I hate it when I call my mother on her handphone. Instead of saying a proper 'HELLO', she tells me 'WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHY DID YOU CALL ME? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT? I KNOW YOU CALLED ME BECAUSE YOU WANT SOMETHING RIGHT?'. Sheesh...a simple 'hello' would be suffice.
I didn't really notice this before, but after much thought about it [due to the fact my good friend Sylvien [go check her blog out] gave me this idea!], but she's right. LEE RYAN LOOKS LIKE FRANK LAMPARD! I'll upload the pic now...and you'll see what I mean!

Why is he frowning here? Looks so emo. But still, he's my only NUMBER 8. And he looks like my other crush, LEE RYAN! Hehe...I love the two of them more than anyone else in the world [except my other favourite people!]. And he has got golden boots! Hah...now my mum can't call Cristiano Ronaldo 'THE ONE WITH THE GOLDEN BOOTS'! Hahahaha...
*Bluesy* out!
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