There's nothing outside, and the darkness is waiting for you...
I'm slightly better now compared to how I was in the last 14 hours. Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Henry et Zidane. Now, please do me a favour, and trash the fucking Portuguese thugs in the semi-finals.
Sorry...I'm just a little pissed. And my dad DOES NOT allow me to swear. The word 'bitch' was the ONLY word I could use to swear. And it was only restricted to ONE person. That gayboy. =S
Don't get me wrong. I am proud of England. They could hold up Portugal for an hour with ONLY 10 men. Portugal should be ashamed of themselves and go shag trees for winning on penalties, as they couldn't beat England who only had 10 men. Utterly stupid fools.
After all, Owen Hargreaves was voted the man-of-the-match, not a fucking Portuguese thug. Proof that England were better than Portugal.
Of course, some of you fans might say "Oh Ronaldo is amazing", "England deserve to lose" or anything that is in the same context. But of course, as much as I would like to say "Go shag a tree" in your faces, I realised that NOT everyone has the same thinking as mine [I wonder if my twin thinks like me...she's much more sensible than me! You're a sweetheart...THANK YOU!], so I shall refrain myself from saying anything of that sort to you.

I saw JT cry...that made me cry even harder. Truth be told, I've never seen him cry. I've seen him go crazy, in pain, happy, upset, dejected, and annoyed...but never shed tears. It was a whole new different thing for me. I couldn't understand anything...I just wanted to cry with him. I mean, when Chelsea played ManUre on the 29th of April, when Rooney hurt him, I thought he wasn't going to play for the rest of the game, and I started crying for him. But this time, I cried with him. It was so sad.

I love all of you. I AM PROUD TO BE YOUR FAN.

JT, you're a man. A man who has no problems in expressing his feelings. I love you.

On with retaining the Premiership then.

Wanted to post a pic of Aaron Lennon, there wasn't a pic of him alone. Aaron, if you're single, call me. I don't mind being your girlfriend. I promise I won't waste your money like the rest of the WAGs who waste their boyfriend/husband's money!

DIE, SVEN, DIE! You're still sexy shirtless or shirt on, scoring or not scoring. You're my man. I love you too.

Crouchy, you are a darling. You have an uncanny way of controlling the ball. Reminds me of Zidane [only on a smaller scale]. You're cute. You're a God among all skinnies, never let anyone tell you're different. Go tell the bitch to play with his dolls instead.

The captain comforting his understudy. Bless.

The many faces of Owen Hargreaves crying [well, it's only one face anyway]. He is still good-looking even when he cries. Kudos on your performance last night. You are wonderful. Is it any wonder why I liked you from the time I saw you play in World Cup 2002?'s been 4 years since I fell in love with you.
Read this. This is Alan Shearer saying something about the bitch.
Oh, and read this. It's what the FIFA Officials think about the red card.
Why couldn't we have gotten the Spanish ref in the France-Brazil game? He was fair...well, with the exception of the handball by Ronaldo, but on a whole he was the best.
I wished we had Pierluigi Collina [I have great respect for him, I think his last game was the 2nd leg of the Barca-Chelsea game in 2005] and Anders Frisk [Who can forget him? The one who resigned because of Mourinho? I think he's okay...compared to the current referees minus the Spaniard].
I wonder if the bitch and the referee are having an affair. To think Scolari hates gays. He thinks they shouldn't play football, and no gays are allowed on his team. Hmmm...what is the bitch doing there then?
ANYONE WHO HATES GAYS OUGHT TO BE SHOT. What would we do without the guys from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy?
The World Cup has been tainted with bad refereeing and thugs. I'm sorry but I hate to watch World Cup now. I'll stick to the EPL thank you very much.
One word to sum up Zinedine Zidane: SUBLIME.
Both he and Makelele were wonderful in the midfield! Of course Zizou's much more world-class compared to any other midfielder in the world.
Ronnie's out. THE WORLD PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2005 IS OUT OF THE WORLD CUP? Oh, he won't be alone, the runner-up will be joining him anyway.
So now, it's an all-European final. If I had known any better, I'd say this is EURO2006.
You want to know which team I'm supporting now?
Frankly speaking I don't know. Because I don't want to watch it anymore.
In World Cup 2002, it was an entirely different story. Refereeing was not as bad as what I've seen in this World Cup. A Bloody handball in the penalty area goes unnoticed. Aaron Lennon get pushed in the penalty area goes unnoticed. The bitch coming out from 40 metres to the referee to tell him to give Rooney a red card isn't called as interfering.
The last time I saw Petr Cech interfering with somebody who was fouled and lying on the ground some 40 yards outside the goalpost, he got a yellow card.
Of course when you have a referee on your side, the sky's the limit.
I'm sorry the level of refereeing in football has gone to the dogs.
And Becks is quitting as the England skipper! We'll miss you and your free-kicks. And of course, little Brooklyn [the only son of his I like].

If you MUST know who I'll support, I'll be supporting my dad's 2nd team, France.
Vive Les Bleus...
*Bluesy* out!
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