Friday, July 07, 2006

It won't hurt anymore...

I don't care what you call me, cos it won't hurt anymore...

I've never ever felt like this in my entire life. The fact that I am crying over my studies is NOT normal.

Screw the presentation. What does it feel like when a person whom you consider to be as your friend BETRAYS you and ACCUSES you for something that was entirely her fault?

I have never felt this betrayed in my life. I feel like I've been stabbed from the back repeatedly and the knife is left there to drain out all the blood I have.

Don't use tears to disguise your ugly heart. It never works on me.

I'm sorry we EVER got to know a wicked person like YOU.

I've had people backstabbing me before this. But this is the worst sense of backstabbing I've ever been in. It hurts to see you build up a relationship with someone, only for them to slice you up and eat your insides including your heart.

What else can you throw at me I haven't heard before?

I hate it when I cry in front of anyone. Makes me look inferior. But it shows I'm all human and not a robot.

I really hate it when I cry in front of my parents. I just hate pouring out my problems to them, when they even have bigger conflicts to resolve.

To any of my friends that I've hurt so badly without me knowing it, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I hope for whatever reason, you will find forgiveness within yourself to forgive me.

To the friend who just lost my friendship, I hope you will be racked with guilt for your whole life. You can go fuck a tree if you like. You will never get back whatever you lost. NEVER.

To the other friend who cried with me today, I hope you won't hurt me, because I will never hurt you. You were my first friend in college. So you would know me better than anyone now. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I never meant to do it.

To the rest of the world, I am only human. Don't hate me for what I lack. Take me as I am.

I don't think I've cried so much for these two things. Studies and friendship. Heck, when I broke up with my ex, I cried for one hour before I decided to get off the relationship.

She and gayboy can have a relationship. They would be such a match-made-in-heaven. You fucking liars need to die!

Suddenly Elen Rives doesn't look so horrible compared to these two [Aimee, she is horrible, but today she doesn't seem to be THAT horrible, because these two liars have somehow overshadowed her ugliness and big boobs and big lips!].

Just needed to rant. I always sound depressed, right?

I think instead of *The OBSESSED ONE...Speaks*, this blog should now be known as *The DEPRESSED ONE...Speaks*.

***I should be alright by tomorrow. This incident just sliced my heart into size of a chocolate brownie from Secret Recipe. I mean it...I'm really sorry if I sound so suicidal. It's just that this pain is just too real, there's so much that time cannot erase***

Let the rain wash the pain won't hurt anymore.

*Bluesy* out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...'s a bitch, and you know it.

I know things like this can really leave a big scar behind.

At least now you know who to keep as friends.

And please for the love of God, don't listen to that song! Makes you even depressed!

You shouldn't be depressed! You should know you gave ur all when you did the presentation.

If you cry in front of people, it doesn't mean you're weak, it shows you have feelings. At least ur friends comforted you, because they know how hurt you felt. It doesn't show you are weak or inferior.

JT cries, is he weak? I don't think so. He's a man. With feelings. You told me yourself.

*Note that gayboy is just showing he's a sissy with feelings*


A parent must know how to help the child when they have problems. They should give them support and not scold them without knowing the facts. At least you have parents who care every inch of you. Though they say some senseless thing, they do love you. If there's one thing that gets you through anything, it's the FAMILY.

We have spats, but I still love you and you're my 15 years, nothing can take that away.

You're not depressed. Just hurt. There's a difference okay?

Look on the brightside. Next Wednesday! Whee! On with roti sardine then! =p

Love ya loads...

10:22 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

I LOVE YOU-LAH! You always keep me away from falling to the mud.

I just hate crying in front of anyone. It looks as though I'm begging for sympathy, like her.

I feel better now. It's amazing what sleep can do to you.

JT's never weak. He's strong.

There's a difference between me and him.

It was surprising my parents were supportive of me...after all, they AREN'T speaking to each other and all. But tey listened to me CRY. And it was painful for them to see their daughter cry like that.

FAMILY is important. I'll never forget that.

I love you too...and no one can take your place, my beloved 15 years!

Hurt leads to depression. Same thing at the end of the day.

NEXT WEDNESDAY! I haven't bought anything yet! Monday-lah I see what I can do! You and your roti sardine!

Love you too...

10:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hungry la! Stop talking bout food!

Annoying as you may be...I still think you rock.
I just want you to know...shit happens.
Don't sit and mope, get up and pick yourself up and move on.
Leave it all behind.

You rock. That's all there is to it!

If you want to talk about it anymore, lie here on the floor
Cry on my shoulder, I'm a friend...

Till Wednesday! Roti Sardine!


10:48 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

You also talking bout food what? Mad!

Thanks for the word of advice, somehow when I'm sad, you tend to give the best advice in the world!

That's MY 'James Blunt song'! Love you nuts!

Where's Roti Sardine? LOL...miss him!



10:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roti Sardine's here!

Getting backstabbed is part of life. What matters is how you deal with it.

You have two options [since you're seeing this girl everyday in college and all]:
1- Talk as though nothing happened. But knowing you, I'm guessing it will take you a long time to be nice, since you can't pretend to be happy when something like that happens. You can't be fake with people you hate, it's so freakingly obvious on how you react to them.
2- Ignore her. Move on with life. Heck, you're gonna meet other folks who will love you for all your flaws and strength. Leave her behind and get on with ur life.

Like Ms ParmesanCheese said:
"Don't sit and mope, get up and pick yourself up and move on.
Leave it all behind."

Nice to know they are supportive of you. FAMILY is important. Without them, you ain't gonna be here anyway!

P/S: I miss you too!

Rock on!

4:43 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

Finally you showed up! Thanks for the tip, I'm better now.

You know me to well, boy. So you know what my answer is right? LOL...

It's not that I couldn't take it. We worked so hard for it but she seemed lackadaisical about it, and puts the blame on us and starts sobbing for the world to sympathise with her and gets another shot at it, while we don't! It's so hurting.

We felt hurt. That's the word.

Let's see what happens on Monday.

Miss you too! Till Wednesday!

4:50 pm  

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