Friday, November 04, 2005

Depressed little girl...

I am depressed. You know why?

1. After Eight mints are no longer being sold in Malaysia. Where am I going to find chocolate mints like After Eight?
2. I haven't collected much *duit raya* this year since no one is at home! Everyhome seems to be in their *kampung* or visiting other people. Blame my parents for not having a *kampung* we can all run home to.
3. I only lost 2 kilos, but I still feel like a bloated pig. And with all the feasting I did during the festive season, I'd probably gain that 2 kilos I lost back.
4. Someone is trying to trick my best friend. This someone is someone I used to be *friends* with. I don't know what this someone is trying to do to her, but I pray it's nothing bad, because if this someone hurts her, I will screw him inside out. To my best friend, if you're reading this, I just hope you know what to do and be careful of these kind of pathetic people. If you need anything, you know where and how to find me. I will be there for you, like how you were there for me.
5. The first box of MY prawn rolls (I'm using MY here because it was meant for me and it's mine!) has been finished. People are NOT supposed to eat it when they come visiting to my house! Eat the other cookies available! Mad people!

Just uploaded that whole *voyeur* picture. It's pretty funny when you see it by the way, if you know what the whole voyeur issue was all about. Otherwise, you're like fish out of water.

I have this new song in my head. Simply Red's *Perfect Love*. Just heard it on the radio, and I think it's a wonderful. With all that Spanish riffs and guitar! You guys should go listen to it.

And we had a blackout today. For two bloody hours! And to make it worse, my front neighbour, the karaoke lady, sang her rendition of some Chinese songs just to show that her house had electricity while the others didn't. Nearly went mad! I actually yelled:

"Where is this Lampard when we need the *lampu*? I want my *lampu* back. The brightest lamp named Lampard is not here to show me the *lampu*!"

*Lampu* is Malay for light by the way.

And I just hope Chelsea will be back on track to beat MU! Attack lads! I told you. I'm the co-owner of Chelsea. I can call them as I please. We will slaughter MU...hahaha!

Anyway got to got now.

*Bluesy* out!


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