Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I feel like doing something new...

Since I saw this somewhere in Friendster and in Aimee's blog [sorry!] and this is one of the surveys that I've never done before, I shall do it for fun. =p

Put your iTunes/Winamp/WMP on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.

1. How does the world see me?
~Stronger - Sugababes~
*Yeah right! As I already said in my previous post, I'm the exact opposite*

2. Will I have a happy life?
~Heaven [Candlelight Remix] - DJ Sammy~
*If I'm in heaven, I should have led a happy life, right?*

3. What do my friends think of me?
~These Are The Days - Jamie Cullum~
*Apparently, 2 of them think of me as a person who believes that all the small things can make the world go round*

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
~Lonely No More - Rob Thomas~
*If they did secretly lust after me, they should know that I don't want to be lonely no more... =p*

5. How can I make myself happy?
~I Believe My Heart - Duncan James and Keedie~
*If I believed my heart by realising Mr. I'm-Rowena's-Potential-Boyfriend is somewhere out there waiting for me, I'd be happy? Yeah, right!*

6. What should I do with my life?
~Rain - Abs~
*Let the rain wash the pain away...I should do that for a change!*

7. Will I ever have children?
~Best of You - Lee Ryan~
*Were you born to resist or be abused? Imagine singing that to your kids! This doesn't make sense...*

8. What is some good advice for me?
~Give Me A Reason - Triple 8~
*That's VERY good advice. Ask someone to give me a reason why they want to be with me again, when I feel perfectly happy being solo. VERY good advice indeed!*

9. How will I be remembered?
~Flip Reverse - Blazin Squad~
*Yes, I want to be remembered as the girl who knows how to work it and move the body so that the boys in the hood can 'flip reverse' me. Don't ask...*

10. What's my signature dancing song?
~If Ya Getting Down - 5ive~
*Hell yeah, this is MY signature dancing song! The moves are freaking awesome! I want it now, baby...*

11. What's my current theme song?
~Jump (For My Love) - Girls Aloud~
*Haha...Hugh Grant danced to this in Love Actually! If you wanna taste my kisses in the night, jump, for my love!*

12. What do others think is my current theme song?
~Everyday I Love You Less and Less - Kaiser Chiefs~
*OMG...so true! Mar, I swear! It's on shuffle mode!*

13. What will they play at my funeral?
~Overload - Sugababes~
*Death's a one way ticket to a madman situation? You know my destination? Scary...*

14. What type of men do I like?
~Rock The Party - 5ive~
*The type of men who like females with fit asses. The type of men who know how to have a good time together that make Saturday nights last forever...=D*

15. How's my love life?
~Stuck On You - Lionel Richie~
*Aww...so romantic and sweet! I'll be with you till the end. It's Frankie's favourite song! I'm still single though...so I'm not really stuck on anyone yet!*

Told you I was bored! I'm off for now. Need to catch up with my Stats homework I've left untouched for one week...My middle name is PROCRASTINATION, by the way. So, it's nothing new right?

*Bluesy* out!


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