Saturday, September 24, 2005

I'm British...

As I told you before, I'm going to change my citizenship if Daniel becomes the next Malaysian Idol. Well, guess what? I'm no longer Malaysian. I'm having two citizenships by the way. I'm partly British and New Zealander. Why New Zealander, you ask? I noticed I've been eating kiwi fruits of late and actually ENJOY eating them while watching Paul Moss on TV! And I adore Paul Moss very much. So that's why I'm half Kiwi. LOL...

I noticed that I like older men. Men who are in their 40s. Paul Moss. Jose Mourinho (Jay is going to laugh in my face!). George Michael (wait, he's gay, but what the hell? He rocks my socks!). I don't know what is wrong with me. But I know, these three guys definitely make my day. But still I love Frank Lampard and the gang of 20+ years old guys. Hehe...

I really felt Nita performed better than Daniel, and that she deserved the Malaysian Idol tag more than Daniel. She has stronger vocals, and a great deal of charisma, things that Daniel lacks. Daniel slurs too much, I can't understand an ounce of English he says when he sings. I feel bad for Nita though. She is the clear cut Idol, in my honest and humble opinion, that is! I can bet you that FarahMexx is pissed off as well. Farah, let's go slap Daniel, shall we?

And my mother is watching Malaysian football. Selangor vs Perak. My mum is a true Selangor fan, and she is screaming her heads off since Selangor is winning. I have nothing to say, really.

And Wayne Rooney thinks Chelsea lack respect? That coming out of someone who has a serious anger management problem seems a little far-fetched, don't you think? What do you expect from sour grapes? Sweet wine?

And I love older men.

*And I vow never to wear make-up for it will only make me hide behind a mask. A mask that covers up the things I lack. Things like my flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses. Make-up makes you look fake, oblivious to the real world, and superficial. Allah S.W.T. knows how I feel about make-up. Amin!*

And I love Jose Mourinho and Paul Moss very much! I'm so crazy right now.

And I miss my *Richard Stereng* and the *Cheeky Monkey* too! Boy, they looked hot tonight!

I'm in a very *miang* mood now...LOL! I love Frank Lampard, Paul Moss...enough's enough! I'm so *miang* now. LOL...someone save me, please.

*Bluesy* out!


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