It happened...
We lost to Barcelona [3-2 aggregate]. We drew during the 2nd leg 1-1. Ronaldinho's goal was simply sublime. He took on three of our defenders and shot past Petr Cech. Magnifique. Frank Lampard scored a penalty at the 92nd minute after John Terry was brought down [it didn't look like a foul to me, but since the referee was generous enough to give us one, we took it] in the penalty area. Sigh...there's always a next year. The game was good...but depressing.
I actually got up to watch the match! How often do you hear the sound sleeper wake up mid-morning to watch football eventhough her team is playing? I felt cold so I took my hooded jacket and wore it. When Ronaldinho scored, I shouted *NO!!!* and covered my face with the hood. When Frank Lampard scored the penalty, I shouted and my brother yelled at me for screaming so loudly [it wasn't that loud, I thought shouted loudly when Ronnie scored].
Went to college after that, and Adrian told me *I know you're depressed Chelsea lost, so I bought you a lollipop* . Haha...and then I bought myself McD's chocolate sundae. Good cure for depression.

In other news, Liverpool lost on a 2-0 aggregate to Benfica! Serves the Scouser right! Yesterday, she was so mean to me when Chelsea lost! She even left a message in my chatterbox of this blog saying *Bravo Barcelona!* . I replied: *Bravo Benfica!!!* Hahaha...don'te be a pain okay, you annoying Scouser! You ain't gonna defend your trophy, mate! YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE. I rooted for Arsenal to go into the quarterfinals, and they did!
My dad is weird. Yesterday's conversation went like this.
Me: I'll be supporting Arsenal tomorrow.
Dad: Yes, you should support at least one English team to advance to the next round.
Me: Ya, that's why I support Arsenal. We Londoners must stick together.
Dad: I don't think they'll advance.
Me: What kind of Arsenal supporter are you?
Dad: We must face facts.
Me: I don't care what you say, I'm supporting the Gunners. Scousers are plain annoying. So they don't need my love.
Today's conversation went something like this.
Me: Told you right Arsenal will go through?
Dad: I tell you they won't win it.
Me: I think they will.
Dad: Cannot-lah! You see theire recent performance, very unconvincing.
Me: They got good record in Champions League what?
Dad: Juventus in ah?
Me: Ya, why?
Dad: I want them to meet and beat Arsenal...then Wenger will scratch his head and ask: *Why did I sell my captain? If he were here, he'll be attacking for us! Why did I sell Patrick Vieira?*
Let's upload some random candid shots then.
I actually got up to watch the match! How often do you hear the sound sleeper wake up mid-morning to watch football eventhough her team is playing? I felt cold so I took my hooded jacket and wore it. When Ronaldinho scored, I shouted *NO!!!* and covered my face with the hood. When Frank Lampard scored the penalty, I shouted and my brother yelled at me for screaming so loudly [it wasn't that loud, I thought shouted loudly when Ronnie scored].
Went to college after that, and Adrian told me *I know you're depressed Chelsea lost, so I bought you a lollipop* . Haha...and then I bought myself McD's chocolate sundae. Good cure for depression.

In other news, Liverpool lost on a 2-0 aggregate to Benfica! Serves the Scouser right! Yesterday, she was so mean to me when Chelsea lost! She even left a message in my chatterbox of this blog saying *Bravo Barcelona!* . I replied: *Bravo Benfica!!!* Hahaha...don'te be a pain okay, you annoying Scouser! You ain't gonna defend your trophy, mate! YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE. I rooted for Arsenal to go into the quarterfinals, and they did!
My dad is weird. Yesterday's conversation went like this.
Me: I'll be supporting Arsenal tomorrow.
Dad: Yes, you should support at least one English team to advance to the next round.
Me: Ya, that's why I support Arsenal. We Londoners must stick together.
Dad: I don't think they'll advance.
Me: What kind of Arsenal supporter are you?
Dad: We must face facts.
Me: I don't care what you say, I'm supporting the Gunners. Scousers are plain annoying. So they don't need my love.
Today's conversation went something like this.
Me: Told you right Arsenal will go through?
Dad: I tell you they won't win it.
Me: I think they will.
Dad: Cannot-lah! You see theire recent performance, very unconvincing.
Me: They got good record in Champions League what?
Dad: Juventus in ah?
Me: Ya, why?
Dad: I want them to meet and beat Arsenal...then Wenger will scratch his head and ask: *Why did I sell my captain? If he were here, he'll be attacking for us! Why did I sell Patrick Vieira?*
Let's upload some random candid shots then.

Yes...this is how I look like now. Sree, are you happy now?

The remnants of a burning Proton Tiara. Scary, huh?

This pic is really funny. Sylvien told Adrian [yes, that's his skinny fingers by the way!] to put his middle finger up at Henry's face...but he put it right next to Rooney's face! Haha...and interstingly, I read somewhere that Wayne Rooney reads Harry Potter books! He reads?

I love this pic...

And this...

And this. *Drools like a sick puppy*

This just wrong. Brokeback Bridge! Argh...*slaps self* Just wrong!!!
This weekend is going to be insane. I need a secretary. Pronto.
*Bluesy* out!
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