Nothing to say...
I feel like I'm being a bitch by telling the truth. Is it wrong for me to state the truth? Is it wrong for me to speak my mind?
I want to forget all this, but I have to face my demons. It will all be over in another 4 weeks. Life will be back to normal after that, because I want to go on a shopping spree. I need to buy some books and CDs, and some shoes [my current shoes are not like what they used to be] and maybe some clothes.
It's Jeevan's birthday tomorrow.
And it's also my last ex's birthday.
Don't ask me why I fall in love with guys who were born on the 12th of July, 1987. It's purely coincidental.
I've gotten a bit of money. Thanks Mar. Not my fault. =p
I found my '100 HOT GUYS OF 2002' list. Truth is, I don't remember some of them. I remember seeing Hargreaves, Beckham [what in the world?], and Inzaghi there. Got loads more, but can't remember who they are or how they look like. Der GreedyPants was also there [I ought to shoot myself!] !
I am planning on creating a new '100 HOT GUYS' list. I haven't done this in ages! I swear Der GreedyPants won't even make it to the list. Haha...
Next time anyone wears the gayboy's shirt, you'll get a punch from me. That is, if I know you, of course.
Dear God, please make footballers name their kids with sensible names. Luna Coco Patricia Lampard? The abomination has to DIE. Suddenly Summer Rose doesn't sound that horrible anymore. I hope you don't become like your stupid mummy, Luna.

Dear God, look at her ugly hands! What does he see in the abomination anyway? She's much older than him! The ugly thing!
I love Celebrate The Day! Makes me feel like dancing...
I'm so lazy to do anything. Especially my Human Comm assignment.
Oh, and I found a female version of gayboy! She's related to me! She used to have curly hair, but she got it straightened. Everything about her reminds me of gayboy! Yech...
Montoya is leaving F1 to join NASCAR? Mar, you must be depressed.
Don't worry, I'll buy you lots of Chrysanthemum Tea for tomorrow. Just for you [Jeevan, it's not for you, so don't you even think about it!].
See how much I love you?
Oh yeah, the guy in the Continental advert IS Timo Hildebrand. He's HOT.
*Bluesy* out!
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