Been thinking...
*You're my past, my future,
My all, my everything,
My six in the morning when the clock rings, and I open up my eyes to a new day...
My laughs, my frowns,
My ups, my downs,
It's a feeling that you get when you know that something's true,
When I think of love, I think of you...*
[Lee Ryan, When I Think Of You]
Okay...I admit. This is my current favourite track from Lee Ryan's latest album. I like the third line of the song. But just now, I listened to the song again and I realised that just this verse of the song got me thinking: What if this is how I feel about the friends that I have made in the past three months? What if they're *MY SIX IN THE MORNING WHEN THE CLOCK RINGS*? Three months ago, I was afraid of my new classmates, thinking they were some snobs/spoilt little rich brats with incredibly pathetic hoity-toity accents/bimbos [it's amazing what kind of misconceptions I had of them at first]. But gradually as time passed, I realised that I was dead wrong. I realised that they were nothing of that sort...[well, some are], in fact they were a lot of fun to be with! I learnt a lot of new things from them. Things I never knew about. The many lunches and outings we had, and the many jokes we shared in class [especially during Madam Goh's English classes and Mr. Siva's Computing Principles classes] will always remain in my heart. I thought I couldn't find a friend who had the same interests as I did, but eventually I did. I used to be afraid of the fact that I had to mingle with guys [this is due to the fact I came from an all-girls school] in class, but now I'm able to mix around with them. I'm not afraid to hold back anymore, I like this new me I've come to be. I noticed I curse more often now than I used to in school. I love this life, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world [To all my ex-schoolmates reading this, I hope you guys don't feel offended whatsoever, I haven't forgotten all about you guys! It's just that this is how I feel about them]. They were the ones who made forget the woes of having to deal with a heartbreak [I have dealt with it before, but they made it easier for me to deal with it].
To all those who have changed me to be this stronger and crazier new me I've become, I can't thank you enough. Kudos to you guys for making my semester a memorable one. See you next semester, though we might not be taking the same subjects, but hey, that doesn't mean we should show our 'poker faces' [as Franz puts it] to each other if we happen to meet each other along the corridor or even Ali Maju! Here's to a memorable first semester: Su Tze, Kylie, Ranchithaa, Roya, Priya, Franz, Adrian, Eddie, Materlline, Sylvien, Yasmiza/Ya Mei Sa, Jo Weng, Benjamin, Jonathan, Durga, Disha, and Vijaya. Thanks once again for all the days...
Anyway, let's upload some nice pics to recap those beautiful memories again, shall we? Please take note that pictures here were not taken from the author's analog camera, instead copyrighted them from her friends.

This is us with Mr. Siva during our Computing Principles tutorial class. I'm the one in the maroon shirt and beige skirt with the OK band on my right hand. Trying to imitate Joe Cole. Haha...Credit goes to Yas for this pic. Taken on Thursday, the 1st of December, 2005.

This is us with Madam Goh during our Intermediate English tutorial class on the 1st of December, 2005. Taken from Materlline. Note that I'm the one flashing my 32 teeth [Ist row, standing on the right]. I'll introduce you people to my classmates.
Seated [l-r]: Jiet, Vijaya, and Disha.
Standing [1st row, l-r]: Ranchithaa, Kylie, Bilqis, Yas, Roya, Sarah, Madam Goh, Materlline, Sylvien, Su Tze, and me [that's the best photogenic smile you're EVER going to see from me!]
Standing [2nd row, l-r]: Franz, Jonathan, Zakuan, Adrian, Jo Weng, Eddie, Ben [the penguin turned into an ostrich!], and Priya.

Us with Mr. Siva again. Taken from Roya. See what the bad penguin is trying to do? He put the MILO tin on Adrian's head! Must beat bad penguin! See...the Joe Cole impersonator strikes again! Crazy yet lovable people...
I just want to cry seeing this pic. I look so god-damn fat! One of those all-blue days of mine. Me and Yas, at the staircase after Finite Maths tutorial with Ms. Chia on Friday, the 2nd of December, 2005. Taken from Yas.
Us at our LUCKY TABLE NUMBER 17 during the HMC BALL on the 11th of November, 2005. Taken from Materlline.
Us with Douglas Lim at the ROAD R-AGE event on the 6th of October, 2005 [which marked my 18th birthday]. What a beautiful way to celebrate your birthday, eh? Taken from Materlline.
Us in LT4 when Mr. Siva was in Vietnam. Supposed to be studying, but look what we ended up doing instead? Cam-whores! Wahahaha...taken on the 29th of October, 2005. Taken from Eddie.
Enough of pictures. I'm out! Will upload mine soon...
*Bluesy* out!
P/P/S: This post was written by the author, who was inspired by her current classmates and fellow bloggers: Franz, Roya, and Jonathan.
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