Crazy me...
Anyway, I have added two pets here...a cat and a penguin. They will greet you in as you proceed further to indulge on my daily antics. The cat's name is *Luna Areyz*, while the penguin's name is *Aidan Lee* (Mar, do you remember the story I wrote?). Hehe...and do me a favour? Play with them please...For Luna, you click on the *more* button and she can play with the ball of yarn tied to the string. For Aidan, you click on him for a few times and then he will drop into the water. And if you noticed, they're all blue...well, that's because they're Chelsea fans like me! Hahaha...
Anyway, I saw a pic of Frank Lampard's dad in the newspapers today, and showed it to my mum. She said "Wah, he looks like his father!". "A chip off the old block-lah ma!"...haha. And I think his dad is good-looking. But of course, the son is the one for me. Hahahaha...okay, I better stop saying anything now, since Mar might probably say I acting *super-miang* or something that is equivalent to that.
Anyway, I want to show you this pic so that people will see that I have faith in Chelsea FC.

The best is yet to me. WE ARE THE BEST!
Have to go now. *Bluesy* out!
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