
I'm getting obsessed now...HOT HOT HOT! How can you say that Paul Robinson is HOTTER than him??? You crazy girl!
So which Italian is coming to Chelsea now? Nesta or Cannavaro?
Oh, my mum just gave me this dragon-fly necklace, claiming it's an early birthday gift. My birthday is like in another 3 months time. A bit too early, don't you think?
The cashier and the waiter in PizzaHut called me 'kakak'! Hmmph! And today the plumber called me auntie!
Honestly, do I look or sound THAT old to you?
I'm depressed.
*Bluesy* out!
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