
Okay...I found this picture somewhere on the Net. Doesn't he look nicer with this hairstyle? And that smile...Argh! Enough to melt my heart! Okay, I'm starting to sound very I think I better shut up. Otherwise people will start thinking that I watch football just to ogle at the footballer's body. And that isn't true! So happens he's a talented footballer and he's one hot *macha*. My luck. And my dad hates him! He thinks Frank is such a money-minded bloke. What? He must think he's was one of those players signed during the Roman invasion. He didn't play before as the manager thought that there were other better players there. He's jealous, I suppose. Let's just hope he doesn't turn into Arsene 'voyeur' Wenger already. He meaning my dad, obviously. Sue me for acting all mad.
I told Mar that I will not get married. But if I do, and I have a daughter, I want to name her Luna Esmeralda. Don't ask me why. If it's a boy, well...God knows. I want it to start with the alphabet 'L'. The name must have four alphabets but the main thing is that it must start with the alphabet 'L'. I'm crazy, I know.
Frankie's daughter's name IS Luna. And that has nothing to do with me naming my daughter LUNA ESMERALDA. Don't you think I can think using MY OWN BRAINS? Mad people.
I need to watch the crunch tie! MU-CHELSEA! But it's at 12 a.m. and I have classes the following morning. Major drama. Someone help me out!
I have a thing against blondes. Just don't find them appealing. With the exception of Lee Ryan, Lee Brennan, and Orlando Bloom of course.
I don't really like Brad Pitt, but I enjoyed watching him in *Ocean's Eleven* and *Ocean's Twelve*. Oh...I forgot to mention I watched these two movies since I was too bored at home, with all the cleaning up to do. Credit goes to my brother for providing the DVDs. Reminded me a lot of the movie *The Italian Job* which I truly enjoyed as well (I loved the Mini Cooper by the way). But I think I prefer *Ocean's Eleven* and *Ocean's Twelve*.
And what is the big deal about Mawi AF3? He seems to be everywhere. EON advertisements, MAMEE advertisements, CANON advertisements. Even shawls, food, cookies and drinks are named after him! Seriously. I don't why people worship him when you see he has actually no talent at all! I HATE MAWI! Thank God I'm no longer in school, otherwise I'd have my classmates who used to have their eyes glued to AF would come and tell me about Mawi. *Mawi this, Mawi that, Mawi bla bla...*. Whatever. Anyone who comes up to me and talks about Mawi, will seriously get a slap from me. So don't tell me how great Mawi is and anything related to Mawi! You want to talk to me about a guy, talk to me about Frank Lampard. Or anyone from the CHELSEA FC squad. Or even Stefano Pesce. Or even Lee Ryan. Or any of my favourite hunks.
I'm getting madder by the moment. I want to see Frank Lampard in action tonight! *Cries* me already! I want to see Frank Lampard kicking RVN's ass tonight! Need to go and sweet talk some one now. know who I mean, right? Anyway, have to go now.
*Bluesy* out!
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