I'm disappointed...
As if a visit from Aunt Polly wasn't bad enough, England won 3-1!
How is it that England winning a game is considered bad, you ask?
Simple. When Steven Gerrard and Peter Crouch score a goal each.
*stares at the sky*
How is that possible??? He's NEVER [that's a really strong NEVER] missed a penalty. Every penalty he has scored for Chelsea and England have succesfully gone in! How is it that of all the teams in the world, he missed his penalty against HUNGARY??? Bloody Hungarian goalkeeper!
I hope that on Saturday he scores. He has to. Otherwise I might start eating excessively again! I'm so disappointed and sad. I can't believe that happened. =(

*stares* That's just GAY! Kick me! ARGH.....!!!!! The horror! Look away!
On a better note, the morning wasn't so bad after all. When you know that John Terry has scored his FIRST international goal! Yay!!! Good for you JT!
I am still sad, you know. Hope he makes up for that missed penalty by scoring on Saturday.
And I do hope the reason he missed the penalty wasn't because he felt the Earth beneath him move.
*runs away from Mar's menacing stare*
I am hungry and bored.
Care to Sudoku?
*Bluesy* out!
P/S: I'm craving for some marble chocolate cheese cake now. I don't really hate Peter Crouch, it's just that I am extremely envious of tall people [I confessed, happy now?], since I'm quite midget-like. He's super-tall, so that's why I hate [not exactly hate, envy sounds better!] him. It's Steven Gerrard I hate. I have no idea why but I just do. Blearh...I HATE STEVEN GERRARD! Steven Gerrard cursed Frankie on his [SG] birthday!
I'll go sulk in the bathroom and study Stats there!
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