Saturday, February 26, 2005

My new concoction...

People try to bring me down,
And make me look like a clown,
Seems like everyone around me,
Is trying to plot, ponder, and pray for my downfall,
They claim they enjoy doing it, you see,
The adrenaline rush they get,
Is the same as the way the water runs through the waterfall,
Sometimes I wonder,
Of all people, why me?
Why do they love to see me suffer?
Sometimes I say,
Let's leave things be,
Things will be okay,
It's just God's way of testing your trust,
Now, I've realised that I've grown stronger,
And that in life, criticisms and brickbats are a must,
No matter how hard they try to ruin my life,
Or try to control the strings of my puppet show,
Or even try to destroy bonds between me and my loved ones through an emotional strife,
I'll prove those fools wrong,
I may get battered and bruised along the way,
But I'll never be unbeatened,
For once, I know my face will glow,
Wtih pride I shall sing my victory song,
This victory shall be sweetened,
Now that I know things are going my way,
I'll have the last say,
Before, I lost all my senses,
Now, I'm jumping over fences,
They said I won't succeed,
That I was incomplete,
They forgot one thing,
I may be an angel with a broken wing,
That will not deter me from flying once more,
I may not be perfect, but I don't have to be,
I'm just me, the same old me,
I know that if God closes a door,
Somewhere He'll open a window,
Where I can go,
And prove others that doubt my abilities before,
That they were too stupid to doubt me,
A light that goes through a prism,
Distributes seven other lights,
I'm the white light that shines brightly,
Slowly but surely,
I influence others around me to change,
I go out of my normal range,
To claim my rights,
These are my parting words,
That I created while throwing together some chords,
Nobody outsmarts this young lady,
And gets in the way of what she longs for...

Written by a sleepy, blurry, hungry, pyschotic and crazy...ME!

I wrote this somewhere 12.30 a.m. this morning and finished it about 2.15 a.m.!

It's amazing what BOREDOM, MADNESS, PSYCHOTICNESS, HUNGER & WILL YOUNG can do to you...

Inspired to write this ever since my faith in Allah S.W.T. has been tried and tested in many forms...used to think suicide was the solution, now I realised that is totally stupid and it's an act of a coward. I'm certainly not one. I'm stronger. Thanks a lot to Will Young who has made me realise that I'm a cut above the rest of them who think I'm weak.

~You are stronger...more than you think you are...keep the faith and spread the love...~

Toodles for now...


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