Friday, September 23, 2005


Stella, no amount of *thank-you's* can match the sacrifice you made, just for me. I got so upset listening to Kav's *Will You Wait For Me?*, seriously. I really dreaded listening to the last two lines of the second verse:

*Do you remember how it was,
when we never seemed to care?
The days went by so quickly,
Cos I thought you'd always be there.
And it's hard to let you go,
Though I know that I must try.
I feel like I've been cheated,
Cos we never said goodbye...*

I felt really bad since me and Jay never actually had a proper parting when we decided to go our separate ways. It did bite me for the past 4 days, while listening to this song. And then Stella, she suggested that the two of us (as in me and Jay) be together for 2 that we'd actually have a *real and proper* parting. That has to be the sacrifice of a lifetime (be it even for 2 weeks) that she has ever done. I know it seems unfair to her, and awkward for me, but she had said that it will make her happy to see her two favourite people get together for one (probably) last time. Stella, I'd like to say thank you so very much. I hope that in more or less two weeks, I will finally sort out the confusions I'm left with due to this improper break-up. And trust me, my recent break-up had nothing to do with this confusing yet unacceptable ordeal. Take my word for it. so, for two weeks, I'm taken by a charming yet dim-witted young man named Jeevan Santa Cruz. Love you so much till it bleeds. You should know that by now, right?

Anyway, today was relatively a wonderful day. My draft on John Nash had been approved. And then I went to Great Eastern Mall. And a very funny thing happened there. I was standing outside the food court looking at the German band perform for the German fest being held there. And this lady who was walking and stopped DIRECTLY in front of the food court and asked me: *Adik, mana food court?*...being the polite soul I am (don't laugh!), I pointed it to her, and she thanked and went in. Weird, right? We are going to get new sofas soon. *Whee* should be fun. And I am saying this once and only once. THE RECLINER IS MINE!!! Every furniture shop we stepped into that actually sold recliners, I actually got to sit on them and give them a proper *test-drive*. I practically sat on the sofa sets my parents were interested in. And I made my opinions on them just by lying on them! Of course, shoes off the chair, that is! See how significant I am in making a decision on furnitures? Just by lying on them? Miera, I know you fell off the chair again, but don't make fun of me.

And I noticed that whenever I got out and buy something, some people would call me *kakak*. What is wrong with these people? I'm so much smaller than them, and they call me *kakak*! And the weird thing is that when I was complaining to my mum bout this matter, I called the waitress *adik*. I'm seriously getting older. Oh well, two WONDERFUL weeks till I officially turn the big 1 8. Yes, 18. And I expect really big presents from all of you reading this! LOL...anything would do really, little wishes or presents or cards or messages will do for me. And if *Corpse Bride* is out on the 6th of October, I WILL go and watch it. Birthday treat. My birthday is like a day or two after the start of the fasting month. Yay, the only chance of me losing weight is happening is less than 2 weeks!'ll be amazed at how much of weight I'll lose in one month of fasting.Last year, I lost 4 kilos. Usually I'll lose around 2-4 kilos.

And I'm wondering whether cats, and even other animals, have sexuality issues like us, human beings.

*And I vow never to wear make-up for it will only make me hide behind a mask. A mask that covers up the things I lack. Things like my flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses. Make-up makes you look fake, oblivious to the real world, and superficial. Allah S.W.T. knows how I feel about make-up. Amin!*

*Bluesy* out.


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