Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Bored...no, scratch that! Bored and sleepy...

First and foremost, I really don't know what to write. Kind of clueless really. So I will probably write on things that are happening and things that will happen soon. I will cut my hair most definitely today if nothing goes wrong, if not, tomorrow. After all, I have to look nice for the engagement and also for the Sinhalese New Year coming on the 14th of April. Look at what I listed first? The engagement! That's only happening on the 16th(Saturday)! Sorry, I don't do things chronologically. That's probably why most of the things I do don't seem to be in the perfect order. Speaking of the New Year, I really don't have proper clothes to wear(you know what this means: Shopping!) for the usual get together dinner(if there were any, which I'm certainly not aware of). Probably wear that sleeveless tee I wore on 01.01.2005? Nah, these people will comment on my dressing. Or that red criss-cross top? Nah, I'd probably be buried six feet under if I go outside of my house wearing that! Well then, I think I'll settle for that black bootleg trousers I bought from San Francisco. Yeah, that trousers with the tie as the belt. I'd probably wear that tie with the red shirt(can't seem to got enough of that shirt, somehow). It depends on what I feel like wearing, I guess.

I don't know why early that Monday morning (at about 1.45 a.m. I think? Wasn't wearing the digital watch, so I can't really tell the exact time frame!), I had a thought of my two late aunts. Auntie Latha and Auntie Ya. I really didn't know why I just thought about them. And I was really thinking...why didn't I cry at my Auntie Latha's funeral(whom I loved dearly, she was the equivalent of my Mak Ngah) but I cried at my Auntie Ya's funeral(I didn't like her, since she bullied my Auntie Latha to the max. She bullied me too, she asked me to sieve the rice using the nyiru when I was like five or six. How cruel was that? No, wait...I think if my Auntie Latha didn't stop me from doing it, I probably wouldn't be that USELESS in the house. Oh well, considering it's me, I guess I won't change at all! God knows best!). It's just me thinking to much. I hate it when I'm that analytical. I even thought about what she(Auntie Ya) told her maid about me, somewhere five months before she passed away. She told this in BM(face it, no one in my dad's side of the family speak that good Malay, my dad is somehow, picking up. He used the word 'sandiwara' when he was telling the KTM guy off! Wow, even I don't use that word when I'm on the phone!): "Su, ini saya punya adik punya anak. Namanya Rowena. Dia sudah besar. Ini anak saudara saya. Sangat cantik." Okay, the 'sangat cantik' part I don't believe it a single bit(if you consider me pretty, I suggest you get your eyes checked). But the fact that she said that actually made me laugh. You know why? No, it isn't because of the fact I laugh at people when they say or do something utterly funny. It's the fact that it was the first time she said anything nice about me. I mean, she's never(I repeat, NEVER!) spoken to me that nicely. Okay, so I maybe a little paranoid now, but I'm surprised really. Forget that.

Anyhow, I really am bummed out living at home. I keep thinking about my IPTA application. If I don't get UIAM, would I have to slog and suffer two years for STPM or go to HELP and do my Foundation in Arts there? God only has all the answers to my questions. It seems like my psychotic friends I had back In Convent Sentul are going to Form 6. Sham, Surya, Sree(if you're reading this, sorry I put your name next to hers!), Bai and Navee and the whole lot I guess. I'm definitely gonna miss those madcaps for sure. The guy from PTPL College told me that only those who get the merit points of 110 and above will definitely get a place in the IPTA of their choice. Mine is WAY BELOW 110 by the way! so the chances of me getting UIAM is VERY, VERY slim I guess. So, I just have to keep my fingers crossed.

Miera, I realised that I can't say 'HELL YEAH' in UIAM. I'm most likely to be shot for saying that.Or even 'F**k'. Or even 'Pig'. Or 'Bitch'. So I will change my way with words. 'HELL YEAH' will now be 'HEAVEN YEAH'. The others, well I think I have to stick to my usual 'bodoh', 'bangang'(my mum dislikes me using this word at home), and the ever important word: 'hantu'! Though, I might be scorned to the max for that! I certainly don't speak Malay like the Malays. I tend to stick to what I'm used to, thank you very much!

Anyway, until the bloody renovations in my house are completed I'm not able to leave my house. So, I got to buzz now. See you lovely people soon. Bye. Au Revoir. Auf Wiedersehen, and Farewell.

Miera honey, thanx for the 'Gorgeous' picture of Darius Danesh. Hell yeah, he looks like Jay Sean! No. Wait. Heaven yeah, he looks like Jay Sean! Haha...bye! And Jay, you are not blind. Just stupid I guess. Haha...oops, being brutally honest again! How dare you call me llama and walk away scot-free? If you were here, I'd probably box you! Good day!


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