Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Getting my MyKad in March 2006!

Okay...I made my MyKad today...we reached there at 7:45 a.m. [late, I know...who said the Hanafiahs were known for their punctuality?]. Supposed to go there at 6:30 a.m., but this sleepyhead of a writer decided to sleep until 6 a.m.! Dad was crossed with me. There were like hundreds of people lining up to get their ICs...and you know what made the morning worse apart from us being late? There was this guy who started yelling at the top of his lungs, because he was asked by someone else to queue up. He was shouting at his wife, and then telling his wife why should she be scared. From what I heard [excuse my understanding of the Malay language, I spoke English since I was a child], he said that he parked his car at the 'tiang' [pole] and they were standing there since 7 a.m.! Firstly, YOU DON'T OWN THE BUILDING, SO YOU CAN'T SAY THE 'TIANG' IS YOURS! Secondly, IT'S BAD ENOUGH I HAD TO WAKE UP AT 6 A.M., I DON'T NEED YOU TO SCREAM AND MOCK THE PEOPLE THERE TO MAKE MY DAY A LOT MORE MISERABLE THAN IT ALREADY IS! He went on and on about how corrupt the Government is, how he KNOWS the law since he WOKRS in the IMMIGRATION OFFICE, how the Government is stealing money from us by making us pay taxes, blah blah blah...He was standing like two rows behind me. So I could hear what he was rambling! When he was nearing the office, he quietened a bit. And then he cut the queue! The nerve...stupid idiot. Our numbers were from 3188-3191. At least we got the morning session. I was pretty worried about my photo, since the hairdresser cut my fringe a bit too short. But it turned out okay...trust me. Have you seen my old IC photo? This new IC pic looks better than that! It even looks better than my HELP Student ID card pic! And the guy who racked up a fuss earlier, he even smiled at the counter lady! Eee...hypocrite! We were mocking him from behind...I think the wife heard it. Who cares? But I have pity for the wife...how can she live with a husband like that? Oh well, I suppose she's used to it.

My dad thinks I'm a little girl. He told my mother to go with 3188, so that she can help me out when it's my turn! I know what to do-lah! You just give your form, your old IC, and your number, and they'll do the rest! And the lady at the counter told me that the new picture was better than the old one. She said the old one looked blur! True...the new one would made me look so sweet [enough sugar-coating myself here].

I love the recliner in my house! Since my only talent [apart from kicking people, that is!] is SLEEPING! Is it any wonder why I love my bed more than anything else in the world [Frank Lampard is NOT a thing...he's a human being]? I sleep like a log...and I don't know what happens when I'm asleep, and I really hate it when my parents wake me up when I feel like sleeping the whole day. ME & FRANKIE = LOVE SLEEPING! Hehe [Mar, don't call me 'perasan' okay?]

And I ate chicken today. Period.

I need ice-cream.

*Bluesy* out!


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