Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Oh..the agonies and headaches of being a girl!

Miera, read this please! I seriously think I shouldn't have been born a girl. I seem to have this big issue on *what to wear when?*. And the way a girl SHOULD behave. You see, in my family, I have to follow a certain rule. You go to a government office, you wear baju kurung/kebaya. You have a function to attend (say some awards ceremony or even weddings), you have to wear baju kurung/kebaya. I mean it. Even if it isn't a Malay wedding, I have to wear a baju kurung/kebaya. I'm sure my other friends don't have to go through this. Boys have it easy. They can go to some function just wearing jeans and not get scrutinised doing it. Girls (especially me!) have to suffer with the torments parents put us through. Like me, I have my dad to tell me 'You should have worn that baju kurung...why you picked this one?'. Don't get me wrong. This is the common scenario: Once I've finished dressing up, which is about after an hour, I pick some baju kurung/kebaya and try it on. Then I ask my dad his opinions. He'll say it's fine. Once we get in the car, and he drives out, he says, 'Why did you pick this one? The other one was better!'. Argh! Not only that, my parents are also stressing out the importance of me cooking, sewing, washing clothes, and the long list of chores that most women do. I used to be a complete tomboy when I was younger. I'd play with my Ultraman toys, loved dinosaurs, and beat people around. I'd wear jeans or pants. I refused to wear dresses or skirts. I'd only wear them after my dad FORCED me to put it on. Everytime that we went shopping, my dad used to pick out dresses and he'd ask me what I thought of it. To say 'I like it' was like me lying to him. To say 'I don't like it' was like me hurting his feelings. So I'll pick the former. But ever since I went to secondary school, I became slightly girlish. I started wearing skirts and stop beating people up. I remember before my tuition class would start, my tuiton master's son who was about 5 years old, he'd ask me to play with his dinosaur toys and his incredulous collections of toys. I was thinking 'Why does he play with all these toys with me? I'm a girl...I've stopped playing with these things!'. Maybe I'm wrong. I still have my Lion King collection and some of my dinosaur toys lying around somewhere in my house. Sad to throw it evokes great memories when I have it in my hands.

Right now I'm thinking of what to wear for dad has already told me to wear a baju kurung. Which one? I have absolutely no clue.

Best thing about being a girl...would probably be the fact I have beautiful jewellery! Haha...I am vain!

Changed a few things in a tag board, changed the layout, the blog title and the description. Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same...Hope you like it anyway!



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