In other words...
Dear Craig Bellamy and Morten Gamst Pedersen,
Congratulations on qualifying for the UEFA CUP today, by beating Chelsea 1-0. I wish you didn't win against them, since my dear Frank Lampard has borrowed the captain's armband from John Terry, who is currently resting his poor foot. I do not hate you simply because I like Mr. Pedersen. In other words, kudos on qualifying for the UEFA CUP.
Yours truly, Rowena.
I'm not feeling so sour because they lost. We were denied three [that's right, 3!!!] penalties! It's okay anyway. We are the champions...
I'm NOT gloating! All right. I lied. I AM STILL IN A GLOATING MOOD!
Since I like my *cinta* so very much [in other words, I like gloating], I shall leave you to STARE at this pic of him.

*JT, I borrowed your captain's armband while you're away...*
Speaking of the captain, I saw the bloodstains on his shin. It looked nasty. Get well soon...
Enough of all that! Picture time...

Meet Mr. I'm-a-Liverpool-fan-who-owns-ManUre-jerseys. My brother. Poser mode.

Table 23! Just to show that we had Becks in mind on his birthday too.

Presenting the most [2nd most, actually!] photogenic person in the daddy! He has NO trouble at all with posing for the camera!

She's like my brother. Non-photogenic side of the family.
And NOW, the moment you've all been waiting for...

ME!!! The ultimately photogenic one in the family. My brother thinks I smile too much. He's just jealous. P/S: NEW SHIRT! THE FREE ONE FROM MIDVALLEY! I LOVE IT! And I need a haircut...

The official sign of the BODEK Society, which I stand as the ONE and ONLY member. Yes, people, I have an amazing talent of membodek my dad, acording to my brother [Not true! I don't do that!].
By the way, I've been picked to go for the Leadership Camp next Friday! Yay! It'll be my first time out on a camp. DO NOT STARE AT YOUR PC SCREENS LIKE THAT! Blame my parents for not letting me go when I was in school! And cockroaches, in case you all are readin this, please steer clear of my path. Otherwise, I might have to call in Mr. Baygon, Mr. Ridsect, and Mr. Shieldtox to get rid of you.
And my dad was planning to take us all out on a road trip on that day. Now, they're going without me! Oh well, let them feel lonely without me! =p
And before I go...this pic IS my favourite pic. Don't moan!

Captain and vice-captain together [finally!]. So loh-man-tic...
My twin does NOT share the same birthday as mine. But there are TOO MANY similarities we share! Maybe we were twins in our past life or so. Could be.
And have you noticed that Petr Cech has got long, skinny legs? Not very Peter Crouch-like, I know, but still! Look at them! He's quite good looking though!
I saw him on TV today. I'm melting...
*Bluesy* out!
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