She's home...
My best friend of 7 years is coming home to Malaysia! For 2 god-long months! The one who brought out the cheekiness in me!
She's the one who sang the Brazilian samba song during school assemblies after Brazil won the World Cup in 2002.
She's the one who formed our society, Jai Jakamma Society. The aim of this club is to annoy fellow schoolmates and teachers.
She's the one who heard me sob when Brazil beat England.
She's the one who never hesitates about sharing her food with me during recess [She brings tosai and crab curry; while I bring either biscuits, Twiggies or Squiggles! Which would YOU pick?].
She's the one who is planning to become a gynaecologist. She even told me that should some mother decide to deliver at 12 AM, she'd tell her: "Excuse me, miss, now is my sleeping time. Can you come back at 7 AM when I wake up? Tell your baby to hold on first...I need to sleep!". Pure evilness.
She's the one who loves Roberto Carlos and Sigit Budiarto and David Boreanaz [haha, Vitya's Boranzo!]. She used to be so obsessed about them and tell me stories about them, and collect pictures of them.
She's the one who is super-noisy and laughs like a devil! One day, we dared her to be quiet for 2 periods of BM and our BM teacher [whom she fondly called WhiteBoard] was puzzled because she was really quiet! We decided to let her talk after the first period, but she didn't want to!
I wished she'd introduce me to some rich Russian bloke to me so that he can generously contribute to my HELP SEND ROWENA TO STAMFORD BRIDGE FUND. I'd stop staring at random people [especially blue-eyed 'gweilos'] and yes, to make some of you people happy, I'd finally get myself hooked.
Yesterday, I saw someone. He made me smile like a fox. Silly ex-husband. =)
Ben Foster reminds me of my third ex [which is NOT good!]. I've seen him shirtless [ NOTE:I'M NOT HAM-SAP WHATSOEVER! It so happened he was in my school for the drama competition back in 2004 and he was changing his shirt, and at that uneventful moment I was passing by! Can't I walk freely? It's my school, for the love of God! Argh! *blocks images of shirtless ex!*] and he is VERY Ben Foster-like, which is VERY DISTURBING.
You might be thinking that I really miss my ex, but the truth is, I DON'T! I'm just saying it's just annoying to see someone so HOT who reminds you of someone you loathe!
I like Ben Foster better even if he's blonde [as you can see my FAVOURITE MALE BLONDES list is growing].
For your viewing pleasure...they may be the laziest things on Earth, but I like them! Maybe because I'm as lazy as they are!

Mar thinks I'm like this.

Ah...see? We do have something in common! We love to sleep! I sleep like that!

Oh...I just wanted to put this pic because he scored a goal for Spain! Yay Reyes! He looks weird when he smiles [the kind of smile that I like to put on, the flashy Julia Roberts smile!]. My mum is proud that she and Reyes share the same birthday. Hmph...and she also said he was, in a way, adorable. But she likes Ashley Cole better...if you read my old Joe Cole-Ashley Cole post, you would understand. Haha...
Yes, I seem to be obsessed about men with normal height.
If only they had wings...
*Bluesy* out!
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