Tuesday, June 06, 2006

To be loved...

First of all, I'd like to make a public apology for yesterday's extremely 'mou-liew' post. It only further convinced you people that my brains have left their respective premises. Please accept my humble apology.

I wonder why you never told me that this was no ordinary cheesy proclamation of love? When I found out the real meaning of this so-called proclamation of love, I nearly cried. It was, in a way, very touching.

'Live Twice' by Darius is indeed a truly beautiful song. If I hadn't figured the truth by accident [don't expect Peter Crouch's lazy girlfriend to tell you anything!], I would have really stuck with my 'sappy proclamation of love' theory.

It turns out he wrote the song for his father who was diagnosed with cancer, and apparently he was really bad. He wrote it for him, his father. I never realised that. The song was actually telling how he felt about his father and his illness. You'd think the lines are so cheesy, but it's not.

What I like about Darius is that when he writes his songs, it comes from the heart. He is very different from Will Young and Gareth Gates [I used to be crazy over this guy, because I like skinny people!], he is very original when it comes to his music. I never get tired of listening to his song. Inspiring, cheeky, teasing, truthful. You name it. It's there. All in his music.

Take these few lines, for example:
"Don't leave now, not yet, there are words I regret, and I'm sorry, somehow I only wanted to make you proud..."
"When you told me, I froze, it still echoes in my soul, please forgive me, if I didn't say, I LOVE YOU, every single day..."
"Nobody told me we'd only get one chance, I didn't know that our time would turn so fast, why we have to say goodbye I don't understand..."

Now I understand. You know, sometimes I wished the same thing. Sometimes, we have fights with people and we refuse to reconcile with them immediately because we tend to think "It'll all be okay, we'll be back to normal tomorrow!". But what if there's no tomorrow? What would you do? You regret not telling them things you want them to know. You regret not being able to tell them words like "I'M SORRY", "I LOVE YOU", "THANK YOU" and "PLEASE FORGIVE ME".

I never got a chance to tell my first love how sorry I was for not knowing that he was ill, how sorry I was for not telling him "I LOVE YOU" every other day of our lives, how sorry I was for not saying sorry when he had our really silly arguments. I regretted not doing all these things while he was alive. I tend to take things for granted. The things people do for me, the things they say to me, and the things give me. EVERYTHING.

I never got a chance to tell my two best friends I'm sorry for arguing about Nick Carter when they were really ill. I didn't tell them how much they meant to me.

I've been ungrateful for everything they do just for me, by just looking at the things they've never done for me.

Always live your day as if it were your last. Tell the people around you you love them. Thank them for everything they've done for you. Tell them you're sorry for having the little fight you had today.

You never know when you might die.

If only we could live twice...

*Bluesy* out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[don't expect Peter Crouch's lazy girlfriend to tell you anything!]"

Excuse me, but I'm insulted.

No friend you.

Hmph...evil 15 years!

2:35 pm  
Blogger Rowena Julez said...

Ya la...important AND meaningful things you don't tell me.

Unimportant and unmeaningful things like Jamie Carragher's full name is a combination of two of the lads of Blue are the things YOU DO TELL ME!

No friend done la...


6:11 pm  

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