I can't...
I can't cross roads. Some vehicle will try to knock me over. This morning, I nearly got hit by a motorcycle. I can't cross roads for nuts. It's time I learned the basic art of crossing roads. I wonder if there's a Road Crossing for Dummies available on sale. I could certainly use it. Don't tell me to look left and right, it never works on me.
On a happy note, Wayne Rooney is said to be making a perfect recovery. After the much-hyped up 'tussle' he had with Paulo Ferreira [I've seen it on replay like many times already, it wasn't Paulo's fault entirely. Wayne just fell the wrong way. He clashed into Paulo and somehow I don't know how Paulo's foot made contact with his calf (not his toe, okay?) and the boy landed the wrong way!]. Even the papers say so. ManUre fans can keep on blaming Paulo all they want but the truth is, it wasn't entirely his fault. And no, I'm not defending him because he's a Chelsea player. It's a fact.
And his doctor got sacked. Keep on doing this Fergie, it'll only prove Jose Mourinho is a whole lot more smarter than you and through his amazing tactics [I was going to say technicolour overcoat though!], we'll keep it for the third season running. Keep on selling or sacking your players or staffs, it'll only make us stronger.
You know why I like this pic?

It was the defining moment of champions. 5 minutes before the game ended Jose Mourinho was shaking hands with the ManUre team and man-of-the-match Joe Cole was leading the other Chelsea players to sing since they've already won the trophy in style. That was so funny! I was singing We Are the Champions in my heart [In a mamak stall infested by mostly ManUre fans, it didn't seem appropriate! Though I did scream when Joe scored and the trophy was presented] in the 80th minute itself! Haha...
And yeah, I want Sheva in Chelsea. Seriously! I can't deny it. I want Ballack out.
Speaking of Der GreedyPants, he has been fined USD$77 000 for not paying airport tax. He bought a handbag for his girlfriend in Dubai and he didn't declare it at the Munich airport. He has been oredered to pay up within 12 days, but he is appealing. Now we see why he needs 130 000 pounds a week. And since he is loaded, why not pay for the damn thing? It's your fault and you want to appeal against it? So stupid. What do you do with the money you earn, anyway?
Me: *after reading news of Der GreedyPants to mum* We should shoot Ballack!
Mum: Yes, we should! So greedy!
Me: Ma, I ask you something, you don't get angry ok? What if someone shoots the man in his privates, can the man have sex?
Mum: How would anyone think of aiming down there?
Me: You never know what? Might go off target!
Mum: Where got such thing?
Me: Got. It can happen.
Mum: I think he cannot have sex because the nerves all gone when you shoot.
Me: What if they got shot there and while playing football, someone kicks the ball in that direction?
Mum: Oi, sure pain-lah! He'll die!
Me: No nerves there, how to feel pain?
Mum: You want to shoot Michael ballack there is it?
Me: Ya!
Mum: We're a bunch of sick and demented people, aren't we?
Me: Haha...
Sorry about that. The dog begged my mind to take it for a walk and the mind did as it was told and along came Hugh Jackman...whom I'll be meeting tomorrow. *drools*
P/S: Why is it called 'delayed live' when it's not even 'live' in the first place?
*Bluesy* out.
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